Change BR to be based on Historical Implementation

Rather than based on power we can make BR based on when the gun was put into service. Questions?


This was somewhat proposed through the original system during the merge where weapons would have preferred maps and as such would dictate the map you were playing. The playerbase stated that we preferred weapon balance (yes, I absolutely understand and agree that the current system needs improvements). Historical fights would not be balanced weapon wise. A such this sort of thing is much more suited to an even fight mod in the custom games. (which I believe Darkflow should make available for all 4 factions by default options within customs).


Way too late for that. Not going to happen.

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Unfortunately Custom Matches is often laggy and doesn’t give rewards often. I don’t bother with them for those reasons.

this is true, andIi support more resources for them and the making of full lobbies to get full event rewards (I understand that there was an issue where people would make a lobby to do them against only bots at one point to get more points faster as a pseudo-exploit). Personally, I would like the ability to rent a custom lobby where I can modify and leave it standing.

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Yeah but rather

  • make a separate game mode (so if there’s people who don’t like it then they still have the option to go to the more “balanced” mode as now) or

  • just add official servers (each server based on timeframes in different fronts with different weapon restrictions on each server) to customs.

Either one of the two would work



That test was an insanity.

Who would’ve guessed that Tiger vs Stuart is not fun, right?

The actual idea that should have been tested must have been “BRs PLUS historical limitations”.

But the Devs just gave the “playerbase” Springfield vs STG simulator and got their desired feedback “history = bad”.

So they threw you guys into such matches on purpose just to turn the feedback against the first system? Seems very sly and manipulative in my book. Not gonna lie.

We need HA setting in custom games.


Bad idea. Because Fedorov is a 1916 weapon.


Version in game is actually from 1920s :nerd_face: :point_up_2:, but HA Fedorov is impossible since it was only used in the Winter War


probably everyone whos against this “timeline BR”
Which results to exactly that.

Which also is pretty much exactly what this minority with theyr HA fantasy is suggesting near daily.
Same 5 guys moaning about the same thing.
Same suggestion, all over again just few commas might change places.

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They need to give the first version of the merge another test run. Bc this time they actually have things for the US tanks to counter tigers with. Maybe throwing tigers against sherman 76’s and pershings against tigers. And fg42’s against m2 carbines. Rather that or just hire more devs or even hire the modders to work for them, that way they actually have the resources to make official servers in customs.

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No you cant because most of allies Current infantry equipment would be BR1, and I doubt the drum Thompson or drum ppd would be balanced in BR1 aganaist mp28 of Japanese and axis for example

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Not this shit again.


But thats what HA is. Stuart vs Tiger I happened so imagine shock that M5 can and will face Tiger I in a HA MM.
So I dont know what the HA Facebook group expects here.

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sure if they give us a real world mix that is the enemy has to wait for ten shaman’s to be sent into battle before they get one tiger, more than half the tigers have to randomly break down, of course the Americans get mixed bad to average crews while the Germans get experienced crews.

Alos we get almost all bolt actions than some semi autos a lot of SMG’s
machineguns sniper rifles, at rockets and rifles and flame throwers are rare
and almost no ar’s

wow that is so much fuuuuun

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Basically the “first system” with BRs AND restrictions (soft rule as advertised by Keofox) where complete BS like volkssturm weapons in Moscow is at least limited was never even tested.