Combat notes: Battle Rating

Just separate I to itself and leave the rest as is

So WT is ±1.0, which has .0, .3, and .7 inside of it. Sounds like a complex ±3 to me, which is what we have here

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It’s “balanced” in a sense that everything is a gray goo. If everybody can play with tank X or Y, then everybody has equal chance and faction bias doesn’t matter overall.

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Thank you for seeing “war thunder” and immediately ignoring what I wrote.
What’s wrong with their BR system? All you said there was that you don’t like their MM in regards to factions and maps, and how they don’t do a hard separation of eras.

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except it isn’t?

a 3.7 which it’s in era 2 won’t meet 7.3s of era IV.

it does the complete opposite.

at worse, you may face 4.0 / 4.3 which are one era / br above yours.

right now, if you take a 4.0, you can potentially meet a 7.7 / 6.7. which are two brs /eras above yours.

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It is related. If every faction was on its own like in Enlisted, such system would be unsustainable.

In War Thunder, the selection of vehicles by year is much wider. In fact, World War II vehicles in WT are represented in the first three ranks. Which is even less than in Enlisted (although it is fair to consider 3 steps of balance, not 5 ranks - you are right). And still, WT and Enlisted are identical in terms of the 3-step balance.

We would really like to expand the number of BRs and implement requests such as +/-1 BR, but I would like to remind you that this would bring us back to the situation before the big merge, where there were many separate queues for battles and in less popular campaigns, battles could sometimes not fill up completely with players. So, a lot of players are needed for expansion. Even in WT, you can wait in queues for a long time on unpopular BRs.

We don’t want to harm our game. We want to make it comfortable and interesting for everyone.


But it CAN meet 2.7 or 4.7. Which are 3 BR’s apart from 3.7

i’m sure newer players or br I and III players will be thankful enough and have a wonderfull experience against opponents with latter / optimal tier ( be it III or V )


So what? Even now certain factions one-sidedly steam roll over the other.
Why? Because faction bias still exist.

And there’s literally no difference if unpopular faction is filled up by bots or casual players. Literally non. Merge haven’t solved this issue. And it is obvious now.

So at least make proper BR balance.


only if there aren’t enough players.

because for the most part, you often face what the opposition has around the same br.

it’s not as extreme as enlisted.

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Please never do. Battle Ratings suck as is and the way you’ve implemented them is the literal best case scenario. I love being able to fight a little of everything and not the same dang thing over and over again with no respite
I would say separate BR I from everything else, make it its own little island, and leave the rest as is

I think leave BR 1 alone and kick out all automatic weapon is better.

If we set aside sarcasm, what can you suggest that wouldn’t harm the queues and battle population?

I’m here. I’m listening to you. But eventually, I will have to leave - I still have a lot of work for Enlisted.


Pretty video and all, but…

I’ll have to go with everyone here, with Steam guys coming, surely you guys realize only 2 br queues is a bad idea, eh?

I mean, it’s not as if EVERYONE here keep telling you…


which i find it funny this exscuse, since the chinese client does have a rule of matchmaker of 0± . yet i don’t see them complaining that much.

they even get bots.

ugh… idk…

br 1vs2 br 2vs3 br 3vs4 and br 4 vs 5?

that would be a great start.


Buddy I almost always fight enemies of higher BR regardless of anything at all, and with tanks it’s a lot harder to do than fleshbags

Putting BR I by itself and that being the ONLY change. Give the newbies their “safe space” or whatever


your opinion < majority of players complaints.

as much i don’t care because i run with the least optimal gear my self ( volkssturm - british gear in br v ) this game won’t sustain it self with huge equipment gap. ( i mean, it will through the stagnated playerbase, but not getting any new ones any time soon )

do you honestly think a new player will play this game and have a great time against kvs and what not in his first matches? sorry, past the 10 bots matches.

i’m sure he/she will love it.

or… how much do people enjoy unlucking stuff at br III that they won’t use because their their experience will become much worse.

you tell me.

but i can tell you, not everyone is insane as us.
( or enjoys it )


But if you dont make the MM more balanced, especially for the influx of new players, the population will just keep dwindling back to that anyway.

With steam launching, for the forseeable future, the main game is going to be up to BR 3 (for the new players it will take a long time to get xp and silver). So seperating 1 and 2 from 3, and 3 from 5 would make it much more appealing.


Since testing many of us having suggest a 3 queues minimum.


But if ±1BR combined with maps not tied to BR then it would be less queues? And we now dont have less popular campaigns we have less popular Factions and BR and to fill empty BR Enlisted can use bots. This is very vital request from comunity before Steam release, becouse game will just end up with tonns of negative revievs in weeks and probably will not gain needed amount of costant players to separate. May be devs can create big survey with options and by it get comunity votes to see if people prever wait or strugle in current BR