Choroszmanów submachine gun BR4 axis smg

Currently (tell me if I’m wrong) axis lack of any BR4 smg so I want propose The polish Choroszmanów, the gun is heavily based on the PPD and PPSh-41 and accepts PPSh-41 magazines, the gun has 3 variant and was used between the 1943 and 1945:

  1. The most numerous of all the Choroszmanóws, with twenty-two produced. Heavily resembles the PPD.

  2. The second model of the Choroszmanów using improvements by Jan Choroszman, son of Grzegorz Choroszman. Four were produced.

  3. The final model of the Choroszmanów. Has a very prominent muzzle brake heavily resembling that of the Degtyaryov machine gun. Only one was produced.

As for the fire rate and ammo and recoil because is repeated a lot being copy of the ppsh41 it should have the same stuff of the pssh41 900-1000 rof and both stick and drum mag


Nah it should be Br 3

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I dont know man maybe as event or GO but not TT unlock I feel like Madsen M41 will do better as a TT unlock and it has drum mag that accepts 71 round ,too


I feel is better have one variant for TT at least, germany widespread used captured ppsh41 and friend

I say yes because I want to see ppl struggle to say it’s name.
(Even I have some problems and I’m a native speaker!)


the beretta m38 with the 40rnd mags is germany br4 iirc

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The same gun is BR1 just with less ammo… I wouldn’t call it exactly BR4 smg tbh

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Kp 44 would be good counter to pps 43


I’m talking about br4, Germany don’t need stuff for BR3, mp40, mp35, zk383 ecc…, they miss BR4 smg

Kp 44 also took drum mags. It would be good counter to drum ppd 34


Now you speak my language

While an interesting gun, I don’t see a point giving Axis a gun they have no point in having. It would make more sense to give it to Soviets (still eh, but Polish partisans would be more keen to them)

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Just move Mkb42(H) and (W), StG45 (M) and Horn StG down to BR4. All Axis problems would be solved.
Besides these guns don’t perform better than BR4 Thompsons or Tokyo Arsenal.


Axis has polish gun, polish bar, polish semi auto ecc… And axis lack smg comparable to the ppd or Thompson 21/28 in BR4, the only smg is the beretta 38 the same br1 beretta38 with just 20 bullet more, also Germany used a lot ppd and PPSH captured, converted or variant they was

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Beretta 38 (40 rounds) is a decent SMG, it could get some minor buffs like less dispersion and faster reload but overall still a good SMG.

I would rather add Polish army in the east to USSR alongside Polish weapons to fill up the tech tree a bit.

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Maybe time ago, but now is overshadowed by other gun like the buffed mp40 or kyraly, also BR3 zk383 and mp35 are on par with her… Is a good SMG but not a br4 SMG

Idk still use Barrett (whatever number there is many like US) on my ju188 squad pretty good tbh (combine with kiraly of course)

No, I want some proper German smg for BR4. Not some polish crap nobody has ever heard of.


I don’t understand why people want to move every mid performing gun down with a BR, it’s literally just fine where it is. Moving it down with a BR would make it the best BR3 Axis SMG but there are already many options on BR3 for Axis.
This isnt just an Axis problem, literally the same stupidity with BAR over the last few days.