Changes in the rate of fire of semi-automatic rifles

I do not want to argue with either you or the war veterans. I hope you understand that I have no purpose to argue with you (I cannot. It is hard to trust any officials: officials on TV, CM haha), so you initially treat my words with distrust and skepticism.

But we don’t play the game of “let’s argue” at all. I’m just explaining that weapons in Enlisted are divided into classes and differ.

  • Semi-automatic rifles remain effective. Although they have become less versatile.
  • We will continue to collect statistics and improve weapons in the game.

Even a knife is effective, just harder to play with.
The M1 is worse both on long range and close range, even compared to bolt actions. It needs 2 shots to down, so it’s now easier to clear rooms with BO rather than semi-auto.

If this change stays, i’m giving up on this gun entirely, and new players will have even harder game to play faced with veterans.

BTW, i have reduced vertical recoil on riflemen only because i used semi-auto’s a lot. Is there any chance this change goes away soon, or am i supposed to change all my soldiers perks every time You drop update no one asked for?


Reality is faster
As a trained reserve force Im saying, there is hundreds of years old firing tactic called “supressive fire”

We might understand if this was about “Balance”… but you brought “reallity”

people dont get mad without a reason


Thank you for answering

Ok, I understand that statistic are important for such a large scale game. But what about doing polls more frequently in order to combine the numerical aspect with the players feelings and needs? (just my opinion, I don’t want to pretend I am a professional or something)

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I think a fundamental problem that’s happening (and has been happening) is that players don’t feel like their feedback recently is being taken seriously. There’s countless posts about the Jumbo,FG42, Shotguns, etc and yet the changes being implemented are nerfing an entirely different class of weapons that literally no one was complaining about. Is player data the only true consideration when it comes to balance, or is player feedback also taken into consideration? It feels like the only time RECENTLY that players are heard is when theres massive backlash (as was the case with Silver Orders).


is this a stop gate measure or is this change here to stay?

they are using modern round with less power

all i see in my eyes, ( which it’s not to attack keofox, let it be clear )

  • nerfs the semi auto weapons in order to be used for medium and long distances

  • claims and states that it’s " realistic " as semi auto rifles does not need to:

  • furthere more when genuine ( i’m not being biased. just being objective ) complains and demands for explanations, answers with:

yet, all things considered;

  • automatic weapons been given to everyone no matter what

which, everyone playing 5 minutes of this game understands, that it doesn’t need a girl like me, or any individual and singular forum member to tell someone that “back in the days”, they didn’t had alot of automatic weapons outside few occasions/factions/specific period in time.

so, when it comes to realistic aspects or such, it’s not realistic to have the ability to use all those machine guns or assaulters in the first place.
you can’t use the " realistic " word just like that as it results out of context. ( to not be confused with simulation. which again, i do get that this game it’s not one )

second argument that i have and i often hear ( which again, i think matters as well ) is that the game allows you to:

and i think you already know why. but let it be a reminder:
because of the movement system of this game.
you can’t really complain about the playerbase doing so if most of the time gets effective ( and in many cases, abusable ).

which, tweaking weapons, that’s completely fine as this game is a beta. but as long proper explanations and reasonable justifications are given. which unfortunately that is not the case in this scenarios ( and i’m afraid in others as well ).

because if we have to get in more details, you claim that is not realistic clearing rooms with semi autos, and yet, in this game you are allowed to run with smg jump and run clearing entire rooms with assaulters squads ( and even use a full potential squad of 9 with fgs despite not being an assaulter and yada yada yada )
does… does that sounds realistic to you?
because in that case, i think you need to give alot of explanations further.

which, sounds like ( to me, this is a personal opinion ) based on statistic and matters of actions from the team, that you guys are pushing ( which, i’m somewhat wrong, because it’s not really the correct term to use, but making smgs more viable for almost every occasion ) therefore more players will go for the meta since it’s much easier to obtain, and much effective to use compared to others weapons.

i’m not someone who forgets easely about getting bursted from 200 meters by a lazer PPSH or M40 in the distance.

and, if we have to add more fire to the question ( because it’s winter and there’s crazy cold out there :upside_down_face: )

you claim that soldiers using m1 garands or any other semi auto and firing them in quick sucession it’s not realistic, and yet in the game:

  • fgs and m2s that can be given to literally every squad despitein real life being restricted ( due to production numbers and due to the gun not even being available to only specific squads. and yet, everyone can use them. )
  • once again, i can’t stress it enough, but automatic weapons given out like candies. is that realistic to you?
    and last but not least
  • tanks choises are not realistic ( some never were meant to be there, others outdated by the time ) such as to name a few, T50s, PZ III Bs, BA-11s, Jumbos, and the list could go on.

so, again, i’m not against changes, but when bad changes occurs, i’m not standing aside and pretend that everything is fine and justified.

because i’m sorry “litte” fox ( or who ever thinks it like that ), but i’m afraid you( or someone else ) have messed up this time. i do genually respect everyone opinion, but changing rate of fire instead of recoils for semi automatic weapons, pretending that it’s " realistic / accurate " does not sound reasonable nor justified to the whole community.

and by the looks of it, i’m not the only that thinks like me.

i hope this time you will listen to the community about this changes and not avoid it like the jumbo and fgs complains.

this game does not need any unreasonable changes more than it already has considering the contradictory ones.



Hi Keofox,

Long time player, first time logging into the forums and a paying/loyal customer. I just came on to express that I highly disagree with this change. One of the things I enjoyed most about Enlisted was the semi-auto rifles and the way they handled before.

Although I do appreciate that you’re trying to make positive changes, I just wanted to let you know that myself and those I play with disagree with this change. After all the whole point of leveling up, getting weapons and improving is to get better equipment to play with in the various fronts of the war.

If I had to make a suggestion that would help bring bolt actions up a little closer to where semi-autos are; make the bolt action rifles hit harder (easier to 1shot) targets, add bayonet options for most bolt actions, a great example is the lebel rifles in Berlin. They feel extremely powerful and fun to use, regardless of their size, bolt action and extremely slow reload speed.

A secondary suggestion is make the 3-4th shot of rapid fire use a much higher recoil from a semi-auto. Or increase reload times. Ammo is already a major concern and semi-auto spamming will leave you dry in no time without extra pouches.

Thanks for reading and your consideration.


I haven’t been able to figure out how to edit my post, so here’s more thoughts. Please let me know how I can do that, I don’t see the option anywhere on the post or in my profile. Wondering if it’s a new account quirk.

If you wanted to make sub-machine guns better. Then just do that? I genuinely don’t understand why we’re making such a huge change to what I consider a core mechanic of the game.

Here’s what I mean, the m3 grease gun on Normandy is horrible. Actual garbage, I ripped them all down for parts and made one 5 star and it was still on the bad side of meh about a 4/10, but at the time it was the best I had. Then the m3a1 (or whatever) got unlocked and that was still a 4/10 once I got a maxed one of those it was better but generally, I still consider it garbage. Soon as I got the m2, that’s all I used. Great little gun for clearing out close range.

Why not have a Thompson sooner, like just ditch the m3 entirely. Move the m3a1 up and bring down a Thompson to the m3a1 slot, now give it a 20 round mag, this was the most common mag in ww2 to my knowledge anyways. Boom, done and you’ve got a reason to want the better thompsons later. This is just one example, but I think it translates to all the smgs. Unless it’s a PP(71round drum mag) it’s really kinda meh.

I own and use the MP41? premium squad in berlin and even that feels super meh. I could go into how to fix it, but that’s beyond the scope of this conversation. Point is the SMGs are terrible at what they should be useful at. I find myself “ramboing” with a mg34, a bar or anything with fire good fire rate and/or high damage (5.5 or more). (Unless it’s russia’s 71round smg of goddness.)

I think we all want better and more powerful, more interesting weapons to increase our Enlisted power trip.

New account quirk for edits.

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I am Commander Shephard and I disagree with this decision for all of the reasons listed above. Particularly the articulate and well reasoned ones.


I played hng since alpha.Prety much everyday.
Droped it the minute I played the first alpha Here and never looked back.

What a mess of a game that was. Lol

From times to times I see their news and comments from hades. What a mess of updates they keep delivering…

This is nowhere close to hng. This game actually have a future at current pace.

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The HnG forum was cancer, full of idiots calling for nerfs. I tried to warn the devs against nerfs, but my voice was drowned out and their game went down the drain


Just gonna say this but Realistically speaking, bolt guns and semi auto rifles are the Verstile “do everything” Kind of guns. Kind of the same with shotguns but shotguns are much more powerful not in terms of powder load or velocity, but in terms of flesh damage/trauma. Think of somebody holding 9 Kar98Ks at once and shooting you with all 9 of them at the excat same time. Then subtract the amount of muzzle energy from each one of those and you basically have the same power as a shotgun.

Pistols compared to long guns are Weak AF in terms of “damage” Since lower muzzle velocity but a SMG usually has a longer barrel than a pistol and faster fire rate. therefore SMGs are just pistols on crack cocaine and meth(or as Jonathan Ferguson put it) “its a Pistol on steroids’” I always found it funny how Pistols in games do more damage than SMGs.

if we are using “muh realism” when it comes to pistols the “magnum” pistol option would be something like a FN57 due to the projectile speed and armor penetration. Sure a 44 magnum or 45.acp will make your opponent feel it or even knock them down but if they have body armor capable of stopping it than your not going to hurt them enough to take them out of the fight/kill them.

But despite cases of people being able to get shot 14 times fatelly and still walk into ambulences under their own power. the human body and what kills it is SO inconsistent at times. Some people get shot 1 time ONCE in the chest with a 9mm and it drops them like a sack of potatos. Other times you hear stories about people being shot in the heart and living or being shot in the chest 6 times with a pistol and making a full recovery. but not often do you hear stories about people being shot in the head with a 30.-06 and surviving.

Also keep in mind Military ammo types(assuming that nation is a signatory of the genva convention) Use Full metal jacket which does less flash damage/stays together more than civillian loads. I mean yeh it can still 1 shot you. but FMJ bullets don’t fragment/mushroom as much as something like a softpoint or especially hollowpoint. Therefore depending on the situation being shot with military ammo could(while not very likely its still possible) be less leathal than Civillian/police grade ammo.

So really ALL guns are deadly as F but in certain situations they can be deadlier or survivable.
So if you want SMGs to be better, why not buff the damage? Like not at all ranges, but make the SMGs do great damage up close and then once you get 50 meters out they do less damage. While not being completely useless until about 80 meters( where shotguns have slightly longer reach/about the same with buckshot, keep in mind slugs can DESTROY somebody even past a few 100 meters but they loose energy a lot faster than rifle rounds)

Keopox is wrong. This is because the soldiers of World War II took powerful stimulant drugs during battle. In fact, soldiers don’t always panic. Rather, look for other alternatives, such as anomalously disrupting close quarters combat by using different special effects when close to enemies on the Rifleman player’s screen while holding a bolt action rifle and holding a semi-auto rifle. How about coming up with ideas from horror games like ‘Amnesia the Dark Descent’ and trying to incorporate them? Using your creativity, you can solve the semi-automatic balance problem you want, and so can other problems, without sacrificing game satisfaction and backlash from customers. Also, increasing the semi-automatic rifle’s rate of fire closer to the original will improve the balance issues in both the Normandy and Moscow campaigns at the same time, which will make the game more people play more often!

Keopox is wrong. This is because the soldiers of World War II took powerful stimulant drugs during battle. In fact, soldiers don’t always panic. Rather, look for other alternatives, such as anomalously disrupting close quarters combat by using different special effects when close to enemies on the Rifleman player’s screen while holding a bolt action rifle and holding a semi-auto rifle. How about coming up with ideas from horror games like ‘Amnesia the Dark Descent’ and trying to incorporate them? Using your creativity, than you may can solve the semi-automatic balance problem you want, and so can other problems, without sacrificing game satisfaction and backlash from customers. Also, increasing the semi-automatic rifle’s rate of fire closer to the original will improve the balance issues in both the Normandy and Moscow campaigns at the same time, which will make the game more people play more often.

The magazine of g41 is real, and the firing speed of semi-automatic rifle is not true. hahaha