Change grenade pouch to "explosives pouch"

I’ve pushed for mine pouches in the past, but a fellow I’ve been teaming up with made the excellent suggestion of just changing the “grenade pouch” into an “explosives pouch”.

Essentially instead of being limited to just grenades, you could instead put mines in instead or mix them if you like.
The small would still be +1 either grenade or mine
The large would still be +2 either grenade or mine

If using the large you could even have 2 grenades and 2 mines if you chose to. ( +1 grenade and +1 mine)

Just passing the idea on.


I think it’s a good idea this time.

Not for or against, but just like to say that my mate spent all night with 9 man rifle squads putting ap mines all over the point.

Literally stopped them all game(s) from capping just when they thought they had it.

I would be pretty carefull with how much you increase mine numbers. Perhaps have explosives bags only available to engineers and at squads.


If paratroopers are gonna end up in all campaigns we need them to stop them from flanking And if people hate AP mines scattered around just toss a grenade into a room or place where you think that’s mine

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I find it a bit inconvenient that a single soldier can only have one mine.
If I have six mines on hand, I want two soldiers to have three each. That way it is quicker to set them up.
The problem is that if you have nine soldiers with mine pouches, that means you can plant up to 27 mines in one squad. Maybe this will lead to spam, but, well, setting 27 mines takes a lot of time, and if you set them in a hurry, you end up with a minefield where the mines are quite close to each other. If the minefields can be cleared with explosives or other means, it would not be so spammy.

I would also like to see the implementation of the Bangalore in conjunction with this.
This is a large explosive that can have one for three mine pouches and should be able to clear barbed wire and AP mine sources by blowing up a few metres of range. This will counter mine spam if there is any.
And you will probably also need an assist point for mine clearance.

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Exactly my point.

The other thing is, for a fair mechanic with increased mine capacity, give us the knowledge of where future objectives will be with defense, but don’t allow mines (or czech hedgehogs) to be set indoors. This makes pushing through still possible but adds a whole layer to defense that otherwise is completely missing.


I wouldn’t care about AP mines being indoor. But putting Hedgehogs inside just to block pathfinding of bots is really lame and toxic abusing of game mechanics.

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Wow, we agree on something. I personally don’t use hedgehogs to block doors for that reason. That said however, engineers are quite lacking on how they go about fortification, especially since the removal of the ability to stack sandbags.

I think a major overhaul of fortifications, defensive mechanics, and mine usage (along with the increase to capacity of them and usage inside/ outside) needs to be done.
I am hopeful that they are going down the right path with AI, especially with the most recent update that successfully makes them use cover well. Hopefully down the road they will make them more adaptive and defensive fortification can get the rightful attention it deserves, without being “lame and toxic abusing of game mechanics”.