Change campaigns to numbers (BR)

idk if you can get good implementation with that idea. you either have wide approach to equipment giving you equipment unbalanced matches with more humans and less playerbase difference between sides, or you have relatively narrow approach giving you specific equipment locked behind certain campaigns which in turn gives you current campaign MM just with more balanced weapons but unbalanced playerbase between campaigns and sides.

That’s all just speculation imo. It needs to be further tested.

Less complicated and easier solution

I’d like numbers relating to weapon balance, hard limits so 5 cannot match with anyone below 4, and for maps to have nothing to do with BR rating.

Yeah. Unfortunately somethin has to give way. And if it really comes down to it…I think Id prefer control over what Power level I play over RNG getting thrown into Berlin with a panzer III or normandy with only bolt actions.

would have to suck up having alot of bots.

Because If the match making sucks, just to fill it with humans…no new blood is going to hang around anyway.

At the very least Id hard lock P M S T from N B

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i am talking about full low level BR match in berlin, not to be thrown into high level BR match with low level BR gear in berlin.
if problem is getting uptiered then they could lock the BR tiers (similar to test server campaigns, but without map lock). i would rather that map/campaign is decided by vote (or veto) or even RNG than by getting it locked to specific weapons.

Terrible solution, I would completely quit the hame and never played it again.

well it is terrible solution to have equipment that was present in rest of the war locked behind only certain campaigns.

but i would like to have some kind of veto process. like absolutely dont put me in this campaign/mode no matter how much time i wait in queue and/or these campaigns/modes/maps are not preferable but i will play them if get them

How is that the same thing though? With the current system allows for late war weapons (Mosin M44, MP3008, etc.) to be on Moscow, not Berlin. Adding a Berlin on top of the map preference idea (which after adding BR, could simply be used to show which weapons should not be in which campaigns), will allow new players to use these weapons and play on Berlin maps without hating life due to facing massively stronger weapons. The current system doesn’t take in account how far along the squad is upgraded (# of members, grenades, mines, or equipment overall).


For soviets:
Moscow is BR1
Stalingrad is BR2
Berlin is BR3

Now we should make weapons so that weakest ones are in BR1 and strongest ones are in BR3. Then move things around to they make more historical sense (like no VG1-5 in moscow).
This way we achieve basically a BR based match maker with more or less historical equipment. Hurray.

Is it ideal? No. But imo it’s a good compromise between pure balance and a ww2 feeling.