Combat notes: Battle Rating

Way to kill a game?
i used to play like 15-17 hours a day when i first started playing, to have limited me, in play time, would of been stupid.


Way to kill a player?


i mean i used to play cnc red alert for like 10 hour that not good? i think? i had a good time tho

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I am a adult, my choice :smile:
Shouldnt be forced to take a break, as it a OH&S thing, for all the under adults, they have playing games :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh i did say “used” to
now i have BR V all factions, only played 3 games in last 2 weeks :stuck_out_tongue:


Although some Chinese users play on abroad servers, afaik China’s got its own version of both War Thunder and Enlisted (along with many other games), running on their own servers, with mandatory co-management of a Chinese partner company (Tencent), and slightly different in order to comply with Chinese regulations (in example, iirc there’s no representation of any national flag whatsoever outside of Chinese one and all other nations in game, although obvious, have fictional flags).

Edit: reportedly, they also get different bundles and offers in their store.

As much of a videogame addict I can be myself, if I played that much I’d soon end up like your pfp irl.


I do like like my pfp IRL :rofl:


Well, no wonder :joy:


Well when one gets on in years, the thought of sleepin rest of it away, when i can play video games, seems like a better use of time :smile:

Oh and if they make people take OH&S breaks, make sure they also tell them to exercise :rofl:
or you just waste away sitting at a PC

If WT has a special version for China
Why add this to the international version?

My best guess is that since they had to get the function in game anyway, why not having international translation ready as well, in case it’s needed later.

So just do it!

And of course you have done 2 days of testing with new systems that show that his will happen…

Sorry - sarcasm off now…

How do you know this will happen?

Your points are not well made - why would there be unpopular BR’s if low BR’s are not getting seal-clubbed, and if equipment is reasonably rated?

There are no campaigns, so that doesn’t’ apply, and battlers STILL fill up with bots currently.

Well you are not - you are making it uncomfortable and uninteresting for new players getting stomped, players trying to move “up the ladder”, and people who do have an interest in history.


No, what I am saying is that there is zero reason to call BR1 BR1 when it always faces BR3. BR1 does not exist because it faces BR3, BR1 is effectively BR3.

No matter if we are talking about the current system, or the one that you are proposing. It makes zero sense to separate weapons into BRs when they don’t get matched into different BRs.

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Next level racism.

edit, why was this fagged?

What troll would flagg me highlighting racism?

The biggest reason why low-level people have no resistance to mid-level people
Part of it is because I don’t know how to fight
In most cases, novices can use early aircraft to effectively deal with long-range tanks (except for the United States)
M8, Crusader, Cougar, and Soviet 45MM guns can destroy all level 3 tanks (only Japan has difficulty penetrating Sherman head-on)
Soviet and German 75MM anti-tank engineer guns (the other two also require large barrels)
Explosive packs, TNT, flame bottles, anti-tank weapons
These can be made up for with time and bombs

The other part is not wanting to take the fun out of fighting them.
They just want to use machine guns, tanks or short-barreled guns to harvest infantry
Or just want to use a lever rifle to fight against fully automatic weapons and sandbag machine guns?
Attack King Tiger with M8 Rockets in the Advanced Field
Usually I don’t call them nice names.
It’s almost impossible to save if you encounter it

Then why not simply forget all the ± BR nonsense, and restructure the BR system into 3 total BRs

BR1 = early war gear and maps
BR2 = mid war gear and maps
BR3 = late war gear and maps

BR1 only fights BR1
BR2 only fights BR2
BR3 only fights BR3

Done, 3 separate matching queues, if that really is too much to ask for, then the BR system has proven to be a failure.


I still think BR3 should be flexible aka be able to fight vs BR2 or BR4 but making them fight vs BR1 or BR5 is way too much.


I guess it will become the following environment
German and Japanese perspectives
KV1 will kill us
Rockets will kill us!
Big Mac will kill us!
The 85MM gun will kill us!
American machine guns will kill us!
Soviet submachine guns will kill us!

Americans and the Soviet Union
Fuck you N3
Fuck you tiger
Fuck your MP40
Fuck you leopard
Fuck your No. 5 bazooka
Fuck you MG machine guns
Fuck your planes and aerial bombs
Fuck your high-explosive machine guns

i would complain too if i was forced to play against it at BR5. Go play at BR20 you bastard. :joy_cat:


Under all results there is always someone complaining
So it’s impractical