Combat notes: Battle Rating

The 76 Jumbo is an upgunned uparmored Sherman. The Tiger is a glorified upgunned uparmored Pz IV (read, a bigger box)
Guess what the 76 Jumbo fights? Tiger II’s and Cold War tanks. Guess what the Tiger fights? M24’s, basic 76 Sherman’s, M18’s, and the basic Jumbo

I dont like the XP idea, i prefer staying at BR 1 and 2, this is where i have my fun. Br5 got to explosive for me, all the time. I would hate to be punished for finding a place where i have fun in the game…


And why is that? I don’t play WT so I don’t know.

Battle Ratings and the need to fill them. Can’t lower the Jumbo because “too powerful.” Can’t lower 76 because it creates a gap and a redundancy. Plus it’d make the German mains cry too much

And how making a “free for all” mm improves this?

I never advocated for FFA

quite impressive having such consistently shitty takes, In what world is the tiger remotely comparable to a pz4 lol. And the jumbo uses the same gun as the m1a1 Sherman so how the hell is it upgunned?

Read: 76 Jumbo (meaning M4A3E2 (76) W)
Read: “glorified” (meaning it’s given special treatment or relevance when in reality it’s just insert what it’s glorified of)

Ok, so how making mm even less strict makes it better? Now basic 76 shemans will also fight atgms.

I’m not saying less strict. All I want is for the most Enlisted like BR (BR III) to remain as is. I even give ground by saying making the MM more restrictive by making BR I a safe haven for newbs off by itself is fine. All I want is to enjoy the game I love. That game doesn’t exist anymore if it turns into War Thunder: Infantry Edition

Then why don’t you use one gun with higher BR to get uptiered? You will have such option with minimal effort.
Meanwhile ppl who don’t want to fight BR3±2 don’t have such option now and you don’t want to give it to them.


Because that makes me BR V, not BR III. I don’t want to fight the same dang thing over and over again. I’ve said this. Repeatedly. X vs X and Y vs Y cannot compete with current BR III

Do this:

  1. Equip all your guys with BR3 gear
  2. Equip one of our guys with BRX gear (for example BR5)
  3. You will fight a BRX match (for example BR5) with BR3 gear

Simple as that. You will still have such option. All it takes is to change one gun every time you get bored with your current BR.
Meanwhile ppl who want to play BR3 vs BR3 can’t.


From what I’ve seen here no matter what we say I don’t think much is gonna change so can we at least get rid of the penalty for the losing side so people could just focus on having fun instead of worrying about losing and the one thing that’s important to new players when it comes to this game is decent silver income so they can get equipment and stuff.


"How DARE you!!!

I am a STRONG and INDEPENDENT woman of XY chromosomes, and I can take on EVERYTHING!"


Fine. How about this idea. A switch. An option. BR ±1 for BR III only, OR, current BR III. Player’s choice. Wimpy mode for “casuals,” high risk high reward for seal clubbers, and the original Enlisted experience for me

Just equip one god damn rifle and don’t force others to play your way.


Love how you crack jokes in arguments. I too enjoy liberal uses of humor

The switch needs to be on for new players so they don’t accidentally go into BR3purgatory and do keep in mind not everyone is insane as you are and we’re technically a special breed for our type of insanity.

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I tend to do this, when I see a thread is going nowhere.

I then crack a very dumb joke, to make ppl realize, that the thread became just as dumb.

Satire Wonka here.