Can we nerf Grenade Launchers? My suggestion:

They purposefully nerfed it

Damn, crazy idea but just limit that too, or idk, go make a post about that? lol

I can’t believe that you guys are unironically against the GL nerf just because you are somehow, unbelievable, too poor at the game to abuse something so broken and easy to use. I actually can’t believe it. I went into a couple matches and immediately started getting huge multikills, and topping the lobbies. GL are insanely easy to use, what are any of you on about? These things NEED a nerf, and just cause you are bad with them, doesnt mean they arent OP

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Your comparison between Germany and mere Japan proves how far short-sighted you are than others. Japan barely having anything good while Germany have shit ton of weapons to play with against the Soviets. So its expected that Japan will be defeated easily than Germany.

Also isn’t RMN-50 a BR V weapon? There is literally no more events related to it anymore.

Funny thing about GL’s is that you could just grind whole TT line only using them. Get good score on avarage and never have to buy different weaponds. Takes only couple of matches to get hang of them and then you would fill your whole squads with GL rifles (doesn’t even need weapond upgrades).

Idk maybe tweak reload speed or just remove hip fire spam. You shouldn’t be able to fire it fast, thats just toxic to deal with.

They’re not overpowered

But certainly extremely annoying, so why not.



I posted some screenshots above, those were my first 2 games using them :joy:
140 kills - 84 GL
121 kills - 93 GL

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I mean yeah theoretically you can do that

I mean good luck because more than half of the squad dies in some battle that actually have decent number of player enemies instead of bots.

Already GL sucks in hitreg when you miss by a inch. What more nerf can you ask for? Remove them? Throw potato instead?

Easier to keep them alive on defense, but typically most of them die.

Pro tactic is to let real player past you and then GL spam his AI squad. Then focuse the real player.

Even if you miss you would take out most of their HP with blast radius and then do a follow up shot.


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Sometimes yes sometimes no. There is bunch of smartasses that tries to harass people around the objective

Nice idea but hard to implement if hes smart

Well on that note, sometimes there is a bug where it doesn’t register hit if its a miss


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Its weird to me that people have started using grenade lauchers more often, even in high tier matches.

I think they are potent in a direct player vs player fight, but giving up your BR5 auto gun for some nade launchers seems like wasted potential.

Its because it has awful range grenade launcher that they care about blasting on stupid people or bots in tight spaces lmfao

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90 GL kills, BR5 match
Queue sniping the devs so they nerf them now :')

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This not going to happen injustice in this Game is just a hell, and the devs just care about money and nothing else : ’ (

What the sigma? No. GLs are too underpowered. We should add more rounds to each grenade launcher actually, and make grenade pouches add more grenades to a GL rifle. Would make much more sense.

Gotta say I run 1x RNM50 in 4 squads; with 12 rounds per grenadier.

Theres no way ur equalizing the suggestion in the OP (even if its realistic-ish) by gimping every other nations to 1 per; that being said RNM falls as an outlier with 50mm ordinance.

Modern stuff throws 40mm avg and most WW2 launchers fell in the roughly 30mm caliber (hence limited lethality we experience)

Maybe the devs and moderators going to ban you for bug abuse/cheats lmfaoo

you cry for RMN-50, me I want the german or italian version, yes, speak about the


lanciabombe rifle, lanciabombe pistol for italy and germany have the sturmkampfgewehr, scred it, if soviets have it, we should have too

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You guys have sturmpistole for free which does same type reload as RMN 50. But they should make it slower

my boy, the sturmkampfgewehr have more ammo options and more power, rmn-50 actually is better than sturmpistole, the lanciabombi pistol and rifle I can’t be sure because they where mere prototypes and I didn’t find enough resource material, but for sturmkampfgewehr as you can see in the photo could have a better projectile