Can't connect gaijin account

I can’t connect gaijin account to enlisted and it wont let me log in with it. If I just create a new account will it still be transferable later? If anyone has had the same issue please let me know.

I can’t connect gaijin account to enlisted and it wont let me log in with it. If I just create a new account will it still be transferable later? If anyone has had the same issue please let me know.

"If you already have played a game with a account, please log in with it now to move your game progress to Steam.

Note: You can do this only once!

Linking account ended with an error. Please try again or contact"

I’ve been having the same issue.

If u are still unable to connect u can try going to support as listed in


I did that, but it says it will take them days to get back to your support ticket.

I cannot login on steam because I had forgot a year and a half ago that I had started an enlisted account for my girlfriends son, which branched off my luvs2spooge account. I accidentally used the other accounts e mail address when I linked the two accounts. It has a different screen name and linked to my other e mail address, so when I logged in with steam it was starting a new never used account. Anyway, I have been in contact with support with hopes they can remedy the mistake. So far, NO LUCK. I then went to and deleted the other account, which took care of the multiple Enlisted accounts, but now Steam won’t let me log on at all since it shows it is linked to a deleted account. :grin:
I have a second steam account which steam created themselves years ago when they messed up some of the games I had bought, so they put them onto a second steam account. Anyway, I can start enlisted through that account, but when I try and link the accounts it says that the account is already linked to luvs2spooge, which it never really was. Anyway, at this time I have no access to Enlisted via steam until either Gajin or steam completely clean that account information and lets me start all over linking the two accounts

Till then, and even maybe after I will play from the Gajin startup. My fear is that at some point in the future the Gajin link will no longer work and we will be forced to play through steam. If that is the case, I am done, especially since at this point I cannot even play enlisted on steam, and have no option even to start from zero. It shouldn’t be this hard, even if the user screws up to fix this

yes same here