Changes suggested after testing the update

I agree, when I say I don’t care about “balance” I mean I don’t care that everything must be 1 to 1.

It’s like the Germans can have the Mkb while the Soviets at that point in the war didn’t have any assault rifles. Of coarse for all we know there could be some prototype somewhere so who knows

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Ivan drinking

Also, some Allied soldiers have access to helmets nets for head protection against rocket-propelled grenades.


Very unfair.


This is why we slap a BR on there that reaches heaven if they equip them to engineers. :sunglasses:

That’s nothing.

See those op ammo belts armour??? Just like tank tracks!

Axis sufferzzz


i fail to see how merge, removal of campaign based mm (and limited map selection), making the grind even longer and more expensive is ‘‘helping the game’’.

I completely agree with him,and while it is good that Darkflow listens to their users, it seems to me that they are agreeing to the changes without really thinking through them themselves.
I know of a WW2 game in the past that was driven by the opinions of some players like this and turned into a shitty game and died, Battlefield V.


Fully agree, they should only be useable by assaulters and gunners. Also the fg42 which I noticed you forgot to mention.


If the AVT-40 was default single fire like the rest of them (Breda BP too…but thats a gold order so), it would be more consistant.

But hopefully one day we can choose our default fire mode (or game remembers)

Love FG-42s, favourite weapon ever…big fan boy…but its too readily available for my tastes.


Make it so we can cycle bolt action rifles while aiming down sights.


That, or limit how many can be in a squad. A rifle squad for example should be able to equip only 3 or 4 of them total.

The M2 carbine should be reclassified as an SMG, the Browning M1918 (regular version) could fill the role as the US’s auto rifle. Or the T20, but I would prefer the weapon that was actually used in combat.


Maybe it’s just me, but I am unable to use old event ticket for the Voevodin pistol, but it seems the sword I can purchase. Is is on purpose?

Yes, every time you earn an event ticket, this ticket can only be used to purchase item from said event. You cannot stockpile them for future events.

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All event tickets are available only for that specific event.

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…and that would be supposed to be a nerf / balancing move?

Ofc, nerfing axis faction. :>


but how could you.

haven’t they suffered enough? or, somehow keep suffering?


It would make US better at mid range and worse at close range. They already have too many close range guns anyway. I’m mostly using machinegunners (for mid range, sadly they are only 3 of them in the squad) and mix of tommies and m2 carbines (for close range)