So, I have seen a good deal of people suggesting China as a faction to be added to the game, and I figured I’d create a topic to write down some of my thoughts on it, and create a place for others to do the same.
Before I start, I would like to say I am not an expert on Chinese history or weapons. Just a guy who apparently decided to spend his day off researching this.
In addition, especially with the Merge on the horizon, I do not expect this to be added to he game any time soon; however, I think it would be very cool if it was eventually added and hopefully this post is able to help DF in some way if they choose to do so.
With that said, let’s begin.
(Warning, it’s a long post)
Units and Uniforms
Default Squad Uniforms
Examples of a typical National Army khaki uniform. These would mostly be worn by early war German supplied and trained divisions. Ideal for Rifleman Squads

Further National Army khaki uniforms, but with a field cap. This uniform would be a good fit for Engineer Squads.
A medic of the communist 8th Route Army, perfect default unidorm for the Medic Squads.

more members of the 8th Route Army. A good default uniform for Machine Gun Squads.
Dark green Nationalist Uniform variants could make ideal default uniforms for AT Squads
More dark green uniforms with a field cap. Good for Sniper Squads
This light grey uniform used by some National Army units (not to be confused withe the blue-grey communist uniforms) could work well for Mortar and Radio squads
American supplied units often wore the M1 helmet seen here. This would be a good option for Flametrooper Squads.

These blue-grey uniforms of the communist 8th Route Army, with standard patrol caps, could make for good Assault Squad uniforms.
A couple examples of Chinese Tankers.
Chinese Pilots
Premium Squad Uniforms
Members of the elite german-trained 88th Division, several members of whom would go on to volunteer for a heroic last stand of the “800 heroes” in the Battle of Shanghai. Weapon: Erma EMP
A Chinese sniper in a ghillie suit. A great option for a premium squad. Weapon: Type 88 Sniper (7.92 MM)
The famous First American Volunteer Group, also known as the Flying Tigers, that fought in the skies for China. Vehicle: P40 Warhawk
Miscellaneous Uniforms

Weapons and Equipment
Colt New Service
One of several firearms provided by American through independent sales and lend-lease. This 6 round revolver chambered .45 ACP and was a standard model for the KMT officers. It had seen combat alongside the combat officers in the battlefield of Shanghai, being known more as a reliable sidearm than a symbol of distinction.
FN 1900
FN M1900, an imported and locally produced pistol with license from Belgian FN. Holding 7+1 rounds of 7.65×17mm .32ACP pistol cartridge, this Shanghai or Nanking-made pistol was produced for the KMT officers as sidearms. It was obsolete when the war was broken out.
Mauser C96
The most popular pistol among all Chinese fighting factions. This 7.63x25 mm Mauser pistol carried 10 rounds in an internal magazine, and was nicknamed the “box cannon”. Having a long history in serving in China since 1912, it was the standard pistol of nationalist army, warlords, and even bandit guerrillas before the war. Besides from the original German models, a Spanish copy, the Astra 900, was also extremely popular among the anti-Japanese fighters.
Shanxi Type 17
How do you improve on the already large Mauser C96? You make it even bigger! This Mauser copy could hold ten 11.43×23mm .45 ACP rounds in it’s internal magazine. While this extremely trusty firearm was famed for it’s stopping power, it had one major setback; heavy recoil, making it difficult to control.
Hanyang Type 88
The main service rifle of the entire Chinese anti-Japanese forces, it dated back to the days of the Qing Empire. A somewhat outdated rifle based off of the Gewehr 88, it shot the 8 x 57 mm round-head Mauser rifle cartridge from a 5 round internal magazine. Full length and carbine variants existed.
Type 24/79 Rifle
The Type 24 rifle (or Type 79, as it was known in Communist service) was made in an attempt to modernize the Chinese National Army. Chambering the 7.92x57 mm Mauser cartridge, this rifle was based off of imported Gewehr 98 and Vz. 24 rifles. Unfortunately, not enough would ultimately be produced to replace older model rifles before the Japanese invasion.
Type 81 Short Rifle
These carbines included a mixture of features from rifles such as the Vz. 24 and Arisaka Type 38 rifles. Produced by the Chinese communists, around 8,700 of these 6.5x50 mmSR rifles were made in total, and the model was the largest number produced in the communist arsenals during the war.
M1 Carbine
M1 Carbine, it was also the service rifle for the Chinese Expeditionary Force in India and Burma. Provided through American lend-lease, these rifles carried 15 rounds of 7.62 x 33 mm cartridge in detachable box magazines… Its light weight, high ammo capacity and ability to provide close range firing cover made the weapon a favorite among Chinese soldiers.
General Liu Rifle
This rifle was the product of a collaborative effort between the first Superintendent of Hanyang Arsenal, General Liu Qing En, and the Pratt & Whitney Tool Company to create a domestically produced Chinese semi-automatic rifle. Ten of these experimental 6-round 7.92x57 mm semi-auto rifles were produced before the project was ultimately shut down following General Liu’s retirement due to a debilitating stroke.
You know it! You love it! One of the first successful semi-auto rifles of the world. This Czech built 7.92x57mm semi-automatic rifle carried 10 rounds and was first used by the North Eastern army, then the KMT elite forces, including the German-trained division.
Submachine Guns
Tsing Tao MP.18
MP18/28 was the most common type of SMG used by Chinese Army, and had a long history in combat during the warlord era. Several domestically produced copies were made all over China, such as this reproduction chambered in 7.63x25mm Mauser, firing from a downward facing 20 round magazine.
Sten Mk II
Used primarily by the Chinese Expeditionary Force, Canada provided some 70,000 STENs Mk II’s to Nationalist forces. Holding 32 rounds of 9 x 19 mm pistol cartridges and firing up to 550 rpm, this compact and easy-to-use SMG was used to provide soke
much needed suppressive firepower.
MP-28 (7.65 MM)
As previously stated, the MP-28 was the most common SMG in China at the time, many being Swiss copies imported under the name SIG Bergman M1920. It is chambered in the 7.65×21mm Parabellum cartridge.
This gun is also in the Japanese tree, however it is clearly a Chinese weapon. Japan had a few MP-28s in service, however they were chambered in the 7.63mm standard navy pistol cartridge. Some Chinese weapons were also captured and pushed into Japanese service, so I assume that is why it is in the Japanese tech tree.
Sichuan Type SMG
This strange looking SMG is largely based on the design of the Thompson M1921 and likely uses the same action; however it is chambered in 7.63x25mm Mayser, the cocking handle is relocated on the right side of the receiver, and the trigger group is moved much further back to allow for the placement of a wooden foregrip in between the trigger and the magazine. It was used by the personal guard of the wealthy landlord Liu Wencai, as well as some Communist militias in Shanxi during the Second Sino-Japanese War.
SIG 1920
This weapon is identical to the MP-28 (7.65 MM), just with a bayonet. The SIG 1920 is just the Swiss export copy of the MP-28, so everything I said about that weapon goes here too.
Thompson M21/28 (box magazine)
This famous .45 ACP SMG was imported from the United States and thereafter locally produced in China since the 1920s. Several tens of thousands were made in the arsenals of Shanxi, Taiyuan, and Sichuan.
Thompson M21/28 (7.62 MM)
A weapon built out of necessity, this Tommy gun was converted in 1945 to accept 35 round 7.62x25 Tokarev PPS magazines provided by the Soviet Union.
Light Machine Guns
Madsen, the light machine gun equipped back to the Qing Era, carrying 25 rounds of 7.92 Mauser cartridge and firing up to 450 rpm. The warlords kept purchasing the Madsen and a large amount of them were later used by the Chinese fighter against Japanese.
ZB 26
The most legendary light machine gun used by the Chinese, nicknamed the “ Czech-made”, this Czech gun was used by both KMT nationalists and communist guerrillas. Carrying 20 rounds of 7.92 x 57 mm Mauser cartridge and having a firing rate of 500–550 rpm, it surpassed the Japanese counterparts
This Swiss-made machine gun manufactured by the Sichuan warlords. Carrying 25 rounds of 7.92 Mauser cartridge and firing up to 550 rpm, because of its simplicity and low manufacturing requirement, it was produced locally and 6000 of this were made. Roughly an analog to the American BAR.
Maxim–Tokarev M1925
This belt-fed machine gun was a Russian attempt to turn the Maxim M1910 into an LMG. Outdated and replaced in Russia by the time of WW2, it was provided to Chinese guerrilla forces through the Sino-Soviet Aid Program.
Heavy Weapons
Boys ATR
Boys anti-tank rifle, carrying 5 rounds of 13.9×99 mm .55 Boys cartridge. Being considered as obsolete in modern warfare, it was still effective against Japanese tanks, as well as anti-material ability.
A semi-automatic anti-tank rifle chambering a powerful 14.5×114mm cartridge. Provided to Chinese guerrillas through the Sino-Soviet Aid Program.
M1 Bazooka
Lend-lease American rocket launcher. Provided in small numbers to Chinese Expeditionary Force, only a few hundred of these weapons were actually equipped by the units. It was also equipped by the paratroopers when more of them were transported to China despite great loss through The Hump.
Type 89 Mortar
Captured from the Japanese, Chinese troops made wide use of these grenade mortars.
Type 93 Flamethrower
Captured Japanese flamethrower
M2 Flamethrower
Lend-lease American flamethrower
Unique Equipment
Type 39 Grenade
A Chinese copy of the German M24 Stielhandgranate, but with a shorter handle for reduced weight and easier manufacturing.
Bomb Vest
Essentially a vest packed with Grenades or TNT, it was used in suicide tactics by Chinese forces throughout the was against both Japanese armor and infantry. In-game, you could essentially equip a an explosive plunger, which would detonate a TNT blast centered on your soldier when triggered. It also carries the risk of going off if shot. Rough equivalent of Japanese Ni05 impact mine.
Chinese broadsword. Saw widespread use. Equivalent of Japanese shin gunto.
Buildable weapons
Type 24 MG - MG Nest
Chinese built Maxim. Roughly identical to the Soviet Maxim MG Nests.
Vickers .50 HMG - High Caliber MG Nest
British lend-lease 12.7×80mm Vickers machine gun. Intended primarily as a naval AA gun, was used on a tripod mound for Anti-Tank and Anti-Infantry purposes by Chinese forces.
Type 30 AT gun - Anti-Tank Cannon
A Chinese copy of the German PaK-36. Lower projectile diameter than the Japanese Type 1 cannon, but a faster fire rate.
Madsen 20mm AA Cannon M/38 - AA Polsten
Danish 20mm AA cannon with a 15 round magazine and moderate rate of fire. Several units were sold to the Chinese National Army in the 1930s and 1940s, and at least five units were reverse engineered and produced locally.
Premium and event weapons
M712 Schnellfeuer - Event weapon
This is a fully automatic conversion of the Mauser C96 into a 20 round SMG complete with detachable magazines. This would be a perfect Event Weapon for Chinese paratroopers.
Mauser Trench Carbine - Battle Pass Weapon
Upgraded Mauser C96 with a fixed stock, extended barrel, and 40 round detachable magazine. This Battle Pass Weapon would be roughly analogous to the Beretta 1918/30 or KB-P-135 pistol carbines.
STEN Mk II (7.62) - Battle Pass Weapon
A STEN Mk II modified to accept 35 round 7.65x25mm PPS-43 magasines. Modifications done sometime between 1945 and 1949.
Lahti-Saloranya M/26 - Battle Pass Weapon
Lahti-Saloranta M/26, carrying 25 rounds of 7.92 Mauser cartridge and having a firing rate of 450–550 rpm. It was a Finnish machine gun which was used by the KMT nationalists. Being highly-accurate and convenient in changing barrel, it was also sensitive to mud and dirt which made it unreliable. Only 1200 of the original 30000 purchases were sent to China as Japan gave political pressure on Finland. Still, it was seen battles in Shanghai and other regions.
FN Model 1930 - Battle Pass Weapon
With some models later being captured from Chinese fighters and pushed into Japanese service, this variant of the BAR served in China with the KMT nationalists, carrying 20 rounds of 7.92 Mauser cartridge and firing at 550–650 rpm.
Erma EMP - Premium Weapon
This SMG was provided in small numbers to specialized German-trained units, such as the previously mentioned Elite 88th Division.
Johnson M1941 - Premium Weapon
A few of these semi-automatic .30-06 rifles were provided in to Nationalist forces by the United States, and later fell into Communist hands. An ideal Premium Weapon
UD M42 - Premium Weapon
These American made 9mm SMGs were sent to partisan forces in Europe and Asia. They saw widespread use among Chinese Communist guerrilla forces. Ideal for a Premium Weapon
Hanyang Type 88 Sniper Rifle (7.92) - Premium Weapon
In an attempt to modernize, some Hanyang type 88 rifles were rechambered for the more modern 7.92×57mm Mauser cartridge. Premium weapon for the aforementioned ghillie sniper squad.
Ground Vehicles
Sd.Kfz. 222
A German built Armored car armed with a 2 cm KwK 30, and coaxial 7.92 MG13 Dreyse. 8/8/8 armor layout on the hull and turret. 40 km/h max speed, with 89 hp engine. Capable of Anti-Air and Anti-Ground combat.
Renault FT
A French made tank from tue Great War, armed with a 37mm Infantry Gun “Sogekiho”. 16/16/16 armor layout on the hull and 22/22/16 on the turret. 7 km/h max speed, with 39 hp engine. Well outdated by the time of Ww2, but still in use and a reasonable peer to the Ha-Go.
T-26 or Vickers 6-ton
T-26 was a Soviet built tank based off the British Vickers 6-ton. China operated both, so choose whichever you like. 45mm cannon and coaxial MG. 15/15/6 hull armor layout, and 15/15/15 on the turret. Max speed 30 km/h with 77 hp engine.
M3A3 Stuart
American lend-lease Stuart tank with an improved hull. 37 mm M6 cannon, coaxial MG, and roof-mounted MG. 25/25/25 hull armor layout, and 38/31/31 for the turret: 58 km/h max speed, with 232 hp engine.
M10 GMC (Type 91)
Chinese M10 tank destroyer with a Japanese 105mm Type 91 field gun installed in the turret. A slot was cut in the front turret as well for a bow MG, and a roof placed over the turret. 51/25/25 hull armor layout, and 57/25/25 for the turret. 41 km/h max speed, with 329 hp engine.
M4A4 Sherman
American lend-lease medium tank. 75mm M3 cannon with coaxial MG, and roof mounted .50 cal. 50/38/38 hull armor layout, ans 76/50/50 for the turret. 38 km/h max speed, with 400 hp engine.
I’m stretching the “If it existed at the time, we can put it in the campaign” rule here, since the PRC didn’t have any T-34-85s until the late 40s and early 50s, but since the vehicle technically existed at the time and we need a high tier tank to compete with the incoming Chi Nu, I think it is reasonable.
Armed with an 85mm ZIS-S-53 cannon, with a coaxial MG. 45/45/45 hull armor layout, and 90/75/52 for the turret. 55 km/h max speed, with a 425 hp engine.
Premium Ground Vehicles
Gongchen SPG
An SPG built off of a captured Japanese Chi Ha (Gongchen being the designation for Chi Ha tanks in Chinese service). Armed with a 75mm Type 94 Mountain Gun, the turret can only move about 20° in either direction. 25/25/20 hull armor layout, unknown turret armor but potentially 12/12/12 or 15/15/15. 31 km/h top speed, with 170 ho engine.
This amphibious vehicle is an American LVt(A)(4) modified with a soviet ZIS-2 57mm cannon. Technically these modifications weren’t done until around the late 40s, so this may be pushing it. The base vehicle and the cannon existed though, and it’s honestly just such a cool vehicle. Armaments include the aforementioned 57mm gun, and a bow MG. 12/6/6 hull armor layout, and 38/25/25 for the turret. 40 km/h max speed, with 221 hp engine.
Attacker Aircraft
Hs 123 A-1
German built aircraft armed with 2x7.92 MG17 machine guns and 4x50kg bombs. Max speed of
American built strike craft armed with 4x forward firing Browning .30 cals, as well as 2x rear facing .30 cal dorsal turret and a payload of 2x250 lbs bombs. 370 km/h max speed, with 727 hp
A further development of the American built V-11, armed with 2x forward facing .50 cal MGs, 1x rear facing .30 cal, and a payload of 1x 500 lbs bomb. Max speed 440 km/h with 1200 hp.
Soviet built light bomber with 4x turreted 7.62mm ShKAS MGs, and a payload if 6x 100kg bombs.
Fighter Aircraft
I-153 M-62
Russian made aircraft used by the Chinese Air Force. Armed with 4 × 7.62 mm ShKAS MGs and 8 x 82mm RS-82 rockets. Max speed 444 km/h with 801 hp.
American aircraft used by the Chinese Air Force. Armed with 2xBrowning .50 cals, and 2xBrowning .30 cals. Max speed 505 km/h with 850 hp.
Chu XP
Experimental Chinese aircraft armed with 4x20mm Hispanos and 1x250 lbs bomb. Max speed 505 km/h with 1200 hp.
Premium Aircraft
Russian made aircraft used by the Chinese Air Force. It’s a premium plane in Moscow, so it’s also premium here. Armed with 4x 7.62 ShKAS MGs, and a payload of 6x 82mm RS-82 Rockets. max speed 502 km/h.
P-40E-1 (Flying Tigers)
Yeah, I know. I’d like them to be free too, but we all know the Flying Tigers are gonna be a premium squad. P40 is a premium in Tunisia, so it’s a premium here. Armed with 6x .50 cal Browning MGs, and a payload of 2x 100 lbs bombs. Max speed 575 km/h.
This part I’m going to just copy and paste a section of an old Reddit post by u/SubstantialBicycle66 from two years ago, followed by a couple of my own suggestions.
- Puxi (Pokrovskoe equivalent - city map)
This map would have a lot of great potential. Because Puxi in Shanghai was a highly developed city with a mix of Western influence and urban Chinese Architecture, the map would have a uniqueness to itself, with the highly developed Bund area closely followed by the bustling streets further North. Not only this, but the Battle of Shanghai was one of the most major and strategic battles in the early stages of the war.
- Gulou District (Vysokovo equivalent - village map)
Gulou District is a major district in the city of Nanjing, China’s capital. Although the city does not have the same urban flair as Shanghai, the map could implement a bridge battle that crosses over the Yangtze River, which would make it a very unique map in Enlisted. Furthermore, the old city is closely bound by rural areas, which would make it an interesting map.
- Dianshan Lake (Fortified District equivalent - forest/village map)
Dianshan Lake is one of various possible locations where a rural map could be located. What sets this apart is the large amounts of streams in the area, reflecting Southern China’s wet atmosphere, and the town of Zhujiajiao, an ancient canal town, which was closely surrounded by nature and farmland.
Sihang Warehouse - Battle of Shanghai

This is perhaps one of the most famous battles of the Sino—Japanese War, where the 800 Heroes held out against the Japanese onslaught for 6 long days. This map would focus on intense close-quarters urban fighting, and be perfect for assault and defense game modes.
North China Railway - Hundred Regiments Offensive
The Hundred Regiments Offensive was a major offensive conducted in North China against Japanese held Railways, in order to disrupt their supply lines. Ultimately culminating in the destruction of countless logistically important railways and bridges, as well as a Japanese coal mine. This map would be perfect for Demolition and Train Escort mission types.
So this is just a collection of 25 potential names for our randomized Chinese soldiers. Note that Chinese names put the surname first, followed by the given names.
Wang, Li, Zhang, Liu, Chen, Yang, Huong, Zhao, Wu, Zhou, Sun, Ma, Zhu, Hu, Guo, He, Lin, Gao, Luo, Zheng, Liang, Xie, Song, Tang, Hua
Given Names
Xiu, Zihan, Yuxuan, Yuze, Xiang, Tai, Shi, Kai, Ha Yu, Fu, Ping, Syaoran, Zhou, Aiguo, Longwei, Lee, Kang, Jiao Long, Li Quiang, Li Jun, Zhang Yong, Chang, Hong