Concern for the future of this game

kinda not hopeful for the longevity the game
it seems as time goes on the devs are really scraping the bottom of the barrel for content to SELL us, and even as far to restrict the most common armoured vehicles of the war to “premium”

i came and started playing this for a WW2 shooter and yet every game every one but the bots are running around with prototype weapons that were never used or weapons that preformed so badly that they were discontinued

all i see on the forums is people always wanting some think stronger to counter this, while not realizing that by adding such a thing the other side now has the same argument, hence the dreadnought effect and this is horrible path to go

all the game modes are boring and dull, and each game is a one way curb stomp where either you get entirely squashed or the game moves so fast that you dont earn much in xp and feels like your playing cod

the upcoming “merge” im not looking forward for as relegating weapons to tiers means that either for thoses who want to play the game in somethink resembling historically accurate will end up playing against teams that are historically inaccurate
{why the hell are bolt actions rifles not all in tier one?}

all the maps are designed so poorly, usually only offering one way to the objective and that is forward with no space to flank.
the objectives are so small that one person can easily kill off the other team on the point by spamming mortars and HE tank shells and that people constantly complain about tanks “camping” in the grey area…all due to bad and small map designs

the game cant decide if its a arcade or hardcore game mode, we have the movement of a arcade game, but yet we have realism tank mechanics, plane mechanics and mostly realistic gun mechanics

planes are rather shocking done, with just able all of them
preforming the same with the only difference in turn radius, and in most cases leads to a game of leap frog of kill and be killed

all in all im sure that either the devs have no care for the game, have no vision for the game and its going to end up either as a horrible frankenstein’s monster relying on patch to patch to keep the player base but constantly adding rubbish to the game to appease the brain dead masses, or they will abandon the game entirely


facts :fire:


Sounds like World of Warships
But to be honest, the future of this game is really worrying.
The game has not explored deeper gameplay and gameplay over the past year, and they have not modified some old gameplay that has serious problems.
Instead, new weapons are constantly added to retain players. This behavior will make the game quite bloated. In the end, everyone will get super OP weapons with similar performance.
has no meaning? Everyone has similar weapons, so why not learn Battlefield 5 and everyone can use the same weapon pool?
For example, the U.S. Army recently acquired the T20, the Soviet Army’s AVT, and the German Army’s FG42-2. Their gameplay is too similar.
What players need is not OP weapons, but more interesting gameplay and more maps. I have been emphasizing that World War II weapons have been mined enough, but on the contrary, World War II maps have not been over-explored because of the addition of new weapons. Much easier than adding new maps
There is no Reichstag in Berlin, and there is no Iwo Jima in the Pacific War.
My only hope for the merger is that it can be extended to the Cold War and get rid of the embarrassing situation of World War II.
It’s no exaggeration to say that World War II has been ruined by the developers and it’s turned into a mess


they dont need to extend into the cold war to breath life into the game
they need to stop adding paper weapons
they need to enhance the weapons mechanics

  • adding and revising the bullet pen
  • adding suppression on near miss with high cal weapons
  • remove dispersion but keep it for large mag smgs
  • better impact effects
  • fix bipods
  • fix mines
  • allow for ammo customization,

new game modes that are not trash
new kinds of squads
better maps
better games and so on

yes they have rather ruined ww2 but they have a great foundation that i would like to see a great game built apon and hence why im still around


We know how much of a shitshow a cold war or modern setting where it doesn’t translate well to mechanics designed for a WWII game like Gaijin still use WWII map designs and mechanics for modern tanks. There’s also this problem in War Thunder with late war tanks fighting post-war tanks due to BR.


I too have huge doubt about the future of the game…
It was a squad based, Campaign centred WW2 game…looks like it will become a bloated COD/WT/prototype drudgefest.


:kappa: :pogchamp:


One thing I could think of to make things more interesting Have bipods working and give both sides 100 rounds MG or more ammo so we can actually have kill zones and suppression mechanics as you are going on about because if we have these things the matches wouldn’t be so quick and people have to actually use their brain instead of just zerg rushing and objective when it’s clearly a kill zone.


current games: spam of assault squads with flamethrowers, a lot of phosphorus, molotovs and rush rush rush, little experience, the games end very quickly


belt ammo for mg 42 and weapons who used it PLEASE


Wouldn’t have this problem if we force people to use their brains and Kill zones were actually a thing and they worked and MG nests actually functioned like they’re supposed to like aiming down or something but apparently that’s impossible.


specially if you are axis player, compare the light and heavy machine gun from engie and machine gun squad and you will see how allied one can aim up and down,left and right MORE than axis one…


Balance reasons cough cough bias

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Since I started playing the game two years ago, it seems like they want to develop towards the style of the Battlefield series and gradually abandon the original historical style.

They should really rethink what the game is and what makes it unique (in my opinion, the AI ​​squad) and improve the gameplay based on that feature.


Unless they plan to introduce a medium machine gun, the MG42 with belt will just become the next run and gun meta
As an role of LMG, 50 drums are enough

Tell that to the allies of Normandy with plenty of 100 round weapons Or the Soviets of Berlin with plenty of room Clearing options


I have the same opinion on those things

If you are referring to 1919A6
It’s not OP due to the rate of fire
But still, it should be a squad weapon, not a regular LMG

As for Vickers
I thought from the beginning it should use the old iron sights
And it was only used for airport defense in history and has nothing to do with paratroopers at all.

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Slower rate of fire means more accurate shots and if you seen Tunisia do you know how easy it is for everyone to get Paratrooper squads so where you want to admit it or not some campaigns are overfilled with 100 round weapons in other campaigns are questionable To say the least.

And good luck with that one the community would likely murder you before you even make any dent and their glorious 100 round weapons.

So I don’t see a problem if the Germans get a 100 round MG or 150 or 250 and if the allies can have a nonexistent belt and still have 100 rounds then the Germans can do it too.

and if you look closely there’s barely 100 rounds there and yet there is for some reason.


say me that with the japan one, it’s not good one…and you know it


Overall I agree.
I started playing this game because I wanted a ww2 fps and option to command a squad of AIs was a dream come true.
But nowdays it feels more like a ww2 themed hero shooter. Sad but if that’s what sells, then what can I do.

Before somebody will start shouting at me about it being a game, not a history book blah blah blah.
Yes, I know. Surprising, isn’t it.
But I really hate that devs add those wacky prototypes left and right just because. And at the same time they don’t add or paywall gear that was actually used.


The Japanese are a special place and they may as well be magical unicorns at this point and they got this horrible excuse of a gold weapon order as well.

Type Hei rifle late

when they should have got something like this instead.
Could we change this gold weapon for something else Type Hei rifle (late - Suggestions - Enlisted