Changes in the rate of fire of semi-automatic rifles

It’s the same reason why the allies are struggling in Normandy, aka the player base is the reason why Germany is losing in the other camps


Is the game balanced? Do you seriously think so?

Normandy is hell right now, the US military cannot withstand the firepower of the German infantry, and neither tanks nor tanks have anything to take down Panthers.

Let’s go to Tunisia. Here the Axis forces are completely pushed back. Equip of the same level is well-balanced, but there is no reason for Axis players from different campaigns to come here, so it’s a high level Allied player vs a low level Axis player + AI.

These two examples alone show that the game is completely broken, is this a “balanced” case?


Especially on Tunis, that’s true. I just want to point out the statement “game is germany biased” is false.


It’s time to find another ww2 game
I thought enlisted could be a good game with its own personality,

but I think the bright future has become uncertain due to the trolling of the management team.

It’s time to find an alternative to enlisted
but so sadly hard to find a ww2 game like enlisted.


Because most people who spamfire them, don’t use sights. They’re maybe 5 - 10 meters away.

I know, because it’s how I frequently use or encounter them.

such a dispersion is not realistic too. and it should be visible somewhere since it’s now way more important than before

Well, in reality (what I know about US police), it’s more realistic that a person in panic, cares RoF first then is the accuracy. Even for bolt action rifle, havent you heard of SMLE’s mad 1 min? It’s all about RoF, not accuracy.
It’s true that some semi auto can’t produce this much RoF. But how fast player can press LMB is our thing, not yours.


I like the changes and I hope you keep going this way

At first. Im happy that you make game more Realistic.

But when here began discussion about Realism etc.

I want to tell you. (Devs of Enlisted.)

Please make Game like u said when this Game was Announced.

“A Large Scale Military Simulator with Hundreds of Soldiers on Maps Up To Hundreds of Square KM.”

When I first time read this I was so Hyped for Enlisted that here finally will be a Good WW2 Simulator with Hundreds of Soldiers on Maps Up To Hundreds of Square KM…

So please make Enlisted like u said. Don´t make another Unrealistic Heroes & Generals…

Thank you very much!

PS: I would be happy if u would make by my Idea Similar to War Thunder Research System.

Here: New type of research - Armies and Realistic Damage Model

This Game have so Big Potential to be Best WW2 Game Ever Made…

Please don´t miss it…

Also if you want to go closer to reality you should also boost semi-auto rifle damage as it uses the same cartridge as bolt action rifles. Let alone the rifles are unrealistically inaccurate - especially garand doesn’t land hits where you aim far too frequently.
This fixes nothing. It only makes late game full auto weapons far more dominating. People asked to nerf them but you instead nerfed semi-auto rifles that felt ok.


Sorry I am going to disagree with this.
They changed a fundamental mechanic of the game that no one was talking about and completely ignored one that everyone was. If you want to crash your browser just search FG42 on here…

The fix will actually make it worse because G43 gunners like myself will migrate to FG42s , with full ammo belts and clean house. How in the heck is that going to make Enlisted a better place?

The G43 was a great but quirky gun. You could hit at range but had to slow your shots, but also could defend yourself or at least stand a chance up close in quick order.
Now, I’ll just put maxed star FG42 IIS on my guys and really put out a hurting. Is that balance?

And I also worked for a company. WG.
They took something (joystick controls) , that no one complained about on the forums, online, through tickets…nothing. And fundamentally changed them. Removed rudder pedal support.
It made the game bad enough it took almost a 30% dip in persistent population . They had to artificially tweak the MM just to get 3/4 battles.

The potential exists to have the same effect here.


FFS people. The semi autos works the same as befor. They are still very capable weapons.

Just because they slowed them down doesn’t mean they aren’t worth using.

They are still killing machines as they were befor.

And who in the right mind would spam semis over and over again. Get an smg or an MG for that job if you intend to use a fast firing gun.

Yes, no one asked for this. But this doesn’t change nothing on the large scale besides what the weapon is intending to be used as.


Lol, how many players are stick to semis when they unlocked autos? Most, almost all players would take fg over g43. You’re argument is invalid. This update won’t start auto spams, not more then it was before. This only give more equal changes when using bolt action. And, ofcourse trooper auto spam is problem, but it’s not becouse lower rof of semi.

But m1 and vg shouldn’t be touched at first place.
Also decreasing ROF was to drasticaly

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Its not invalid. Many of us Axis players used them, I am not alone in this.
And I actually made a point to reduce the amount of FG42s in my squad loadouts to help play fair against a gun that was called OP.
I was not alone in this.
On here, reddit, there are many of us. For the players just coming up, without a MM the divide is even wider now. This is a Mico fix that will effect the macro universe in Enlisted.


I don’t think Semi Automatics should be “useless” for assaulting rooms.
If you know anything about guns or are a gun guy IRL then you know that compared to long guns like rifles or shotguns, shorter guns like SMGs or pistols aren’t as good.

Rifle calibers 9/10 if not 10/10 are always more powerful than pistol rounds.
Even pistol rounds out of longer barrels(like the 30. carbine which is like a 357) have more power than out of pistol barrels. As shorter barrels means less time for the bullet to pick up speed/burn more powder.

IM DISGUSTED by this new nerf for 1. artificially limiting the fire rate on semi automatic rifles.

and 2. the M1 carbine is NOW USELESS for its intended purpose. the M1 carbine was intended to replace the 1911/give Officers, and people who couldn’t carry a full size rifle into combat a PDW/lighter weight but more powerful gun than the 1911. YOU ABOSLUTELY MURDERED THAT AND ITS DISGUSTING! Stop comparing the M1 carbine to the M1 Garand or G43 and compare it to the gun it was meant to actually be more powerful than(the 1911)

Pistols put holes in people
Rifles put holes THROUGH people
Shotguns at the right range with the right load will PYSCHIALLY REMOVE A CHUNK OF **** OFF YOUR OPPONENT AND THROW THAT **** on the floor.

Speaking of shotguns, Shotguns realistically have more range than SMGs
00 buckshot shoots 9, 30 caliber lead balls 30 caliber being the same caliber as rifles like the M1 garands 30.-06 bullet diamater. And most shotguns in real life have really tight spreads compared to video games. Even at around 50 meters the spread is about as large as a golf ball. So shotguns should have an effective range of about 80 meters at most and at least be able to 1 tap people at 50 meters.

TLDR shotguns should be better than SMGs

As for guns like the SMGs
SMGs are just pistols on steroids. AKA “Machine pistols”


A little reply to the post, this is the SAME Excat issue that heroes and geneals have where Semi auto rifles compared to full auto rifles are trash and everybody uses SMGs or auto rifles due to the games stupid poor balancing.


Yeah for me I have an m1c grenade launcher and a guy with large grenade bag so he could be a grenadier, but I guess that idea is now dead If I want to retain effectiveness on the battlefield, same goes for the historically accurate American at gunners loadout which contains: m1c, bazooka and smokes

I can’t see Youre statment reflect in real game. On Normady and Berlin i see a ton of automatics weapons, before and after update. If u self restrict uself (with few other guys) in using autos You are in minority, there is and was auto trooper spam. But everybody seems to only see Normady and Berlin. What about Moscow and Tunis? Isn’t it giving more chances to low lvl camp players? There are no automatics (at least for now) and semi gun is pinacle of the campain (at least for now). It’s easier now to counter ZH with Mosin.

Also @Rickyd123 I feel bad for You’re M1C, that shouldn’t happend. Same to VG.

So make it 300.
This is not real life, not tactility. I don’t understand if the fighter is already ready to shoot and mouse clicks disappear.
Make it 300 and everything will be fine. That ceiling is already much harder to achieve and it won’t feel like I’m handling the weapon better than my character, because I can click quickly and compensate for the recoil


Interestingly enough I dont see your statement reflect in the games I play. We must be on different servers, regions or something.
I see a very healthy amount of G43 action when I play, and of the 20 to 30 players I have had the pleasure of playing with, its a shared sentiment.
This gun in particular was very well rounded. Not too good, not too bad, and in a Riflemans hand he was versatile, proverbial swiss army knife.

The VG1-5 was borderline weak and now (though I think they are reverting it) is just sad.
I haven’t spoken for Moscow, or Tunisia because I won’t talk out of turn until I have more play experience in those campaigns after the changes. I’m not going to make sweeping comments until I have my own experiences with them.
Broad sweeping changes on all guns of a class is a mistake.
Minute tweaks on a case by case is much more reasonable.

And it wasn’t an artifical limitation, it was a good gun, surpassed by others , but deadly in the right hands.

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