Here’s a color-coded chart to more easily compare the various weapons in the game, sorted by weapon classification (bolt-action, semi-auto, SMG, LMG) and unlock level. I didn’t push distances past 200m on the comparison because… let’s be honest, unless you’re using a sniper rifle, you’re not shooting past 200m 99% of the time in Enlisted, with few capture points being more than 150 meters apart on the long end, most of the time.
For those interested in a comparison of Normandy’s guns, I have at topic on such as well; Comparison of Normandy Campaign Guns
Edit1: For my methodology on time to kill, I calculated time to kill based on 20HP, given the chances of hitting a spot other than the upper torso on the body, the vitality perk, the increased downing chance/health perk, etc. I also did factor in a missed bullet to better portray various guns as to how they actually perform. Headshots are also generally a one-hit kill regardless of the weapon, so… yeah. This is effectively a “worst case scenario with decent aim” time-to-kill, and will generally be lower in practice.
Edit 2: Title edit
Edit 3: Swapped the old image for an updated table with snipers, horizontal recoil by damage calcs, and efficiency estimates, in the same method as my Normandy thread.
Edit 4: Removed excess text to let the table speak for itself.
Edit 5: Added Normandy table link