Combat notes: Battle Rating

Why not just let the player choose their own rating band to queue in? The minimum tier being their current equipment rating and maximum being currently unlocked tier +1. So a BR1 can choose to uptier themselves to BR5 or anything in between should they feel like it, whereas BR3 can choose its own tier or to queue with 4 and/or 5. Thus uptiering becomes voluntary and not something forced onto the player.


Agreed then they can make each queue a timeframe to make the game mostly believable.

1-2: Early to mid war maps

3-4: ‘43- late ‘44 maps

5- ‘44-‘45 maps

Also early war weapons at tier 5 should be dropped to 4.

So someone posted the chinese version of enlisted has br -+0


Make it so


Which raises the legitimate question:

How many (d)uckin’ players are there on the Chinese servers?

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okay ill try to explain using my personal opionion. About why i think 3 brackets br 1-2. br 3-4 and br 5 is more balanced.

Br 1-2 as you say most of theese weapons, tanks and planes, are very similar in strength stats wise, and most players that uses theese are “relative beginners”. And should in theory work a bit more balanced, giving newer players a better experience. :slight_smile:

Br 3 Is for experienced players, and have equipment that are superior to br 2 and far superior to br 1.
Br 4 is also experienced players, and looking on stats alone they compare to br 3.
So players at this stage got mid to late war equipment and should be experienced enough to have some balanced matches.

Br 5 is for the most experienced players, with the best late war equipment
Should have the most experienced players with the best stuff to dish it out, and should in theory be equals on the battlefield.

But hey if you want 2 brackets in enlisted to be br 1-2, and br 3-4-5. :+1: Then I wont complain. :+1: Since i dont think br 3 should ever face br 1. :slight_smile:

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Do you have 10x more players as global version? Entire reason of the merge was to populate matches since we had too many ques

BR3 can’t really compete against BR5 so you would kill that BR once and for all just like BR4 is now dead and completely inferior to BR5. BR5 should be separated from BR3-4.

Id love to see the numbers. To see how far away the system is from being complete.

I dont see 2 queues growing the population…id bet it does the opposite

It’s BR +/- 0 because everyone has hacks on anyway. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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If you read the first line of my post, i said i was all in for br 1-2 and 3-4 and 5. :+1: :slight_smile:

The last part with br 1-2 and br 3-4-5. was for GeneralBrus, which i replied to, since in his opinion, is br 1 and 2 is the same so 1 bracket and br 3-4-5 is second bracket. since he said he thinks 3 brackets are too much :slight_smile:


you misunderstand what my complaint is,

if BR1 and BR2 are together, or BR3 and BR4 being together, then there is no point in having BR1 and BR3 to begin with, because BR3 will always fight against BR4, while BR1 will always fight BR2 - so to speak by that logic, you could simply remove those BRs, and make it turn into only 3 total BRs, because it would effectively be the same thing - which, like I said, would also effectively be more active queues than we are having right now, because right now every match is either a BR3 match, or a BR5 match - meaning right now we actually only have two BRs.

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Okay. So just to be clear, you think the br 1-2-3 and br 3-4-5 is a perfect system with best balance and best system to attract new players and keep em?

They are legion…

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No, they are just young adults who can’t get a job anywhere so they play games 24/7.



And those are legion…


I kid you not:

Dataminers have recently found in WT files an upcoming function to give a warning after a certain amount of time of continuous playing, and lock the game if a further threshold is exceeded.

(I call that the “you can’t finish events” system)


interesting wonder what consider “playtime” tho does leaving the game open count as “playtime” but then again have to wait and see

He looks like China’s underage anti-addiction system
Since when did Russia have such a thing?


It’s probably for the Chinese client.

Is there a Chinese version of WT? Or are they playing with users from other countries?