Concern for the future of this game

thats not answering my question

both sides have a over abundance of AT so both are not historically realistic

HP system - not conected to gun mechanics but to tank damage model (E0 : HLL0)
AT abundance - enlisted 75% (because I’m nice), HLL 50% (E0 : HLL1)

Numbers? Like mentioned 50% and 75% ?

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opps forgot i was editing but any way see above

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Then ask it again. Because I forgot it :stuck_out_tongue:

HLL - abundance of AT, not realistic
enlisted - even bigger abundance of AT, even more not realistic

HLL more realistic than enlisted, math (kind of, I guess it counts as fuzzy logic)

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well no ill bring into the fact that you can have AT weapons teams in enlisted that would have historically realistic %100 saturation of AT so enlisted’s overbundance of AT is subjective
as the player can choose to run a anti tank battlion in role play and still be “historically realistic”

So enlisted has more realistic weapons.

Next you mention grenades so I mention explosive packs.

So enlisted has more realistic AT options.

So HLL can have 2 man bazooka/PTRS/PzSchreck teams. Still realistic.

So a draw in the best case scenario (one where we assume special squads). and HLL wins in the worst case scenario (one where we assume regular squads).

We will bark more tommorow. I need some sleep. Good night

thats still not answering the question, thats attempting to mislead
it would not take much brain power to see that the comment is taken out of context and the whole comment alludes to guns

yea they kinda are as with the det pack you have to get it under or on top of, and depending on the tank and where it is, its not a guarantee kill , soo enlisted has a better system

ahh no they cant, as all the squads are 6 man and not AT squads?

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  1. A rifle with a scope deals more damage than the same rifle without the scope.

  2. Artillery with a maximum range up to 15 km can shoot only up to 1600 m.

  3. A tank with destroyed tracks can move across the battlefield.

HLL is a very poor and simplified game which only pretends to be “realistic”.

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we have same problem with BA/SA rifles that use same cartridge.

idk how big the hll maps are, but i recon that they arent 15km. so i would see this just an adaptation to game mechanics.

well that is what tanks wheels are for. :stuck_out_tongue:
but on serious note tanks in enlisted get stuck pebbles or on terrain that they really shouldnt have a problem moving on.

both have questionable choices/bugs so i wouldnt cast the first stone.

“Since the semi auto rifle uses part of the spent round’s gases to operate the bolt and chamber a new round, it takes away from the bullet’s speed and, in the end, the distance it can be effectively and accurately fired.”

Speed = energy (damage)

They are not a “wheels”. What moves the tank is that thing in blue circle and tracks:


Im seriously suprised that someone can think that a tank has “wheels” :scream:

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btw svt-40
mosin nagant

it was a nerf to the semi auto rifles since ages, afore they where the same damage but every one just spammed the semi auto rifles and the devs got shat on in game so they changed it

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i know that… just saying that both game arent innocent of artificially inflating damage for balance (or whatever other reasons)…

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What wonders me the most is that - creators of HLL have some serious lack of knowledge or just - they take all FPS players as the worst possible idiots.

That game is so dumb, unplayable and unrealistic but somehow - people still buy it :poop: :poop: :poop:

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Wow what an enlightening view.
We should take this as an a prior knowledge an name it “wieloglow’s theorem on how guns work” and every army on the earth must adopt it

If they go full arcade they will end up as cheap cod/bf copy free fps. And it will en up in forgotten games graveyard like many of games ended up.
They are not willing to go full milsim or haedcore since they appeal to very niche populous within gaming community.
Best ai balance is cod 1 or 2 style ai bots. Not super soldiers but also not sitting ducks.
Alternatively; battlefield 2 bots.
Squad control can be copied from brothers in arms or easy red
Im not sure about gunplay. Damage stats can stay as same but we really need proper gunsway and recoil than wild dispersion

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Like I said - a tank with destroyed tracks can move across the battlefield. A game for a retards :clown_face:

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Just like in enlisted.

Enlisted has rocket artylery fighting at distances <1km and no option for indirect fire.

Finally a true statement.

Yes, HLL is not realistic.
But saying that enlisted is more realistic (outside of tank damage models) is a lie.

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Then ask the question again in different words because apparently I don’t understand it.

Most tanks can be destroyed by explosive pack placed anywhere.
Also you are again arguing about tank damage models, not guns. So top changing the topic.

You are just biased man. Do you know it?

First you complain that in HLL you can make 2 man squad with AT launcher. Now you say you can’t do that because of 6 man squads. (Yes, they can.)

I don’t know if I want to continue this convertion if you continue to do more of tjis mental gymnastics.