Combat notes: Battle Rating

Well that was the idea from the beginning, but apparently the devs don’t think this system works.

Excellent example of why cistomization should not be as free as in WT and Enlisted.
Decals should only be allowed to be put in predetermined spots, and camouflage locked to maps and decorators in prebuild by devs packages.
Otherwise we will always get trash like this

You will face Historically accurate enemies on the according Campaign Maps, that is what they on about. Which is TRUE.
That the B.R doesn’t take into account year of service for weapons and vehicles is what makes it f up.
But you get Berlin Map and you get Soviets vs Germans, you play Pacific you get US vs Japanese, you have to give them that!

That is until they want to further up the queues like WT and ruin the historical aspect and immersion further, all for sake of player pool andsince nowadays gamers and devs have no respect of historical representation.
And we get All factions can end up on any map, on any B.R and in mixed faction Match Teams aswell, and then ofc trash decorators and skins and you have exactly same soup of piss n shit that is WT…

But let’s not be negative…
For Game to be decent represented as of now all they need to do is take year of service in regard and type/role when putting B.R on Weapons/Vehicles.
Say ur PUMA there.
It’s a Late War Vehicle so only Normandy/Berlin to begin with, It’s a Armored Car and considered best of it’s type so B.R V there you go
And Tiers should be Early, Mid and Late category instead, and within it Early get rated compared to what else in early category and so on


you clearly haven’t played this game enouh.

because watching paratroopers jumps from planes in stalingrad or berlin is fuck all but historical.

or ss units with pea camouflages left and right in early war periods.

and a long list of all historical inaccuracies.

which by definition, defies every single historical accurate aspect of what the word and meaning stands for.

which as i said, it’s fine if enlisted is not historical.

just dont’ bloody lie on official videos and answers.

because shows that both you and the advertisement team don’t know what HA even mean.

and you call enlisted " respectful " of historical representation?

never read a book about ww2, have you.

which we might get there eventually. or hopefully not.

which that’s completely beside the point.

you want to twist their own words, be my guest, i’m not gonna take your shit.

haha no.

that’s how you precisely " break " what is the merge supposed to be and do.

be balanced.

what you just made, it won’t be.

simialr to how volkssturm weapon works. theoretically, would be br V weapons, but almost no one would use them because those are not good.

and doesn’t help that if you would put them at BR 5, even less people would use them as compared to now.

so that’s the very reason why those are at a lower br.


because it won’t be balanced either.

there’s a reason the merge was made in the first place. which it would work, if you had separate queues instead of… only 2.

all to say, once again, enlisted never has been historical accurate, and never will.
so everyone should stop using those buzzword to mark a checklist and deceive a specific target audience by saying things that arent’ true…

it’s simply not a good look.

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I have big Question to all smartasses who wasting time on always talking about New Players, fix B.R for New players, adjust Game and settings and whatnow for new Players?
Who are these new players you talking about?
The Game is few years old now, It’s players are from WT.
It’s us WT players with our hard earned money spent on that Games wayy overpriced junk that made this Game, with the promise of Historical Immersion in forms of separate Campaings with historically accurate Squads, Weapons and Vehicles for each of the repective Campaings.
Most of Players came from there, WT with Infantry and Historical, decent graphics and hell a fun.
then ofc some more WW2 FPS Gamers flock and some FPS Gamers who see a cool new Game and History Nerds who goes finally!.
That’s it, you don’t get soccer moms and girls who like butterflies and horse to play this Game and never will NoR SHOuld.
You attracted in first place what people you could with game you have. When was fairly new and fresh and promising, thatn you just kept adding more weapons and vehicles and gold order ones and Campaigns with no thought on impact on game or how to handle it, to point only option as you guys saw it was to go funamentally screw up all Game and change all premise of it, shake up the foundation and turn it into bit more of a shit soup a la WT to try fill queues for some reason, since you have to make numbers right?
You can only go attract more players by making a cooler, tougher, grittier, more realistic more historically accurate Game, more inentse, better historical representation, better graphics, moreguts and blood.
That is what attracts Players and keep them playing.

There is not gonna be more Players from FPS pool join Enlisted unless more realistic gun and bullet animations, more realistic blood and smoke and you get it.

There is not gonna be more Players joining of the History Nerds joining unless you maek Game more Historical Immersive and Realistic.

And then B.R here and there and what todo for new players, ffs guys, new players find out fast what to do wand what not. You don’t nee a arrow on screen telling you run here and into tooltip telling you what todo, that is not the issue, It’s not a fcking hardcore sim atm, ffs we have hitcam for vehicles in a red to green marker, how fcking hard is it? and if you still suck you can adjust your fire with the amazin sci-fi live feed hitcam (which should be removed from Game and relegated as a tool for replay).
Then keys for game is basic WASD and point and click with mouse, so nothing fcking special there, and FPS Gamers will know what todo.
And tactics in Match? well most if not all just run headlong from point A to B and jsut pray n spray, so just run along and all good.


I mean, well if we had a “late war BR” one could have poor folkssturm weapons as “first unlocks”, which you use and replace once you get better weapons, but this would open up the question why anyone would ever use them? Since “mid war BR” gear probably be already better.

They should be cheaper, simple as that, and it’s for fun of playing other weapons, same liek anything in Gmae why play at all anything but the single best alway? because supposed to be fun?


Imagine, as a new player, you wouldn’t need to get through the entire techtree if you would prefer to play late war matches, you would start your research with the late war BR and start with poor Volkssturm weapons or poor vehicles - that would fix this whole debate, yet if I understood the fox correctly, the devs don’t believe more than two matching queues are working to begin with.

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enlisted Is, an arcade casual shooter with ww2 skins and models.
( technically, even more since they started using protos, or never created tanks such as the ho ri )

nothing more, nothing less.
weather you can accept it, or not.

at the fucking bare minimum i might add.

plus, almost no one wants that.

but you never know.

it’s always that splippery slope. if they added X or Y , why won’t they add Z or god’s know what else?

which if we don’t get new players, might as well end up like wt with cold era stuff in ww2 matches or japan vs uk on the beaches of normandy.

no, it’s more subdole.

because even on steam they keep calling this historical accurate when it’s absolutely not.

even a toddler can see differences.

but i find it funny that you keep clinging on those hopes of:

delusion at it’s core foundation.

no historical games survived for long enough because those are of niche.

which it’s why enlisted is arcade.
which it’s why enlisted is not historical accurate and never will be.

which, it’s fine. it doesn’t have to be. otherwise we wouldn’t have most of the toys and an actual live service.

as much we both would probably like a more historical game, you can only do it by mod ( and not even there since those are slow to load, and clumsy )

but once again, you don’t have to lie about it.

because your opponents will not be historical.

( heck, even italians in german uniforms at stalingrad… )


you’re one of those players that don’t know the difference between historical accuracy, and historical immersion, yet keeps using almost the two in the same sentence or to convey a point that you somehow think are related.

let me make it simple.

historical accuracy = determined set of cosmetics, units, squads, tools and vehicles used in a definied and specified campaing / settings.

which, enlisted is not.

historical immersion is apparently whatever anyone feels like.

and my gripes is not about pea camo being where they shouldn’t, i couldn’t care less.
what i care, is holding people accountable for the bullshit that they say outloud.

which i can’t argue over your own historical immersion because most likely differs from mine.

but then say so.

don’t use the buzzword of historical accuray too if you don’t know what that even is.

and… sorry to say, but enlisted once again is not historical accurate ( because of equipment and stuff that anyone can use or find among brs ) nor really that historical immersive because fairly sure people didn’t suicide bomb left and right, leaning spammed, the ammount of meta available in certain brs, the squad composition of squads themselves, nor entire platoons coming out from a fucking radio.

but you do you do.

that might be true, but you spouting nonsese is not making it easy understand what clear position you have.

because it seems people fails to understand that the only true historical accuracy can be obtained through customs.

and we lack basic customs function.

not to brag stuff, but i have been around this title long enouh since the alpha and wanted too an historical game similar to Ro2.

but it keept becoming more arcade and arcade, because there isn’t enough hardcore / historical accurate playerbase to sustain the game.

so it’s why it’s arcade. arcade allow to appease the masses.

which it’s fine. lost battle of mine and pretty much those who alligns with my beliefs of a more historial game. i presume you do too.

yet, majority of people like and guardian struggles to see that the only way to make what we few wants, is through customs.

because all you guys do is exactely:

because it seems you guys are so delusional and seriously struggle to understand that enlisted base matchmaker won’t change for few individuals.

so if you would actually improve customs, and uphold devs on their words ( such as equipment selector, improvements to customs, and make mods into events ) we could, and finally have said fucking historical events.

but no, keep lashing out to the thin air.

i’m sure it will do wonders.

as it goes for my customs improvements… i’m not having good luck because of individuals such as the majority only thinking about casual arcady games, or stubborn people such as your self not wanting to listen the others as much you want to spout your own nonsense without seeing reason or using logic to begin with.

lmao never said that.

you don’t know what comparisons are lol.

but keep going on with projections, sooner or later, you might find on that will be accurate and not made out.

sure bud

if i cared a little, maybe i would feel bad, but unlike you, one of us is putting the effort to do what she wants. the other, does not.

all i can say, good luck with that.

oh i’m sorry almighty, you must be better!

yeah frick off with that bullshit of yours, and off ya horses your highness.

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so far and beyond delusional is actually quite entertaining.

gonna say, good luck.

you’ll need it.

many people tried before you and they are all gone.
outside few.

but i’m sure " you’ll be the one ".

seriously. good luck.


I’d greatly prefer that they expand the number of squads (idea: after unlocking the “first” squad of a type, allow to buy a new squad of the same type of a random subfaction. Then when enlisting troops for the squad, limit to nationality) then limit the factions to the proper maps.

The mishmash of nationalities in wrong locations and the mixing of incorrect weaponry for theaters severely detracts from the game. They need to add a bunch of BR1,2,3 maps to the Mediterranean Theater and that would solve their problem. US and Commonwealth troops fought side by side against Germans and Italians.

Italy is the one place where they can throw everyone into the pot and make something other than bullshit stew.


I personally extremely like the way that BR3 can go up or down. I almost always sit at BR3 unless I want to play with my 506th paratroopers. Since they make me BR5, I throw in an all BR5 lineup then switch back to BR3.

I rarely encounter difficulty playing at BR3.
My BR3 lineup is my choice of the following squads(depends on how I want to play)

  • Mortar Squad- 2xMortars with M1 Carbines, an Engineer with M1Car, and a Rifleman2 with Garand

  • Radio Squad - Radio2 with Garand, Machine Gunner3 with M1918A1, Sniper2 with Enfield, 2xEngineer2 with M1 Car

  • Machine Gunner Squad - 2xMG3 with M1918A1, 1xMG2 with M1918, Sniper2 with Enfield, Radio2 with Garand, Engineer2 with M1Car

  • Machine Gunner Squad - 2xMG2 with M1918, Sniper2 with Enfield, Radio with Garand, Engineer with M1Car

  • Assault Squad - Assaulter3 with M1A1 Tommy, Engineer2 with M1Car, 2xRifleman with M1 Garand

  • P51D is always my BR3 vehicle.

All weapons are max level. All soldiers other than Assaulter3 and MG3 are max level.

…BR3 plays just fine against 4 and 5

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This idea I’ve been entertaining myself, like you say would fix that late tech that was made jsut for simplification and being cheap

Instead of B.R deciding Maps, would be nice have like West Front, Eastern Front, Mediterranean and Pacific and sort Maps and B.R like that. so people have some sort of choice of where and what campaign to go and what to fight

Tunisia’s occurrence rate is now too low
The Soviet Union and Germany only wanted to play in Moscow

Doesn’t this sound like Tiger 2 in Moscow and Stalingrad again, something you’ve been preaching against?

Moscow and Tunisia being low BR (early war) is one of the last straws that keeps this game engaging.

We are apparently stuck on a vicious cycle:

-Playerbase is too small to implement more queues.

-We don’t get more players because, between many different reasons, the matchmaker is too harsh due to uptiering.

These 2 problems loop back to each other, making it a bad idea to implement more queues before AND after the Steam release.

So, why not compromise on a middle solution? Implement a 3rd queue AT THE SAME TIME the Steam launch happens. There will be a small period in which the new players are few and queue times are longer, but with good changes that retain the newbies it would stop being a problem in the midterm.

What queues should be made? There are many options tbh, the 1, 2-3, 4-5 way seems the most friendly to newbies, but I’ll keep insisting that the queues should be more flexible (1-2-3, 2-3-4, 3-4-5) yet heavily prioritize around BRs 1, 3 and 5 (so in a BR1 game half of the players are BR1, then a bunch of BR2s, and maybe a couple BR3s). Obviously on the long term +1 matchmaking would be the end goal (or even +0 marchmaking on the very long term), but I do agree jumping from 2 to 4 queues is too much.

Of course there are many other things to solve, like:

-Silver gains, which need to be increased by roughly 50% at base (with a Premium account one has barely enough to buy the stuff they unlock and that’s it, not even enough Silver to upgrade almost anything).

-“Join any faction” button or something to prevent playerbases from concentrating on too few factions (a good game isn’t the one with lots of players but badly allocated, but the one with balanced teams).

-Map variety. I really expected another map for Japan with the next major update, like Okinawa or Manila, but seems like we are gonna be stuck in the 1942 Solomon Islands with Pershings and Ho-Ris. Lame.

-QoL and convenience changes, new players might feel overwhelmed by all the shit they have to manage in the main menu, and starter Sniper squads should be replaced with Engineers asap. Also better tutorials would be great.

I gave supported this game since CBT, the current BR system makes choosing what I want to put into battle a choice of what is truly effective and what equipment (yes premiums) I want to use.

There is redundancy across the board, TDs (have both su100, Jagtiger) not worth using, su85, lagg, axis / soviet rocket tanks, the list goes on…

I am getting close to putting my premium money on other games now, I want LVT , but lack of CBR updates, badly placed BR vehicles and planes, not to mention HA spoilt and now not an exception but normally, all reasons why my money may go elsewhere…

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Nah more like add that on top, have the shitty B.R but get to choose if fight As in per german, West Front or East Front more like that.
Better yet Put hardlock on Maps as in Moscow 1-2 Stalingrad 2-3 Tunisia 2-3 and Normandy 3-4 and Berlin 5 and better differentiate Weapons of B-R into corresponding timeframe of Maps

Dude, Steam is their last resort to get new players, if you have 2 consoles + PC playerbase and your match are still filled with bots, the game is not looking good + all the bugs, Glitches and half disfunctional features like the bipod and climbing…

I mean where else they can get new players? Epic Game Store? Lmao

Anyways I just enjoy the Steam review when “Enlisted: Reinforced” is green light in the store