Burning Sky: rocket tanks and new campaign levels 1/2

yeah, but allied got nice airplane and tank(before come out panther), and for now, tank’s are minimaly acceptable(without m10) and complete dominance in sky.
what’s for moscow german

you can no longer cry about this. this is in the past now panther and tiger is way worse than p47

BAR is much better than mg-42

no its not to German main this is ok but then cry about avs when it had extra clip

ride interceptor then
german fighter can intercept p47, p47 is little bit dull because it fueled full


have you tried?

yea it sucked

until after buff explosive shell?

Sorry, but the rocket artillery is realy not a good Idea, we have more than enough Explosives with Planes, Arty-Strikes, Mortars and Bombing runs especially the Set-up you got there with the Sherman and the Panzerwerfer is widely unbalanced the one is literally a tank even without the Rockets while the other is a slightly armored truck the versatility of these vehicles is simply not comparable.

Instead of Rocketlaunchers Mechanized Inf Squad or Anti-Air Halftracks with .50 Cals and 20mm Guns would be a better Idea.


What could be worse than a tank camping? its rocket camping

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no no it will be fun trust us says the devs forgets what arty spam was like forgets riffle gernade spam but here have rocket bundle

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Make the game better first so people will pay for it.


Rocket launcher maybe nice for those player ‘have paied’(actually you can easily imagine what i will say later)

Thank’s to devs we will have even more explosive spam,lmfao

Oh,sorry,it’s P2W thing,the bloody peasants will not get those.

This is how ya solve problems,Darkflow?)))))))))


I love the new additions, not entirely sure how the rockets will work, do they promote grey zone or campaign near rearm points let’s see… I guess that is ok, if reload is long enough.

Will be buying them all as usual, but running out of slots, so what will this mean dropping panther, dropping my Stug to equip rockets or will this be a new squad like mortorbike?

Gotta say rocket vehicles are sure buy for me and my pals, but come on, premium g41? G41 right now is a really crappy gun, unless it will be fixed in same update me and my friends ain’t pay for that.
And I don’t think Pz 3 J1 is good counter for t34 tho, unless there are stuff we don’t know yet. So come on, more news.

Quick feedback summary for the devs:

  • rocket tanks sound fun in general but need to be:
    a) not OP;
    b) available for F2P;
    c) balanced between two factions;
  • Moscow tanks balance is very pro-Soviet with Terminator-50 already, and now will be even more unbalanced with T-34;
  • none of this matters if we continue to launch 90% bot games instead of waiting for full human lobby via “join any campaign, any faction” option.

Awesome more Allies-Buff more Explosives

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Objectively speaking, the Moscow campaign will be more difficult for axis players than other axis camps in other campaigns. Although the timely Stuka and Bf110 can provide effective anti tank support, most German Players (excluding those experienced and paid high-level players) does have disadvantages in light weapons and tanks. Most of the latter can not resist the attack of the Soviet 45mm gun in the front, This time, T34 has once again strengthened this imbalance. It is time to take some measures…

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