Compensation of Stalingrad Full Access

Greeting, Comrades. As we all know, a new system is on the way, and it doesn’t goes well with Stalingrad full access, meaning 4x boost and a bunch of slots are disabled. Although the developers said something about compensation, it still seems that the amount of it will be disproportionately less than the damage caused, therefore, I propose the following option:

For the USSR: give the ability to purchase equipment and weapons received under Lend-Lease, as well as weapons from imperial stocks

For Germany: give the ability to purchase captured weapons from the occupied countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, etc., etc.) , as well as weapons they used during WWI.

*it is implied that most of these weapons are available, or will be available in other tech trees

Also, at the same time, I would like to see some boost, at least a permanent 50-75% booster, since previously 4x was related to one campaign out of 6 currently available.

Do you have something else to suggest?


do you mean only those players who bought stalingrad full access should have abilities you described in your suggestion or what?


yep, if you have something else to offer - you’re welcome.


the only working solution will be a simple one. giving people 2 permanent free slots for all situations (i expect the new game version will let you build 3 different armies for every nation, 1 low, 1 mid, 1 high BattleRating).

this would be quite expensive to buy and therefore free additional slots are generally the most pleasant thing to have in the game.


just wait for Q&A and see what they are planning. anything before that is just pointless speculation.


Or just give them one year premium or whatnot.

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You put money into a game knowing full well that it was in beta. The game reminds you that it is subject to change every time you log in.

You are not really owed any compensation at all, much less the permanent and exclusive boosts and advantages you are suggesting. They are outrageous.

A more reasonable compensation is some gold added to your account. Giving you some of your money back.

If they give you anything as compensation, be grateful for it, because they did not have to.


Sadly Darkflow is really stingy and greedy so i doubt they will give us tanks like Sherman 76mm, Churchill, Matilda, Valentine and multiple US/UK rifles, lmgs and smgs, ruskies also got bikes which they are missing atm.

They would still need to model them first so not a chance atm.

That’s pretty meh bonus it should be 100% at bare minimum, it should stack with premium acc time and premium squads/vehicles. Slots should get converted or compensated.


If you want to people to abandon game then sure don’t give us anything back for paying them money, we paid for well defined perks and bonuses,so if you treat your customers like dirt then don’t be surprised if your yearly income will skydive into nothingness. No compensation = i will never spend any money on Gaijin games ever again.


I would also like to remember that a few days before they made the merge plan public, they made a discount for SG.

Why the hate?


How is it treating customers like dirt? They make it very clear the game is in beta and that things may change. If people failed to understand that and spent money anyways, that is on them.

They may over price their items, but in this specific case its fair play.

Then it’s noting but a scam and misleading their customers. Why not remove all premium squads we have purchased some day without any compensation or how about wipe of your entire progression? You would say it’s fine because it’s just a beta test. You don’t really want to make people mad like that since with Full Access packs case they paid real money for a product that they wanted to have not just temporary for few months but permanently, so you better be generous with compensation of removed/changed features. You people love being abused by wealthy corporations, you should demand better treatment and not agree with them.


i mean, surely the slots will remain. right?

other than that, those are valid arguments.

and i hope those will be addressed in the next Q&A


You are starting to strawman argument there…I never said I liked corporations abusing anyone.

However, I fully understand what a game in beta means…and it seems like you need to do some research because you clearly do not understand it.

Lets put it this way. Say if you wanted to go so far as to sue a company for money spent on a product in beta. Either by investment or by purchases. You would have no legal ground to do so, because they make it repeatedly clear that the game is in an unfinished state and is subject to change. When you spend your money, you spend it knowing that risk.

Now, should they compensate you? Yes. If they want to keep good faith in their community, it would be wise to give you a little something in exchange for what they took away. They are not obligated to however, and making such outrageous demands such as those posted above is pure entitlement.

They will likely give you a bit of gold and/or silver. That will be plenty. (edited to be less offensive)


I do not like the idea, you mentioned big amount of equipment that you want to restrict for only those who bought stalingrad full access, all that equipment should be obtainable by regular player (like sub-tree in tech tree), not to mention that playerbase would get angry.

Compensation is a good idea but it should be something more common like extra amount of silver currency added after merging campaigns, not privileges that other players no more can obtain.

If I had a choice I would choose massive compensation but I think that all suggestions like that are unrealistic and those will never happen


It is debatable, because it will be unfair to the one who pay much higher price for extra slot in other campaign.

Well, it was bad idea to make the kind of full access with xp, that goes nowhere while you playing (purple levels) …

As i said, that kind of weapon will be available in the other tech trees for free

I haven’t clarified the amount of it yet.

Idk, I’d like to see more uncommon (like zk and kiraly, which you will never find in other games) weapons from occupied countries, but they couldn’t do a full tech-tree from that…


Imaging still going on with the Beta argument consider the AAA prices for some squads.


but it was included in the pack.

so… you win some, you lose some.

well, guess we’ll see.

Let them have cake.

Dunno why the ship is sinking.

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