Considering T-34 is now in Moscow, we need King Tiger in Normandy

King Tiger(p), with M36 as its counter.

Very balanced, just as T-34. @1942786 Please make Normandy as balanced as Moscow


Very based, don’t forget another point: Panther should be in Tank I squad, just like T-50. M2 Carbine should be replace with Johnson Semiauto, just like ZH29 vs AVS36. Then Normandy would be the “most balanced campaign”, wouldn’t it?


yeah I don’t see what could go wrong :clown_face:


considering that 3 levels remain, the chances of pershing / KT2 at the final level are high

As long has there is a good counterpart :slightly_smiling_face:.
Having a Tiger I in the hills shooting HE to beaches and almost impenetrable to the Allies tanks is a pain.

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Jumbo spammers are going to die for sure with the King Tiger’s gun. Tiger on the hills on beach maps where shooting jumbos are still a pain with the small MG port due to the distance.


nah, just add pak43 to engineers, its king tigers gun basically

The Nazi woody?


uuuh at least the panzer 3b’s 37mm could take out the t-34, it’s got same armor as t-50 and that thing could (doesn’t mean it will always) go through the turret, while stuart, jumbo, m4a2 have no change in hell of taking that out.

The way around this turkey shoot is to spawn a radio squad or two on your team and use the smoke screen.
The only issue with that approach is the shitty terrain that will defeat your forces ability to maneouvre anything else than infantry
 As it stands there is no point spawning allied armour on that map. The terrain is just so badly modelled.
Drop lots of smoke burn some time, spawn planes and bomb your way off the beach. That’s how I’ve seen it done quite a number of times now.

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Normal Tiger is better anyways, has harder to penetrate turret hitbox

Normal tiger better than King Tiger? :joy:

from my experience in berlin yes.

Only if the Allies get B-17s and Lancasters.


It’s fine thought. Jumbo spammers are ass. I’d love using a Pershing however

Yeah, don’t forget about germans having 50kg bomb loads instead of 250kg, ofc keeping P-47 as it is. You also have to replace panzerfausts with pzb.

Never used in normandy or even close. So plz no.

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Ofc. But neither jumbo, or many other bizarre things in Enlisted
 I’d like a “continuation” of Normandy campaign to go in the Ardennes or a bit later. Would make more sense with Pershing or even fat jumbo.

Regular tigger is smaller and more manouverable. When angled, it can’t be penetrated by anything but firefly.

While tiger 2 is huge, and its turret can be penetrated even by premium jumbo.

then you might like this old idea of mine :wink: Seignfried campaign? - English speaking section / Suggestions - Enlisted

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