Combat notes: Battle Rating

That’s what I’m asking, it would be better

I have no idea
I often use Garand, P51D and M9 rocket launcher to get the top two places in high-level competitions.
It shouldn’t be difficult
The difference lies in the ability to cope


Just do BR 1-2,/3/4,5 3 is too powerful for 1-2 and too weak for 4-5 its that simple. Or have a free for all no BR option for people who are not babies.

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the number of memes that could come out if there was a free for all without BR xd

It’d be real handy if the squad filter feature was expanded to include BRs, as well as allowing players to select any combination of the various squad types and BRs.

Selective feedback as always…

Look, if the New player survive from MM, I doubt they last with the current economy

The MM and Economy need to change if you really care about having players at all


I like brutal battles
Can also accept the initial feeling of powerlessness
As long as you have enough combat awareness or normal teammates
The gaming experience is actually not that bad
I can’t think of any reason why level 1 cannot fight against level 3 except for the US military’s novice bombers.


Still like that on purpose
Don’t like your gains? Buy Preemie Time


Can we at the current state of the game have at least BR 3 as a separate MM, so basically “BR 1 - BR 2” then “BR 3” and “BR 4 - BR 5”.

In the end BR 3 wouldn’t be a lottery if it’s gonna be the best (vs BR 1) or the worst (vs BR 5) in the match.

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… the auto weapon presets does NOT pick the best gear, in fact it leaves your maxed out weapons and pick one that have worse quality. I always have to fix my setups on my own because of this.

As much as I hate this phrase with every fiber of my being, skill issue
BR III can hold its own against V all day long so long as you’re skilled enough

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Great. But BR is meant to balance gear, not skill. BR5 gun is stronger than BR3 gun period.

If you want to take BR3 gear vs BR5, do it.
But don’t force other ppl to do the same. It’s a game about shooting at bots, don’t expect skill to close the equippment gap from a random player who plays 2h on weekends.


I meant it more towards vehicles, as there are many complaints (that are right) where you can’t really do much if anything at all with a tank from BR 3 vs top tier BR 5 tank.

Hey, and if we eliminate the BRs for a week to see what happens, there would be no queuing, the sides would be filled with people and not bots and everyone would have a BR 5 player to carry them.

Then we would only have the problem of faction bias, one faction would have more players than the other for the simple fact that we have to unlock each thing per faction.

If the experience were shared by the factions, everyone would play with what they wanted.

And there’s a BR for that. It’s called BR II

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And what if I want to use BR3 weapons because I like them or BR1 because I have no choise? I’m screwd.

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Yes, but vehicles gonna suck, i think BR3 should just have their own BR. (infact it would be easyer with BR 1-2-3 thats all we need, and each need to face their own BR.

If your sole reason for changing BR’s is tank balance then it’s a garbage reason. Period.

This makes 2, 4 and 5 never tier down and 1 and 3 not making any sense to play.

Queues like 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5 make all tiers besides 5 possible to tier up and all besides 1 to tier down.

Do you mean that instean of “remove BR 4-5 from Stalingrad” it should be “in my opinion BR 4-5 must be removed from Stalingrad”?