Changes in the Premium Squads

Please do not continue the discussion. Keofox gave the answer. And while this user may have the right to disagree, he has no further power to change anything.

no change would have been made if your p2w squads were already balanced lmao…also devs listen to majority and see statistics not just sales

They were balanced. They’re useless now.

then why did the devs nerfed them?? you think you know what a balance is better than the devs themselves?

guess what better payers are better players I guess…now stop it you are now crying which is of no use or maybe of some use lol!

Better players because they can’t kill premium units?

i hope what you are trying to achieve by crying here you may achieve…THE END

A refund or a proper premium squad would be nice. Not this gutted waste of money.

I´m glad premium squads finaly saw some nerfs.
I believe that getting completely rid of health perk would be better than just limiting their ability to pick (because everyone will probably go for health perk again anyway), but we will see how is this adjustment going to perform.
Thank you for listening to more things than sales.


Well look at wargaming’s premium tanks which is complete garbage every vehicle they release are now far better than tech tree tanks and they don’t nerf them only buff weak ones that have pref MM imo limiting premium squads to 4 man is good limiting their perk limits are also good making them not OP to standard units the weapons still remain the same 5 star guns so nothing to be said there the only thing i would change is allowing prem soldiers to be replaced by standard soldiers to lvl them up like in WoT prem tanks can use any same crew

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There’s nothing good about limiting premium squads to premium soldiers with a hard 4-man limit.
That alone makes them way too weak.

I would say that your salt for not being able to stomp everybody else with your premium squads (please note that I own both moscow squads which I actively used and I wanted them nerfed as well) is strangely heartwarming, however you were warned that everything in CBT is subject to change (which is including premium squads because nothing is refined yet).


“Stomp everybody” how, exactly? In any case, premium stuff is SUPPOSED to be better than f2p stuff.

premium stuff is supposed to give you benefits that will help you with faster research, is unique etc etc.
When it is objectively better and more competetive than ANYTHING you can earn for free for any amount of effort, it is classified as P2W (which is by definition an unfair advantage over those who didn´t pay).
I know painfully far too well what MP 41 and PPK squads were capable of because I widely used them too.
But is seems that difference between us two is that I don´t want to see everybody else who do not own them to suffer (which is what I was causing too).

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This guy joined on March 23rd, btw. He doesn’t even have 3 weeks of playtime. Doubt he has actually experienced the true P2W stuff with nobody playing due to incoming wipe.

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No, premium is SUPPOSED to be better than f2p, why would you buy it otherwise?

he did not have enough time to stomp everyone to get that op feeling of p2w squads

Lack of actual experience with how these squads developed over time and how are still performing in comparison explains that…

The difference between you and us is that we would pay money for a fancy hat. You NEED the P2W stuff. That is a you problem if the game decides to not provide that for you. Consider another game.

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this is your first time playing f2p games if your premium squads were better it will soon become p2w game and will go down the drain

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