Burning Sky: rocket tanks and new campaign levels 1/2

I mean, you can always just make the effort to learn the weak spots. Like, you CAN easily kill a Sherman jumbo with a PzIII short gun if you know where to shoot (hint, not the MG port). Same goes for T34s. They are NOT unkillable. I don’t wanna say ‘Git Good’, just do some research on your own. The PzIII J is more than capable of dealing with it. Angle and play smart.


I decided to support the game again, and buy the calliope in normandy. I can’t help it, I enjoy the tanks, although still have no reason to buy the churchill, sorry not sorry.

The calliope is in all honesty the worst tank I have played for allied normandy so far.

Machine guns have killed it. It has no lobbing ability on the rockets, I can’t lob it up and over anything. Its a huge target in D-Day, Airfield, etc … Machine guns can kill it, did i say that already?

The rockets are extremely hit or miss in their proximity. It seems like their entity editing wasn’t complete. Shoot a wall, or specific types of ground and things die, shoot other specific objects or ground and nothing even standing right on it dies. complete absorbed by the enviroment.

I don’t know. Maybe if the rockets showed impact points like mortars then it would be useful, but in all honesty, buy the firefly or chaffee if you want to buy a tank, skip the calliope if you were considering it.

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