Combat notes: Battle Rating

And how does that give me historical fights against Kar98k’s? It doesn’t. Just make it an option switch and be done

So you want to bully low BRs after all.


Yeah. Not everyone can handle the Neutron style
BAR’s and StG’s are 100% fair. Them poor Krauts bout to find out why we used 30-06 up till Nam

No he just wants the carousel of insanity for everything so no matter what he does he’ll never get the same match again

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dude go play red orchestra or something if you want realism. This game has never been nor will it ever be historically accurate. Its an arcade shooter with HP bears with braindead bots, nothing about it is immersive.

Add to that all the protoype garbage everyone runs around with.


I like the variety. It’s the spice of life for a reason

So just change your max BR? It’s that simple. @TheUnclaimedOne
There are already presets so you can do it in 2 clicks.

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Free on PS4?

Why do that when BR III is perfect in every possible way? Favorite guns. Sherman tanks. 500lb’ers and HVAR’s

I don’t exactly remember what we talked about in the past when it came to games but I do know I play Warframe and players from that game are a special breed to say the least and I’m not talking about the fashion frame I’m just talking about the amount of grinding we go through.

He doesn’t want to change he likes playing at the carousel of insanity level where nothing will ever be the same

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Preach it buddy

So basically you want to have fun while forbidding others from having it.
Screw you.

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That’s just who you are you basically wanna play Russian roulette all the time

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I smell BS here.

No he just wants a BR where everything goes and he’s not using meta weapons just to rule the game

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As I’ve said before and what now shows, B.R is flawed.
It should take into consideration what YEAR of service, AND type of weapon for it’s INTENDED ROLE.
And the Maps should be hardlocked to appropriate B.R
Historical Immersion is key and all for a WW2 Squad FPS.
What the Flying F is otherwise the point of it all!?

So thats an nice video and all but it doesn´t solve the underlying problems. (If I say something previously said, sorry i don´t have the time to read all replies). With the upcomeing Steam release we should be focused on 1 thing and 1 thing only: making the game as enjoyable as possible for new players.

With the current Matchmaking this game can unfuratunaly be very anoying for new players (after the initial bot matches are over). If you as a fresh BR-1 player suddenly face BR-3 equipment you almost have no chance because:
A: You lack experince in the game and don´t fully understand the games mechanics yet
B: You lack equipment in general
C: You dont have counters to ceratain weapons (The KV-1 and T-34 are good examples for this)

The Ideal way to solve this Issue would ofc be a BR + - 1 System however there are not enough players for this yet. Alternatively i think there are 2 good Options available:

1. BR 1 only, BR 2-3 and BR 4-5 as Matchmaking brackets: (offers the most protection for the newbies but may offer a wrong impression of the game)

2. BR 1-2, BR 3-4, BR 5 only as Matchmaking brackets: (offers protection against BR-3 while still having a realistic impression of the game and BR 5 equipment is in a class of its own performance wise anyways)

IMO option 2. would be the best solution to the problem.


Man this hurt me brother nobody said you are useless c’mon man its OK we are not happy about BR but that doesn’t mean you or any other dev are useless also can you ask devs that if they can start model some unique tanks that are not in WT it would be awsome and also would make enlisted somewhat distinct or maybe ask WT team that share their upcoming tanks for ww2 first with Enlisted then on WT