Changes suggested after testing the update

I understood the meaning of your post. That is why I wrote ‘Good one.’ Cheers mate.

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I AM in a cheerful and mischievous mood today.

Simply because it’s Friday. I just can’t wait to relax tomorrow.


The good old Friday! Various governments tried to lessen its charm by announcing a four day work week. But here we are.

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absolutely agree, it can only hurt people’s pleasure

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I dont want to be that guy, cos I like that you are trying to do something and i dont mind it

But you know this change only effects F2p players. It wont protect new players (well it will…from f2p players)

Just saying

And no im not suggesting there shouldnt be perks for premium squad owners, there should be. Merely saying this wont serve new comers much :slight_smile:


The point is that people who used to take 3 assaulters will now take 2 assaulters and 1 flamethrower. This will accumulate over time since teams will be full of actual players after the merge. And in the regular progression you only have two flamethrower squads to begin with. This entire change has to do with restricting whales who would dump 3 flamethrower and 3 para squads with the extra slots that they have got.

That’s what people already do but they have 3 or more of them all decked out the exact same


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not in favour of spamming assaults, flamers and paras. I don’t do it myself but I can see how it is a problem. I think there should be a limit to what you can spawn in battle rather than what you can take in with you. This just hurts diversity. Whales are going to whale whatever you do. This just hurts everyoe else.

You can still use 3 flamethrower, para or assault squads if you have premium squads. Like whales do.


But what happens to someone who got, for example, assault 1, 2 and 3 and now due to this restriction will not be able to use them.
In my opinion, I think that the restriction is good, but that those who have escradronas of different levels can use them at the same time.

I know, but they need the funding and aren’t willing to punch their cash cows, my dude
We’ll have to hope they work around that little speed bump

Reminder: Maintain respect and adequately explain your comments,
a good comment can be taken into account :grinning:

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Looks great! I would suggest no more random stat numbers for soldiers at all. They should always have full stats. “Rolling” for full stats soldiers is annoying, hidden to most non-hardcore players, and completely pointless.

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I’m ready for fair and balanced matches post-merge. I’m glad they removed that menace called Mkb42(h) from the engineers that gun could ruin the game! hahaha


But…avt-40 still can, and fg42 haha

And as for the screenshot…yup


It is unnecessary to allow only two squads, because it is completely unnecessary to bring a fourth or more Flametrooper squads, because it is not needed at all.It’s a bad idea to force players to use different weapons.Why not restrict planes and tanks instead of infantry?

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and endless spam of M2 Carbine for every single trooper that’s apparently most balanced thing in the existence of the all fps games in history.

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That’s quite something.

Just your average match in post-merge world.

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Only way to bypass this change for me is to buy the premium AS-44 squad in Berlin for $40 lol. That way I can technically spam my three AS-44 squads. Some of the greatest minds from the world of finance at play.

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Because we don’t need chinese running the max amount of infantry squads with all flamers and grenades