Call me crazy, but

I know I’m writing this a long time after this suggestion went silent BUT 40%of the times I see P-47 it kamikazes into the nearest group of enemy without taking out the tank/s, those are usually the guys who just unlocked it.

Another 40% are semi-competent pilots that know how to bomb/rocket things without going into the ground right after and are able to shoot down some enemy pilots, these are the guys that unlocked it let’s say 1,5-2 months before the merge.

And the last 20% are really good pilots that are fighting like gods that can even dogfight German fighters with their very angry flying barrels with 8 50.cals. These are the guys that have it for 4+ months to lear every quirk of the P-47.

But Germans had problems with T-34 :joy:

that was such bad aim when aiming for t34… few times he aims for ammo rack, but then just moves it away to aim for another either non critical part or part that he cant penetrate…

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Yeah, sloped armor is still overperforming in this game