Comparison of various Berlin campaign guns

Here’s a color-coded chart to more easily compare the various weapons in the game, sorted by weapon classification (bolt-action, semi-auto, SMG, LMG) and unlock level. I didn’t push distances past 200m on the comparison because… let’s be honest, unless you’re using a sniper rifle, you’re not shooting past 200m 99% of the time in Enlisted, with few capture points being more than 150 meters apart on the long end, most of the time.

For those interested in a comparison of Normandy’s guns, I have at topic on such as well; Comparison of Normandy Campaign Guns

Edit1: For my methodology on time to kill, I calculated time to kill based on 20HP, given the chances of hitting a spot other than the upper torso on the body, the vitality perk, the increased downing chance/health perk, etc. I also did factor in a missed bullet to better portray various guns as to how they actually perform. Headshots are also generally a one-hit kill regardless of the weapon, so… yeah. This is effectively a “worst case scenario with decent aim” time-to-kill, and will generally be lower in practice.

Edit 2: Title edit

Edit 3: Swapped the old image for an updated table with snipers, horizontal recoil by damage calcs, and efficiency estimates, in the same method as my Normandy thread.

Edit 4: Removed excess text to let the table speak for itself.

Edit 5: Added Normandy table link


lovely job dude.

Yeah great work. But the VG 1-5 should be in rifles since it is one :thinking:

I mean, yes, but it also stands alone as an assaulter-class weapon and a semi-auto rifle at the same time. So I put it in with the rest of the assaulter weapons / SMGs.

fair fair

Good job mate. Once again. Very useful info.

“According to our spreadsheet, everything is fine”

Gaijin & Wargaming


Updated with a few points on the OP table, in the same manner as my Normandy weapons thread.
( Comparison of Normandy Campaign Guns )

PPsh indeed has a relatively low recoil in reality. So no need to nerf them

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Most SMGs have relatively low recoil in reality compared to what is portrayed in game. The MP40 has less recoil IRL than the PPSh, but clearly not in game. So if anything is done, a lot of SMGs should just get their recoil reduced in game.


Yes, it makes sense, they should reduce the recoil of all SMG by 20%-25% except for PPD and PPsh

lmfao do you see the muzzle bouncing all over the place? This recoils way harder than an MP40 and yet the MP40 has more recoil.

@9411513 I’ve had time on SMGs when I used to work. This game shows SMGs with less recoil than IRL. Especially for people (conscripts) who don’t receive an in-depth course in weapons handling.

The gun doesn’t look like it’s recoiling that much but the muzzle drift makes your beaten zone into the size of a billboard.

IF you skip to the full auto burst demonstrations they are FAR more inaccurate, despite using an MP5 with an optic, which is known for being one of the smoothest shooting SMGs.

but yes the 1940s rushed production SMGs should have zero recoil.