Changes in the rate of fire of semi-automatic rifles

I call bullshit! STOP LYING!

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You would be surprised what somebody can do with an Adrelinine rush and or suicidal determination.

WW2 also had some Crazy MFs. like Mad Jack churchill the dude who fought WW2 with an English longbow and a sword

I think this was the wrong way to go about addressing this issue. Better options would have been to affect the handling of the weapon itself. Weapons with higher recoil would take longer amounts of time for people to bring weapons to bear with. By the same token, you’d still have skilled shooters be able to quickly bring rounds on target with fast reactions.

For example, a semi-automatic/automatic weapon firing quickly with follow-on shots, should have a slowly building chance to foul/jam. Rounds should have a jam-chance rate of 1% per round after the first within a certain threshold (bolt-actions would likely never reach the sustained RoF). You could also have firing a weapon cut into the stamina of a soldier, so you can reduce the firing of the weapon when shouldered, but it has a similar effect to holding your breath.

@Keofox For semi-automatic rifles and bolt-action rifles.

Can I ask why the previous patch nerfing the penetration ability of PTRD, which makes PTRD and PTRS have the same bullet damage. as before PTRD has only 5 points of penetration ability higher than PTRS, which is irrelevant most of the time

As the result, PTRS is completely superior to PTRD, which does not seem to be conducive to the diversity of the game. And is more like attracting players to improve the game level to obtain the ultimate weapon.




bring the old settings back plssss


When I was thinking About it Earlier… I think this MAY be(the semi auto nerf) the FIRST step on the way to Enlisted becoming Pay to Win garbage. The Same Way heroes and generals is. The general strat is to get people to drop money on automatic weapons like the STG, MP40, LMGs and other automatic weapons. Since Automatic weapons are generally speaking in most games easy to use and just spray and pray which takes a lot less skill than using bolt guns or semi automatic weapons.

The general idea of this Pay to win strat is to Make Automatic weapons are noob friendly/easy as possible to use, or making them so much better that there is NO REASON to use Semi automatic or bolt/lever action guns! therefore making people killed by the automatic weapons to be more frustrated and therefore be more likely to drop money on the game to buy that STG, PPSH41 or M1919 machine gun. THIS IS PREDATORY AS HELL! This is the Excat same strategy that heroes and generals used.

So Devs IF this is your plan to be more biased towards automatic weapons then I only have to say one thing STOP IT! I dunno IF THAT IS your plan, but if it is, I will be EXTREMELY Disappointed, disgusted AND ANGRY

Examples of pay to win stuff in Enlisted being the Sherman firefly being the only tank that can kill a panther at a good distance in the Normandy theater of war.(Why TF WOULD YOU EVER Lock the sherman firefly behind a paywall?!) Unless your planning on adding a non premium version or the long 76mm sherman to Normandy.

Honestly you really need to be revert the nerf on semi Auto rifles and rethink the whole situation, since if you continue down this path, I don’t see myself playing this game for much longer, let alone promoting this game or recommending this game to my friends. You got that? Ive been recommending this game to some friends for the past few months and their not really quite sold on it and Ive told them about this nerf and they are even less likely to play it now.


That’s literally the opposite of what happens with 99% of people too
They just drop the game instead

Least I hope that’s how they’d respond, its what I’d do.

You would HOPE. but Im Afraid that the Devs of Enlisted might be nerfing semi automatics and bolt guns to make automatic weapons more powerful and may be going in the pay to win direction, SO I REALLY HOPE that. Since Heroes and generals, auto rifles and SMGs/LMGS have really ruined that game. Since its gotten to the point where bolt guns and semi automatic rifles in that game when stock take 2-4 hits sometimes even 6 to kill 1 person.


OK friends, now we should understand what they mean is easy to understand, the reason some weapons to mobilize on both sides of the conflict, they looked at, regardless of Normandy, or Berlin, I often say to Normandy, take first fg42 and Jumbo, a little time to make up contradictions and then again to the German mp43, leopard, To irritate the Allies and further weaken their small arms, and not give them good weapons, whether it’s Moscow or Berlin or Tunis, the authorities are happy to see that, aren’t they? They hope that one side can not move the brain to hit the other side, this semi-automatic is not, find all kinds of reasons to quibble to refuse, this time to let them call back, we must have more people

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Seriously, this Sherman firefly won’t work against leopards either, there’s no point in spending a lot of money on a vehicle with thin armor and only AP ammo instead of APDS to fight leopards, not to mention fg42/ MP43-1 / FG42-2, which are overkill weapons that crush Allies and make them look like clowns. - currently only the P47 can be seen while the JU188 is not inferior to it, the official nerfed the M2 carbine damage, the rear seat is bigger than the FG42 series, but the official didn’t care, to be sure, the Allied forces in Normandy needed a big buff and the official didn’t even notice, Just stuff the Germans with stuff outside of Tunis/Moscow (Moscow I don’t think is too bad because of mkB42 traversal), it’s very confusing, I still don’t know what it is to weaken the Allies instead of strengthening them, or even to nerf semi-automatic

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@Shiivex @43751418 @_31420124242011 My main concern about this ROF nerf is that, I used to consider semiautos as decent balancing tools between newbies and veterans, since late war campaigns they become available rather soon, and they allowed to compete on even terms with full autos at range and almost as good in CQC. I’ve always stated that, in example, since I managed to put a Garand in the hands of all of my grunts, I’ve never felt unfairly outgunned, not even by the FG gang.

Now, practical effectiveness at range is untouched, but whenever storming a point in CQC, SA guns fell behind. It may not be to the point of becoming useless, as they’re still way faster than BA, but they are now, more perceivably disadvantaged against any auto, because they just can’t pump out a comparable DPS anymore.

Edit: and besides DPS, what’s been nerfed is the forgiveness in case the first shot misses.


Eheh it was so bad that, back when they still appeared in game, devs would get hunted down even from their own teams :laughing:
I got RetoGargamel and some others on my trophy wall.

But yes… played it for what, 8 years or so? Very definition of nerf spiral. It will be the same here. They nerfed semis, wich ALREADY were nerfed doing max 12 damage stock. They will need to nerf other firearms type to compensate, such as auto rifles. Then, because of that they will have to nerf smgs… to compensate. But then, they will have to AGAIN nerf lmgs, because they will be too strong…

Not smart at all. It wasn’t even an issue, we wouldn’t have minded if ppl actually REQUESTED to nerf semi or even complained about them… but the only firearms we read complains about are full auto rifles and lmgs. Weird they don’t touch those (yet).

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the “arguments” about realism are just laughable. I can understand to some extent the thinking behind nerfing semi-autos but in the end it is another shit on the F2P players and people who dont have high tier weapons. Btw i am not one of them. Until now i used to use both SVTs and AVTs in my squads, same with FG-42s and gewehrs. Mainly cause i liked it that way. Now if i dont equip my squads with only FGs and AVTs i am just shooting myself in the foot.
Semi-autos that got nerfed were never an issue or OP. Any SMG was just better than them in close range. They were just better than the bolt-action rifles as they should be. A very bad change imo and totally random. Instead of making early semi-autos more useful you just indirectly buffing guns like the FG-42 and the AVT-40


I think realism needs to be taken in consideration where it makes sense.

The argument of “you are tired in war” is a bit silly.

You have to find the right balance between realism and fun in a video game. The semi auto changes just makes gameplay not fun. That is all. It’s just not fun to play. Especially when you come from fluid/free game play, to feeling handicapped. Just not fun.


Quite right. In the Enlisted balance, semi-automatic rifles are better than bolt-action at medium range, but worse than SMG at indoor.

As we said, we continue to collect statistics and do not exclude the possibility that new changes will occur.

In a future update, we have a surprise for all anti-tank rifles.


We will offer this to the developers. But I think they considered that possibility.

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I gave this as one example of losing control of the situation.

This is a common pattern of human behavior - road accidents, for example. The driver sees danger, but cannot react, because the hands do not obey.

In general, these are particulars and they really are light in weight. The fact is that the developers rely on real historical data described in reference books.

I compared it to a game. I did it even faster.