Concern for the future of this game

Tell that to the allies of Normandy with plenty of 100 round weapons Or the Soviets of Berlin with plenty of room Clearing options


I have the same opinion on those things

If you are referring to 1919A6
It’s not OP due to the rate of fire
But still, it should be a squad weapon, not a regular LMG

As for Vickers
I thought from the beginning it should use the old iron sights
And it was only used for airport defense in history and has nothing to do with paratroopers at all.

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Slower rate of fire means more accurate shots and if you seen Tunisia do you know how easy it is for everyone to get Paratrooper squads so where you want to admit it or not some campaigns are overfilled with 100 round weapons in other campaigns are questionable To say the least.

And good luck with that one the community would likely murder you before you even make any dent and their glorious 100 round weapons.

So I don’t see a problem if the Germans get a 100 round MG or 150 or 250 and if the allies can have a nonexistent belt and still have 100 rounds then the Germans can do it too.

and if you look closely there’s barely 100 rounds there and yet there is for some reason.


say me that with the japan one, it’s not good one…and you know it


Overall I agree.
I started playing this game because I wanted a ww2 fps and option to command a squad of AIs was a dream come true.
But nowdays it feels more like a ww2 themed hero shooter. Sad but if that’s what sells, then what can I do.

Before somebody will start shouting at me about it being a game, not a history book blah blah blah.
Yes, I know. Surprising, isn’t it.
But I really hate that devs add those wacky prototypes left and right just because. And at the same time they don’t add or paywall gear that was actually used.


The Japanese are a special place and they may as well be magical unicorns at this point and they got this horrible excuse of a gold weapon order as well.

Type Hei rifle late

when they should have got something like this instead.
Could we change this gold weapon for something else Type Hei rifle (late - Suggestions - Enlisted


I have a feeling the next focus is going to be AI after the merge. It’s the selling point of the game and there have been many advancements in the field in the past year.

I did notice AI seemed more immersive in the test server. Moved more realistically. And that’s what they need to focus on to bring attention to this game.


I haven’t experienced that at all

matches are not only unbalanced but also missing flavour, I’d love if each game mode would differ on how you play them, how it affects playstyle, longer? shorter? more tactic? more run n gun? more careful? vechicles stronger or weaker? that sort of thing.

that is sooo true, most of the caps are too damn small.

true, it’s very clear, infantry combat is way to arcade for me and it doesn’t resonate with vechicles at all.

overall very good post, truth has been spoken.

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I never have agreed more :+1:


the only thing they need to do with the AI BOTS in the squad is remove them completly.

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nah, you can go play CoD or Battlefield for that


why do you love the fucking bots in this game ?
can i have a reasonable answer
since when multiplayer games filled with bots are a good thing ?

BOTS are not going to be the way you like.
they will always be respawn points
very poor ones since they follow you

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they are still in development lol it’s the core foundation of the game and they aren’t going anywhere. They just need better coding


in all these years they never improved them
and you dont want to either :smirk:
good bots is the equivalent of cheaters

you have no idea what you’re talking about


do you want bots to react like real players.?
it will never happen

you will either have dumbass bots like we have now
or the equivalent of cheaters.

prove me wrong.

I personally love the bot system in this game. customizing a somewhat useful squad and hopping on the fly from one to another is the best part of the game, at least for me

you just have to understand what are the bots in this game, and its uses. you can hold em back as respawns, send em all to death to a point, use em as bait, even form firing squads if you order them separated.they wont be humans, nope. they are just a resource, like i said somewhere, think like minions in LOL, or troopers in titanfall. meat for the grinder.

…and for an extreme amount of players too, seeing the stats someone said something like only 5% of the playerbase played lone wolf, when it was official and available, right next to squads.


hopping around from one bot to the other
to be fully disoriented and geting killed cause all the bots are now in the open
exposed to the guy who killed you the first time
yes. you love that I DONT. :rofl:

you cant hold them back as we all would like :smirk:
there is a reach limit
if you break that limit they will follow you.
geting exposed to everything.

What a waste of resources, you know i run with the minimal bots in my squads.
last thing i want to see is my teammate being a 9 rifleman squad
getting wiped out and se the reinforcment number go down fast.

that way is how i reach the first cap point with 500 reinforcment
and i want to quit the match cause already know im going to lose.

there is a lot of wrong things in this game.
that i doubt will be fixed . :smiling_face_with_tear:

instead we have those stupid prototypes.
so we can be distracted of all those little and no so little things that make the game experience miserable.

btw im playing tunisia allies right now.
so im burned out. :weary:

Tell me the truth…do you really think a game as unpolished in all areas as this one is would survive if it didnt had a special unique gimmick? as bad as that gimmick is, it would be worst without it, i think.

terrible time to play tunisia allies, im afraid, it turned into axis PvE lately.

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and that gimmick is matches full of bots
so they can mask the LACK OF PLAYERS.

nice gimmick. :rofl: