Burning Sky: Part 2

Tunisia still has riflemen 3 as 35, MG42 Flamenwefer 41 as two levels they’ll probably do so 36 and 37, bazooka and panzerschreck probably 38, Tiger E 39, and whatever else they got for 40 or in between those etc.

The body armor they are wearing is the SN-38, it was produced in 1938 and used in Stalingrad as well as Leningrad.



I personally would prefer not to see the IS3 since it didn’t see any action during the war. Same thing with the Brits and the Centurion don’t get me wrong I love both tanks but don’t wanna stretch thing too far

I too am hoping for the Jagdpanther in the future. That and the Jagdpanzer IVs are by far my favorite vehicles and I think they need more love

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I also prefer historical accuracy but this ship sailed a long time ago for Enlisted. Contrary to Jumbos in Normandy, Fedorovs and AS-44s in Berlin etc at least IS-3 was in Berlin in 1945. In the parade :stuck_out_tongue:


What you talking, the berreta is really underrated, it may be not the new meta op gun but it does its job fairly well short to mid range, at least you should be grateful it isn’t a AT rifle grenade launcher


Yeah that’s why I’m curious why we see them appear not somewhere like Romania 1944 but Berlin 1945, wonder if any of those early turret tanks made it back to Berlin?

However, since we already have Fedorov and IS-1 magically survive till Berlin, and now AS-44 magically make it from testing grounds to being adopted and used at the front, questions about correct turrets look silly.

Might as well add Tsar Tank and Kirov Airship as premiums to Berlin next.


Sorry I didn’t notice right away.

Detachments with anti-tank grenade launchers - general access of stalingrad
New armored vehicles - full access


Not all players, but I understand the situation and we even had a conversation with you about this. We promised to formulate clearer. I have nothing to add to this.


Why only one level for Normandy and Moscow this time? It’s not enough.


Fair enough. I don’t mind seeing the Jumbos as much even though they weren’t present in Normandy considering they saw action a couple months later. I think the reason I draw the line at vehicles like the IS3 is because or how powerful they are and the impact they absolutely would have had if they did make it to the battlefield

It was expected that their interest in the two old campaigns would wane. And I think their resources are finite. So, it was expected. But look on the good side, we can throw the impact grenade into each other’s faces. It will be fun. What could go wrong?

yeah i was mainly joking about the IS-3. I was jsut expected to have the Tiger II H against the Is-2

Palpatine - Ironic

@1942786 For real. Do you think anyone actually use AT rifle nades… let alone actually using them against tanks? Do you think anyone is that retarded to use them against a KV?

The road of meme never ends…
@Conscript_Joe I was right


I will definitely try, for laughs :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Just for the meme. Will probably jump on the turret and be Jackass “Eastern Front Edition”.


I think sometimes they don’t understand what’s going on here either, they just report it to us and deal with the players on the forum who don’t understand either.

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Well. They copied HnGs “muh stats”. But then… I doubt that their stats say that AT rifle nades are the overkill shit everybody here is dreaming of to unlock on Level 30 idk.

im not paying for any premium sqauds that are more then $7


Keo checking in on this thread and seeing all this malding going on: