Burning Sky: rocket tanks and new campaign levels 1/2

Can firing an infantry rifle cause a rocket to explode?
A regular infantry rifle, not an anti-tank rifle.

Only interested In the pzshrek.

The tanks look cool and all, but a single hit on the rocket rack ill be enough to destroy one. No thx, hard pass from me.

Let’s see if part 2 will bring something more interesting than a gimmic toy.

Explosions make the game feel more alive on the same level as frustrating to play. Hopefully bots don’t feel the pain…

Also, why would I spend money on calliope when p47 its already doing so much…?


Please show us more non-premium squads! Yes, the premium ones are attracting, but we are expecting more non-p2w weapons/vehicles, the ratio between premium and non premium should not be 1:1.

Also, pz3 is not a good opponent for t34, some tanks with 75mm heat would be better.


Part 2: panzershreck for axis Berlin! And Soviets too because they cannot have inferior things :stuck_out_tongue:


From what I’ve heard so far there are planned to be 40 levels max per campaign, so adding just one level to currently the highest level campaigns as Moscow and Normandy shouldn’t be a surprise at this stage of development, otherwise we would be at finish line with these 2 campaigns in next two updates.

I am sure other campaigns will get more levels, Berlin probably 2 and Tunisia perhaps another 3 like last time, no idea about Stalingrad, guess at least 3. Anyway we will see

They never said 40 it’s the last level.

They said “Atleast 40 levels”.

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37 level - correct
Do the rest of the levels the same way

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This is what I’ve always seen in the comments that max will be 40, if it is how you say then ok, I am wrong. Anyway they can “slow down” progress of these campaigns so other can catch up with more levels.

Pz3j1 will even be easily broken down by the primary T26 tank. Do you really think it can compete with T34? I prefer to get pz4f1 equipped with heat.

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Any plans on improving tank models?
Different sound files for different engines, (why does Puma sound the same as Panther?)
Stronger sounds when shell ricochets?
Higher off road capability? seriously, getting stuck on some rouble can get quite annoying.
Overall, just making tanks, feel like tanks.


The rocket will probably be ballistic, but what is the range and ammo capacity?
My fear is that there are spammers who camp at supply points and shoot rockets incessantly at their bases from out of sight, creating a hell that no one can get near.
In the past, mortar squads that could be easily resupplied with ammo boxes were exactly that.

It’s on the text.

60 for calliope
10/10 for the German apc.

Spawn - spam the rockets - die or refill on the German one.

Or, use the main cannon on Sherman

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I imagine that for the panzerwerfer, as it’s the only rocket vehicle shooting in an indirect way. What I’m hoping is that reloading the second set of rockets will take a while, like 30 seconds, maybe? :thinking:

The Sherman, once out of rockets, can just charge ahead. Keo confirmed that once rockets are spent, shooting the rocket rack won’t yield any result… So the Calliope is the ultimate assault tank…


You mean 60.


Yeah sixty not sixteen.


the moment when the “teen” in the word decides. 60, not 16



English is not my native language, so I have not often thought about the etymology of words.
My ex-girlfriend once said that under 20 is with teen (teenage) on the end. I don’t know if it really has anything to do with adolescence, but it would be funny.

May God help us whatever awaits us in Chapter 2.


seems somewhat allies favoured so far

calliope seems quite a bit better than the panzerwerfer, but i dont really give a shit. i am more interested in seeing how balanced they are against infantry and such

no axis counterpart to BM-8-24? i get that germans didnt really use rocket launchers at that time, but you could have atleast thrown in a regular half track or something as to not leave axis emptyhanded when it comes to new exciting stuff.

t-34 is going to make the tank balance which already favours soviets even worse.

and decent soviet magazine loaded semi sniper vs 5 year reload g 41 sniper.

you have statistics though right? you must be aware that moscow win rates and player numbers already heavily favour soviets. and stuff like this (especially only adding the new exciting rocket launchers and t-34 to soviets and pretty much just the same old mid tier equipment to axis) is sure to only make this worse right? it just seems so backwards to me, its like your trying to get the few people still playing moscow axis to stop doing so