What would you add to the game



have np driving it around BR I-II Pacific maps :rofl:


Bob Semple tank is way too OP.
Not even Maus, T90 or Abrahams could effectively fight the best tank ever created.
This beast was so powerful that New Zealand held it back, fearing condemnation from the rest of the world had they deployed such inhumane weapon of mass destruction.


I think maybe a little boy or a fat man

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btw, I just want a 100 round MG42 with working bipod.


Why not both?


cold war maps and weapons :slight_smile:


I’d add the Sino-Japanese Front of WW2. I think adding China as a faction would add a lot to the game. There’s a lot of really interesting history there, and also a lot of really interesting weapons. I made a fairly extensive post about this a few months back



Camouflage and gold order vehicles for premium squads.


ok i am surprised they haven’t put tankettes in the game yet like panzer 1

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1.A matchmaking that works and separate the BRs in a coherent way.
2. Ammunition belts for machine guns such as MG that are 100 or more
3 People who know how to mark enemy positions (seriously, it seems that the V on the keyboard of the rest of the players does not work) I think that if they gave some points or even 1 silver everyone would do it, this would also have to be improved so that they do not have to Give it five times to mark a damn tank because the game doesn’t detect it
4.a map selector to avoid having to play maps that I hate or that are directly unbalanced
5.a game mode that does not consist solely of capturing or defending something or one that relies on players fortifying an area themselves for a few minutes
6. a better way to communicate with the rest of the team since currently you can only ask them to enter the point, mark enemies, put ammunition and little else (a few extra options would be nice).
7. It’s a little crazy but I would like a night map that is periodically illuminated with a flare
8.Goliath XD

9. Another of my crazy things, a cooperative mission against AI between Germany and the US representing what for me is the strangest combat of WW2, the battle of Itter Castle (small spoiler, a castle transformed into a hotel and later into a prison was involved , French VIPs , American and Wehrmacht troops fighting the SS a few days before the end of the war).


smarter playerbase.
no? not the kind of thing being asked?
my bad :sob:

peak of german(?) humor :rofl:
and then they named the biggest tank, Maus

I too would love to see it altho it wasn’t really popular the last time I suggest it

mouse meet rat