Can someone explain rank of soldiers?


I don’t understand stars and ranks of soldiers.

I have one soldier of each “squad” with 3 stars. I don’t know how they got to 3 stars but they leveled up without going to academy because I never sent any soldier there.

However, other soldiers are stuck a 1 star, and don’t level up. Why?

Why one soldier of each squad reached 3 stars without academy, and others don’t and are stuck a 1 star?


Long story short,

At the top of your screen there is a tab for upgrades.

When you click this a new tab opens for the squad, you need to gain xp to unlock stages
of the up grades.

If you have 3 star members this maybe from the random troop reinforcements.

Sorry for the rushed explanation, but I am currently saving the world from Nazi bots

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lemme try.

every soldier drops from the logistics with a chance from level 1 (1 star) to level 5 (5 stars)
here: they are random, it can drop soldiers with 1 to 5 stars.

just pass your mouse cursor over that image. it shows the info you need.

BUT : if you started the game right now, (recently) default squads are random at star’s avaiable as far as i remember.

Yes but I never purshased soldiers through logistics. Also, I unlocked all ranks for the squads. But only one soldier of each squad reached 3 stars. All the others are stuck at 1 star. (also, next to their 1 star rank is “maximum” displayed). I am quite lost there. Am I missing something?

Some soldiers start with 3 stars, for example the leader of a squad you have just researched.

On the point of levelling up, you need to increase the max level of a particular squad through squad upgrades. There are specific upgrades in a squad that increase the max level of soldiers in that squad.

All my soldiers actually started at one star and the first soldier of each squad leveled up on its own, 1 star, then 2 stars, then 3.

But all the others get their blue bars filled, and then, no star is added to their rank. The blue bar restarts but no leveling up occurs. Is it normal behavior?

yeah. default squad soldiers 1 soldier always come with more stars. the current 1 star is the max untill you train it on accademy .

you need 3 soldiers of same star level (full star) and send them to the accademy, you will trade 3 1 star soldiers for 1 , 2 star soldier.

1 soldier per squad is always 3 star at default

they wont level that way, all you gonna get is retraining orders to change the perks.

they can only level on the accademy .

Ok so that answers my question. The only way to level up soldiers is to send them to academy… That’s not very clear

Thanks for your help

You need to increase the maximum rank of that soldier to achieve the next rank. That can be done through the upgrades of the squad in which they are based.

The alternative is exchanging several lower rank soldiers to make a higher rank one in the academy.

You don’t need the academy to reach the max rank of a soldier, but when their max rank is achieved, they cannot progress further. That’s where the academy comes in.

This seems to be incorrect because I unlocked 5 stars for the 505th parachute regiment, but all soldiers except one are stuck at 1 star. Their blue bars have been filled at least 5 times without leveling up.

As Shiivex said, it seems only academy can level up a soldier

that 505 regiment picture is the requirements to level said soldiers,

you need that upgrade first befor leveling them up on the accademy.

you cant level a soldier befor having that upgrade first :stuck_out_tongue:

I found out WHY.

Actually, in the upgrades, for the 505th regiment, only level upgrades available for assaulters, not troopers.

I can’t find any trooper upgrades by the way. So that’s why all my troopers are stuck at 1 star…

on the troopers squad :stuck_out_tongue:

you need to upgrade other squads too so all soldiers can grow, (in this case the trooper one)

this way you need to fully upgrade all squads if you want to grow :stuck_out_tongue:

The issue: I only have assaulter, sniper, pilot, tanker and enginer personnel upgrades available in the upgrade panel. No trooper personnel upgrades, is it normal?

Bug confirmed I think, I actually found upgrades for troopers, and I already unlocked 4 stars level. But all my troopers display : “1 star (maximum” level

send them (3 tropers of same star level) to the academy.

do this : (but with 3 of that level 1 star tropers)