Community Forum's List Of Reasons, As to why, they desert games

Ok you all say fix game first!
before asking for penalty’s for fracking up my games by deserting

So this thread is a place, for you all to contribute your reasons for leaving games.

Please to keep it to one post each, with all the reasons you can come up with, on, why you should just desert games.
no arguing/double posting, to make it easier for someone to hopefully read, will ask a Mod if they can try and keep thread civil.
Try to list issues, not a rant about issues, so i may try and compile the top 10 reasons.

  • Raining in map, tank gets stuck
  • To many zombie hands in name tags on opp team
  • My team color was blue, not red

So this is your chance to list all issues, in a vain attempt, to fix game, so you don’t desert.

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but reasons what are making me wonder whether i should stay in the game at all or leave outright, are:

  • lack of custom matches improvements

  • lack of customization fixes and / slow additions too far in between

  • slow editor updates

  • lack of transparity on priorities and various fixes in general, feedbacks seems to be ignored too sometimes

  • no br 1vs 2 3vs4 and 5 vs5 or something like that despite the chinese client having 0± br matchmakers for each BR. anything really at this point.

for the rest, i mean, i can live in the editor forever, but it’s not really an exiting prospect.
this game deserves better… and people deserve better.

get triggered

with that being said, even if i don’t enjoy the base game as much as i used to, you have no rights to leave outside emergencies and i, never will a single game. never did & never will

  • I’m bored of the match
  • I start play but I’m not in the mood so I alt f4 and do something else
  • Bad GFN connection
  • I get stomped or my team is stomping so hard that I can’t play
  • Train escort
  • I’m replicating some bug and I desert and re enter for check it faster

most understandable quit for me would be…
200% Xp boost and you join in already started Game which is lost… Rage Quit x)))

but i never quit, NEVER


My reason for leaving is stomp games and conquest game mode
1- if games are reasonable and close I would never leave prime example we lost on the last point and game went on for so long it was truly an enjoyable experience but I don’t want every match to be like this where I sweat maybe make BRs better no SBMM (Image from replays I forgot to take screenshot)

2- conquest I mean do I need to tell you anything more just remove this as soon as I see conquest Imma leave )

3- Also I have bad internet (Live in a shit country )so if I’m having lag or Packet lost imma leave

4- I hate train escort, too if I don’t have any boosters Imma leave it but its not as bad as conquest

5- real life sometimes I have to go and help people or I have to go cook so yeah I leave to do those

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bro my literal reason for leaving is literally because enlisted is unplayable for me today (oh you mean leaving match welp it dont really matter to me tbh)


I don’t leave the game unless I have a serious reason (family/work).
And so I stay in the game even if I am the only player on the team and there are 10 players against me.


BR3 vs BR5
Retarded Team
Boring match
Unbearable bomber planes
Conquest mode matches A, B, C, D, E
Train escort


Join a losing game
Hvar spam Just After the begening (Japan)
Plane spam (just hvar/m8 and crash)


Fucked up economy
Low gain
Bad matchmaking
No good pve mode
no chat in lobby
map design


All of those, plus:

  • I want a specific war theater (Tunisia, Moscow, etc.) but after 5 match it’s always Normandy or Berlin. I’m tired of the same thing, I switch.
  • Want to play vs a specific faction, but after 5 match it’s always the same (example, I want to fight Germany, but 5 match in a row it’s Japan. Switch)
  • THERE’S A KNOWN STACK OF PLAYERS IN ONE TEAM, BUT NO STACK IN THE OTHER example, when there’s 4 ppl with the same clan tag in the other team (or mine), but none in the other, I switch.

I generaly desert BEFORE the match starts, SO MY DESERTION DOES NOT CAUSE IMBALANCE, because I’m immediately replaced by another player.

The only reasons other than hardware failure that make me desert near the start of a game are:

  • one cap gets taken in the first 30 seconds (= one sided match, most likely)
  • I realize the entirety of my team… camp and i,m the only one pushing. Then I hop into a plane the remainder of the match, or I desert.

like @Shiivex said somewhere, I’m too old to just endure unpleasant time, for NO reason. My time is invaluable, I barely have enough time to play to have the right to post on the forums!!!


Parasites that waste time on planes but cannot kill people or ground vehicles
A battle in which the gap between the two sides is too large
Game connectivity

Various monkeys (including but not limited to)
Camping monkey holding a sniper rifle and lever rifle
Monkeys that do not enter capture points
Monkeys that won’t stay away from danger
Monkey without smoke support
Monkey blocking the window I’m using
A monkey with no eyesight who drives a car
The monkey that suddenly ran ahead caused me to die due to the rebound of the explosion
The monkey who can’t cover the meeting point
Monkeys who stack transport trucks at the end causing the truck to be unable to be dispatched
A monkey that parasitizes on airplanes and destroys several flying coffins when he’s lucky. He claims to be an expert but has extremely poor ground handling abilities.

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My abandonments are when my teammates are an obstacle to victory, when they decide to be too much of a burden that exceeds my ability as a player to win.

Yesterday , I entered a game, no one put a rally, build 1 rally and drive the rally truck too.
We were losing the point,
I was fighting alone and when, I wanted to deploy again, my team…my own team saturated the rallies with 10 seconds of waiting.
The two rallies that I built
They didn’t let me deploy in the two rallies I did.

We lost the point.
I decided that my team didn’t deserve me to lead them to victory.
I have a Noah’s Ark complex.

I can lead players to victory, but at least show a little interest in victory.

There are many bad players, they are perverse and you think they are bots that are on your team, I have seen the replays, in reality they are really questionable players in decision making and supporting the team

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There are times that my team is an obstacle to winning.

They don’t build rallies, even if I have two active rallies, they saturate it so I can’t go out and clear enemies.

They use the vehicles in such an unintelligent way, and the worst thing is when I know I can use the vehicle to clear the objective, I can’t use it because my own team has them busy.

In this game you have to use certain cards at a precise time and my team doesn’t let me use them, when they allow it we win.

They don’t mark anything at all as it is such a simple mechanic.

They die without stopping…they disconnect …their brain is off…they are there …they see what is happening but their brain is off.

  1. people want to pick maps they like, not being forced

  2. horrible map rotation. airfield is 50% in normandy and gavuto over 50% in pacific atm, which is absolutely retarded (no other word possible)

  3. people love some, hate other game modes

  4. imbalanced teams lead to bad matches

  5. if team mates are extra retarded and do stupid things like blocking plane/tank slots and not doing tanker/pilot work and you lose the game due to that, its a waste of time to stay

  6. team mates who dont put in the proper work of making rallies/bringing APCs constantly and instead tard around dont deserve the time/effort of responsible player, they deserve to lose and either learn from that, or just stay among themselves

  7. its in general a sign of people with nothing important in life/no achievements in life, if they whine about people leaving matches in a childish games. if someone thinks its “honorable” to waste ones time on boring/stupid matches, thats cringy as fuck.

  8. some people may want to try out something special and needs specific maps/situations for that. people wanting to grind mortar squads need specific maps, people wanting to grind weak fighter planes need very vehicle heavy maps, no closed city fighting. i personally need to record specific footage often times and need to play a very specific map to show that. unlike most people i dont use custom game/staged footage, only real stuff.

  1. When you can’t get any joy from fighting (I don’t care about winning or losing, silver coins and experience, I have enough)
  2. When teammates are incompetent enough that even if they are insulted, they still insist on greatly increasing game experience for their opponents.
  3. DF has released the latest trailer or new development test.
  4. Keofox once again said that the game is great and they have solved many bugs.
  5. When each developer, manager, moderator, and helper member conducts centralized QA activities

Train and technical issues.
I usually do not deliberaty leave games beyond trains, but I can fully get behind reasons why people leave.

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That what you wanted to write, mate?


iggy 2 sec healer hit heals kill the entire squad — end the clans from fk the game no clans please
they dominate every game

well i only leave if ass kills yu thru tanks concrete wall heals in 2 secs plays in the grey has br4 v br 2 and clans who deliberately play in low tier for 000s of points 220 kills these guy got iii clan iii tell me how 3 players get in a game on the same side ???
play em custom game they dont kill any where nears Thet amount 20 -44 maybe kills the Chinese - biggest frauds in the game 190 a game 100 kills 0 losses they should be banned if they in a game i leave if i see iggy the prick il l eave if i see iii ----iii clan players i leave aimbot users - this game be a lot more fun if the pay to slay cant play in low tier games - any clan players i out -