Changes in the rate of fire of semi-automatic rifles

I can’t agree more, 300 should be fine. Overall it’s a good change, but was done to drasticaly.

Also revert M1C and VG

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How about the fire rate cap just disappeared? or maybe make it like 450 instead of 300, that way the most skilled of us players can still use our skills, while the 450 cap makes sure that people aren’t using programs/bounding their fire button to the mouse scroll wheel.

The limit used to be around 440 as far as I remember. That’s 7.33 clicks per second. I can do 8.8 on the simulator, but within the game I will never go higher than 7.
However, 300-330 would be reasonable, because that’s an adequate ceiling. When you have an enemy running out at you and your fighter takes his time to shoot, even though you are clicking on the mouse as fast as you can, it looks stupid

the answer was addressed to you. 450 is a lot, you don’t need that much.

Yah, we must play on different servers, also we have to check different forums. I can’t count fg42 spam threats on this one :wink: Also if You are limited to one campaign You should have in mind that this game have 3 more of them. I play all campaigns on all sides and can see benefits and downgrades of this update

Id say if the players trigger finger is good and their recoil control is good enough they should be able to empty an entire magazine into a target! I hate this update since it gimped my good trigger finger skills.


I am maxed on my campaigns, I was stating I haven’t playtested the two you mentioned specifically after the changes, but I spent 3 hours between Axis Berlin and Allies on Normandy last night before I got to posting this morning.

I also referenced the Spam threads and posts in another comment I made, so I am well aware. You might have skimmed over some of what I said which is fine, human nature.

Skimmed over? Bruh, You didn’t check 75% of the game after this update (only 2 of 8 possible camp/sides). You have very narrow point of view for now.

Also You are inconsisted in Youre theories, I saw You refering to fg, sure i saw it. Also You stated that this update will encourage people to use more auto, just like it wasn’t been before, lol. That was problem before and is after update, update didn’t change anything in this matter.

Or maybe my english is not so good (as it’s not my native) and i can’t understand you well. If so, then sorry

Also changes to M1 Carabine and VG must be reverted

Why is nobody giving any imput on the Mad minute? you guys are ignoring what im saying. Im saying they should have buffed bolt guns if semi autos are “OP”


No one asked for this so I’m guessing some dev’s mg squad got rekt by one guy with a semi and now this nerf to semis is their coping mechanism



I never claimed in any post that I checked every single rifle. So saying that I’m narrow minded is a little bit of a stretch. I gave composite feedback on a campaign and specific gun as per my experience. I also provided my personal experiences in days past on my experiences to date , circa 6 months of play.
If we play on different regions, which we have too considering English is not your native tongue then you cannot hold it against me if what I experience differed from you.

Tonight I will do Tunisia and Moscow and again come back and report after I have subjectively tested the guns real time.

If you go back on my personal posting history you will see that I tempered my expectations and made no claim one way or the other as to the impact of this. I specifically stated I would test and report. I tested, and reported. Only on what I had experienced.
Also it is not theory if the people i play with do the same thing and are now all talking about it with me via chat about flipping to FGs.

I’m sorry if what I post in my own tongue might not be as easily understood if your not a native speaker. I can be wordy at times so, my bad if I am misunderstanding your interpretation.

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So this leads me to title, that i must of killed so many NZ Squad users with my Semi auto, they all QQ, and now Semi auto are nerfed

Realistically speaking compared to rifles and shotguns SMGs suck, auto rifles are more powerful than pistols and SMGs but not as powerful as 30.-06 Basically AK47s, STGs, M16s, all fire “intermediate” ammo, which is smaller than something like a 303., 308. or 300. Winchester magnum. those “full size” rifle Ammo types can kill a man in excess of a 1000 meters in a single shot, far beyond that of the leathal range of a 7.62x39 or a 8mm Kurtz(german for short) round could.

they call them “Intermediate” cartriages due to how their the sweet spot/compromise between the light weight of a pistol caliber cartriage and the stopping power of a full size rifle round. they also weigh less. So you can carry twice the ammo.

Also full auto in rifles is not as effective as video games and movies’ would have you believe, most people who have actually shot guns or know a lot about guns think full auto is useless. Unless you are using supressing fire.

Also as a guy who knows a lot about guns IRL. if this game is wanting to be “realistic” or at least “Semi realistic” more than of the time its ALMOST NEVER the guns fault for being inaccurate, its either bad ammo but most often its just the shooter is incompetent/the shooters fault. But Due to the Natural Instinct of the brain to not take responsibility many people blame the gun since they are ashamed to admit it might be THEIR fault for missing their shots.

If You play Europe, then maybe we will meet on battlefield tonight.


I think in current state we have something like this, when u can shoot faster with bolt action than semi :wink: Full star enfield with faster shooting perk will outshoot current garand. And that’s why i think this was overnerf. I just hope they didn’t introduce Trigger finger perk wich allow You to fire faster with semi (like bolt action perk)

I don’t buy this at all. Sure, it makes sense, but then explain why were able to drop shot in game? Or how someone can take a Kar98k shot to the knee and walk away? Or why we can have 9 man Volkstrum squads running around Berlin armed with FG42’s? You can’t just pick and choose where realism is applicable and where it’s not.

If the purpose is to better fit weapons into a niche, then fine, I can get behind that. But I don’t think ROF is the way to do it. If Rifles are proving to be too effective at close range vs SMG’s, then nerf the hipfire accuracy and make SMG’s the “run and gun” weapons. Lowering the ROF just makes these Semi-Auto rifles feel horrible to use and makes for a bad experience.


I’ll test my Ping to the server and if its stable enough I am more than willing to come over and be objective and experience what you do.
I think both of us need to consider that an ocean apart we can have very different experiences.


Also going to say this only once to LISTEN UP DEVS! Don’t let your Ego/personal thoughts dictate what gets into the game. This is why Heroes and generals is in the Dumpster now, that game used to be good but the devs got lazy, pursued money and became super thin Skinned where they would ban people off the forums for speaking out against them/telling the Devs that they didn’t like the current state/direction of the game, ive played that game for a good 2 years or so since like late 2016, early 2017 and after a certain point the game started to get WORSE with every update to where I eventually said “screw it” and moved on…

now the game is in the Dumpster since the Devs did not listen to the community and pursued money over making an ACTUAL GAME, with good gameplay, community and such and I was actually in the process of setting up a Vtube Side job/hobby for Enlisted and its community. So I don’t want to regret that choice.

As somebody who has played FPS games as long as I can remember I guess I could call myself an “Advanced” level player/dude. But I have seen too many free to play FPS games ruined/die a slow painful death due to greed and the Dev team having thin skin. So please don’t go down the same path as many other games.


Thats not much of an issue, yeh Semi automatic rifles might be better than bolt guns in CQC than bolt action rifles or even LMGs, but thats not an issue as SMGs and Shotguns are the close range kings. if were being “realistic” here shotguns and rifles would be the kings. Shotguns great at close to medium ranges and rifles being medium to long ranges, Semi automatics being less accurate over super long distances.

But rifles are like the “do everything” kind of gun or at least their supposed to be, while shotguns, SMGs, pistols, sniper rifles, LMGs, ETC are more specialized.

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