Changes to the upgrade system

OH okay well that was a quick answer but each star does a different upgrade so it kind of still doesn’t make sense. How can you make 3 stars do what the 6 stars does? If you look at the upgrades they list what each star does so it really is confusing on how this is being changed without a much deeper dive on how its going to be changed besides telling us that its going to go from 6 to 3 stars so does each star get filled in half way for each upgrade? I ask because there really is nothing explaining really much on the news page.

you know a eco new just drop after you said that what a coincidence

I believe this is the developers’ way of trolling me, lol. I welcome it none the less.

Well done Darkflow!


With 6 stars you started with 3 stars by default
so 3 upgrades
With 3 stars it’s the same thing, from 0 stars to 3, so still 3 upgrades


complete scam dont waste your silver on this… look the only notable difference is in br 1 and 2

br 1 (1)

br1 (2)

br 1 (3)

br 2 (1)

Br 2 (2)

br 2 (3)

br 3 (1)

br 3 (2)

br 3 (3)

br 4 (1)

br 4 (2)

br 4 (3)

Im not going to do the same with br 5 since i saw that the first upgrate costs 720 : /


wait what? I didnt start off any of my weapons off the rip with 3 stars it started at ZERO stars and I had to go up each star 6 times. So how does that make any sense?

no, you never did, there are only 3 upgrades on weapons/vehicles, so you could’ve never upgraded something 6 times

Eh. Let’s agree to disagree on this one. I like it you don’t

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Look 5 stars on this Bf110 G-2 so explain whats the 5 stars showing on the BR 3 Bf110 ?

It starts with 2 stars by default:
first upgrade → 3 stars
second upgrade → 4 stars
3rd upgrade → 5 stars

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Thank :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :+1:

So is the cost of upgrading weapons reduced to a more reasonable level, or is this just a UI change and cost remain the same?

My equipment won’t have to be re-upgraded or disappear due to this update, right?

Right, it’s completely fine

Its a UI change and price change for low br but as i mentioned prices are more exagerated for br 3-5

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will make a review about this in a future hope that the changes will be in favor…

Hope this means that in future upgrade cost might be tied to BR instead of tier and/or weapon tier gets changed every time the br of a weapon gets changed or at the very least there will be some clearer indication in the tech tree which weapon has which BR. The tier system is supposed to make the tech tree more readable, but it hides away the relevant stat which is BR.

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It’s just my personal taste, but l would have much rather it became a 5-star system. I just prefer things in sets of fives than sets of three, plus I feel like the weapon displays would just look nicer, it feels kinda “empty” with only three stars.

That said, I do understand why things were changed, and I can accept it– I will just have to get used to it. This isn’t the main reason I’ve decided to write my first post on here though.

Partly because of the new system, I have been looking at the weapon stats again, and I just realized that the stats for the Luger are wrong. The description states the Luger has a higher Muzzle Velocity than the P38, yet when you look at the stats, they are the same. I haven’t checked other weapons just yet, but especially with the sidearms it just feels really wrong. There’s already so few of them, and they are pretty much last resort weapons, but I don’t see the point in having the Luger cost more than twice what the P38 costs, if it isn’t better in any way.

I really hope that it’s just a typo, but… I don’t know.

Haven’t had a chance to play it yet, but it always occurred to me that stars and upgrades would have been a good way to replicate real world weapon complexity, regardless of the BR if individual weapons.

Complicated weapons get more stars, and upgrades cost more, simple weapons fewer stars, and so upgrades cost less.

Eg machineguns would usually have lots of stars, stens and PPS’s perhaps only 3

The opportunity for this is probably long gone… bit of a shame.