Compensation for the deletion of the Stalingrad Engineer Automatic Rifle

When the integrated update was released to the public, QnA said that the assault rifle, a perk of the Stalingrad Engineers, would be retained. This statement was made in a QnA in May 2023, about 5 months ago. After the integration plan is announced, users begin to prepare for integration. Some users collect various goods, while others research other campaigns to research the weapons they want faster.

An update is coming soon. Many users will have completed preparations. But suddenly the developers decided to remove the privileges of the Stalingrad Engineers.

This changes a lot of things: you no longer need to maintain large amounts of MKb. You need to change the armament of the two engineer squads and the armament of the other engineers. Many things that needed to be prepared for integration have disappeared.

Therefore, I hope that compensation for these changes comes along with it. Some people prepared an engineer unit throughout integration, bought MKB, and now the game developer has erased the meaning of that. That’s all. Please show sincerity to your users. This may be one of the ways to resolve the loss of trust.


You are right, we need compensation
Perhaps the two engineering squads at Stalingrad could be turned into activity squads


i guess turn them into like special squad for people that play before the merge


Or something more special like the golden pistols if we get like silver bolt action rifles or something like that as compensation

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You can make a ton of silver by selling those weapons and soldiers after the update, since they’re max level. It’s not really a loss.

the biggest issue isnt even the time/currency lost, but loss of trust between customers and DF. people who get fucked over multiple times in a row due to broken promises wont have enough trust in the future to spend real money.

thats what many small companies dont understand. building up enough trust will result in high sell volumes over time, but it takes a while and generous treatment to earn that trust.
there are giant companies in the world atm who are objectively worse than competitors, but still profit from the trust they build up over past decades and now their boomer customers flood them with money, DF needs to understand and follow that principle.


A premium squad, if you will


What’s your suggestion, then? In your opinion, would it be better to leave AR’s on Engineers even though the devs feel that it’s not good for the game after the merge? This, just so that some (likely not very large) percentage of people who purchased Stalingrad won’t feel damaged?

Yeah, they changed their mind. It’s unfortunate to say one thing and then decide to change course but, in this case, it seems pretty reasonable in terms of decision making if they feel it is better for the game.

But my cute sniper squads :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


LOL, I was so close to going full MKb sniper squads, but I am in love with the MP-717(r).

Yes they should keep them we paid real money for them, we grinded them, we spend a lot of time to crew them, we were promised on two occasion that we will keep them forever. All they need to lock those Stalingrad engineers to keep mkb42 and nothing stronger when it comes to AR no mp43/1 no stg44. Why is this supposed to be overpowered? You can equip fg42 ii which is way stronger, and i see no complains from anyone or even DF it’s just fine, you can equip g43 kurz which is the best rifle in a game. No problem from DF. Why are weapon just barely better than mp40 is so demonized while Americans can spawn with 6x paratroopers that have insanely op drum tommyguns that can land anywhere they want and also equip other weapons that were upgraded for free just for paying real money. This is fine not op right? because someone paid real money.

Just make that f2p squad of engineers grindable during yearly events like Maus in War thunder it shouldn’t be a problem. For Stalingrad FA pack we should still be able to have two squads of them and also let them be in other stalingrad squads like Sniper squad.

If they change mind so often like teenager girl that keep saying she loves you and then cheats on you every week with different dude then i will break up with her and not spend any more money on that hoe. How would you trust someone that keeps on lying and changing their mind so often? What’s are they going to remove next maybe my premium squads or maybe cut my premium time by half? Because they feel like it.


If it is only for Stalingrad engineers, then it would only be a small number of the community with this ability, as you said.

If it was for all engineers, then up the BR to where it is equipped specifically for an engineer so much that they won’t be able to cheese people who are not equipped to handle them. This will ensure that the MKb will continue to be used but also ensures a downside (better-equipped enemies) for equipping it.

Regardless of whether the current decision and lack of compromise dissatisfies players or satisfies them, these are buyers who spent money on the game. Dark Flow can afford to lose some players; they cannot afford to lose buyers and people who spend money on the game.


I dont mind that we could lose the ability to get mkb for engineers if we get something in return for losing it.

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I think it was great that they finally removed the Mkb, better to keep weapon roles distinct.

Either way I think this is a perfect solution and keeps everything in sync

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Just like how I appreciated the Mkb being removed for clarity’s sake, I think the Gewehr 43 Kurz should be tweaked as well. I’d say it’s technically an assault rifle and should be given to Assaulter. And I’m not entirely sure the if the burst fire is real, but I could be wrong, but if the actual weapon was just automatic I’d like that changed as well

Plus change the Gorov from a universal to an LMG

There are a few other weapons to be tweaked as well

I’d say Paratroopers are not that common these days. They were much more common when they were new and shiny but now I only see them once in a while. I even only use them once in a while

And Paratroopers aren’t necessarily OP. I’ve wiped out a few shortly after dropping. I’ve also thought of ways they could be tweaked or overhauled

I’d say things aren’t black and white, they are very complicated with lots of different factors. Player skill, timing, team composition, team performance, and plain old circumstance and the right/wrong place at the right/wrong time

Darkflow is probably too lazy to create new model, they want to get over Stalingrad FA and move to new premiums while breaking all promises except one with slots :rofl: As long as it would have selectable fire and i could set it to auto by default i don’t mind for it to exist wiki says it had 500 rof so very similar to current mkb42(h), slightly worse muzzle velocity of 640 and same ammo size of 30. They better not nerf the accuracy and increase recoil otherwise it will become useless at mid range.

But i don’t know how would you implement that unless they would give us refund of those mkbs we have purchased (but they can also be equipped for assaulters so not gonna happen) or give copy of that gun for every mkb copy we have in the inventory. It’s probably too complicated for them so yeah not going to happen, DF hates complicated things they proved that with converting slots which was a failed project and quickly abandoned.


I don’t think Stalingrad engineers should be allowed to wear assault rifles, but I think all engineers should be allowed to wear assault rifles.
Because I bought the Stalingrad Access Pack because I heard that engineers could equip assault rifles.
They have completely messed up the rate of fire and single-shot accuracy of semi-automatic rifles. As a result, I no longer have any expectations for iconic Second World War rifles like the G41, G43, M1 Garand, Zh-29, and others.

Therefore, even if it’s not their strong suit, at least rifles like assault rifles should be made available for riflemen and engineers.

i never said its good to let them stay with the OP engineers, since it would create whining from every wave of new players. they just need to give a refund. i dont even care what exactly, but it should satisfy all the disenfranchised players. a 15€ coupon for premium squads would be smart. some would spend it on some inexpensive squad, others would buy a 30€ one and pay 15€ real money to gaijin and the customer trust is reinstalled. its win-win for both sides.

inb4 “but then they will earn 15€ less mimimi” no they wont, since these players definitely wouldnt have spend a single cent on overpriced squads after getting bootypirated with their stalingrad investment.


I just want to know what is gonna happen with the extra slots and what compensation there will be, it was the only reason I bought the Stalingrad whatever. Well, that and the captured papish.


Otherwise they should also remove event squads and vehis, drop squads, etc. Because it’s unfair and difficult for the new players to understand this.