Burning Sky: rocket tanks and new campaign levels 1/2

They said they would end micro transactions, I’m waiting until today, they already know that putting single tanks as a premium besides being a tremendous waste of time because with the evolution of the campaign they were in the line of oblivion, like BA- 11 as well as the 38t as well as the M24 you rarely see it in battle, if you stop to think why instead of making just one premium vehicle they don’t make 2 versions of it a little more customized but not totally overpowered, the public of enlisted is not that big anymore and they continue in this thinking, so it is difficult to defend the company, I like the game and played it from the beginning but not everyone is an American besides not having a thought in other countries and being limited to the dollar and to the euro does not have a broad vision as a company and follows the same thinking of micro transactions and etc. , honestly I would like you from gaijin if you see this post to pay more attention to the public that still fights playing your game, because they like it is that they expect improvements, because they don’t invest in cosmetics and historical variants of tanks (variants) that means they will have a free tank but more standardized to please the whole public and attract too.

Even the battle of Stalingrad, which is a campaign they split even more, the content that for me was a failure, may not be for you, but for me it was a total failure and I don’t want to level up this campaign, split it even more the free resources obtained in the campaign was not a very smart idea from my point of view and of course it is my opinion.

I prefer a thousand times an AA anti-aircraft truck than these rocket launchers and that doesn’t take up space for the 2 limited spaces of the tanks, but rather a unique class of vehicles with a unique icon on the map, and I would like to see one day also vehicles of half-track infantry would be very interesting and would like an improvement in the sound of armored vehicles, they all have the same engine sound, give a slight immersion in the game, separate squads and limit the use of TNT per squad giving credibility to anti-tank squadrons like this as many games that seek history do, not everyone can carry these things (TNT) and fix german planes from normandy that fly at a completely different speed than announced by you in plane status, spins less than a plane loaded with american bombs and the cannons fire 20mm blanks.


Yeah i don’t touch shitshow called stalingrad with a stick as well.

But at least ht bs response about 4 f2p campaings is somewhat true, even if it means the game suffers.

This is interfering in old content that i hoped would be free of this asshole predatory macrotransastion shit

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Compared with the German made 2cm AA guns currently used by each camp now, I think it would be better to give some camps their own AA units. In fact, the last update log said that they would modify the machine guns on the sandbags, which is more appropriate to the historical facts (there was no mg42 in Moscow !), In this case, the AA may also be changed in the future (for example, the United States has M16 air defense vehicles, the Soviets have self-propelled vehicles carrying 37 anti-aircraft guns, and Germany has the famous Ostwind)

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Tbh I’m a bit sad that we get Ofenrohr instead of a PzSchreck with a shield.
I hope we will get it later (but I’m affraid it will end up like the StG did).

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Fearless german soldiers without gasmask’s, they don’t care if theyre faces become BBQ


There wouldn’t be, simply because there’s no american counter for it. Btw I would prefer a Panzerfaust 100 over Panzerschreck in every situation

Well, they can already jump out of the window at 2nd flor like nothing happened so this didn’t surprised me at all.

PzFaust can easily OHK a tank as far as I know (I’m 0,5 lvl away from it!), so adding even more powerful weapon wouldn’t change much.

sprint perk + sabre heavy breathing

It would be very good to see these vehicles, along with the semi-track trucks, in addition to holding the planes, it would be useful with the infantry too, I think this vehicle would be much more useful than the rocket vehicles they put now.

Please do not worsen the balance of the game in Moscow.
The T-50 is already strong enough. Users do not want any adjustments that will unbalance the game. The Germans need at least a long barreled 75mm gun.

There was no long barrel 75mm at Moscow.

there was no calliope in normandy either, but do you think DF cares?

I think that having 1 rocket tank as premium is lesser evil than completely rewriting the history of the battle of Moscow where the Red Army had armor advantage and giving the Germans long 75 mm barrel tanks from the future.

Obviously T-50 is isnane and T-34 is set to be no less insane, but pouring more insanity over it isn’t a solution I can ever get behind. Why even bother making battles/campaigns if we’re gonna end up with STGs anyway.

like i said do you think DF cares? they will put p2w rocket tanks in campaigns they were not part of. also they will put paper guns/vehicles in campaigns for balance reasons. i would rather that some OP vehicles that were historically in campaign not be part of the particular campaign, rather than introducing another OP vehicle that wasnt in that campaign to counter it.

Absolutely. That’s exactly I did not want to see T-34 or KV-1 in Moscow, because the Germans can’t counter them effectively. But adding long 75mm tanks isn’t the solution either.

well they did have t-34 from the very start of operation barbarossa
but the biggest problem with the t-34s is the low quality metal meant that armour spalling was a problem that was very prevalent that even the 37mms could take out t-34s

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I know, but it’s barely counterable by anything Germany has, T-50 is already bad enough.
But will have to wait and see how strong the new T-34 is in Moscow.

the panzer 3 j1 price the t34 in turret after we also have the panzer 4 e with the heat but tank bought and the t50 the panzer 3j1 will kill it he pierces it everywhere