Burning Sky: Part 2

It would justify the Pershing, no jokes (and wasted won’t even be there to see it). But as much as I’d love to drive the Pershing, for axis it would make tank selection a bit redundant with Berlin :thinking:

Thought it’s true Normandy is funnier than Berlin, more live people.

Why not some jagpanther or something to make things unique? Or even the jadgtiger (thought it might be pushing it).

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And will it be possible to see SPAA in the game in the future (FREE) (without taking space from the secondary tank in battle)?

because in addition to giving a balance to the sides, it will be interesting to see in game, in addition to new trucks for transporting semi-track troops (FREE), and please fix the animations of the steering wheel of the vehicles and the cockpit of the planes, the sounds of the vehicles and armored according to each nation, this is immersive and gives the game a revival.

change the armored reload base giving this option for Engineers in battles to make resupply garages in battles giving the possibility for enemies to cut off armored supplies resupply if this base is destroyed, thus avoiding possible spam, people can simply talk there but if destroyed an engineer can simply go build again, it would be something time consuming to build and that in a defense or attack it would always take some time to build these garages, and once again I’m talking about this subject, Limitation of use of grenades (TNT) only one soldier with anti tank experience can carry this type of equipment (release the possibility of having an anti tank soldier from the beginning per squad)
, many will say there is but this way the tank will be super OP, negative there are planes there are allied tanks, the infantry itself has to know how to move and of course know how to flank a tank and putting together this information that I mentioned above, a garage made by engineers It would be very interesting for the game even more in these situations, it will give more credibility to other anti-tank weapons and a much greater immersion for both infantrymen and tank players because ammunition is not something infinite.
(I apologize to my dear friends who spam TNT and are upset with the difficulty of using them in addition to having 6000 tanks destroyed with a very high difficulty using only TNT (Irony).

I would assume when the season ends

hell yeah. Who care about bad networking admitted by developer or cannofodder bots if we coul earn more by selling more chance to win to losers


Ох уж эти американцы) Лишь бы засудить кого-нибудь…

The overwhelming majority of Tiger tanks were deployed to, and lost on, the Eastern Front.
So it makes sense that most remaining Tiger IIs would be nearby Berlin.

Losses by front

Cause Tiger I Tiger II Total
Combat 6 - 6
Non-combat 25 - 25
Total 31 - 31
Combat 39 - 39
Non-combat 85 - 85
Other/unknown 37 - 37
Total 161 - 161
Eastern Front
Combat 402 97 499
Non-combat 273 125 398
Other/unknown 184 87 271
Total 499 398 271
Western Front
Combat 86 62 148
Non-combat 64 86 150
Other/unknown 37 23 60
Total 187 171 358

I did finish Stalingrad as FTP and maxed soldiers and weapons.
Just bought the package for the t34 and auto rifle

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Oh man… While I admire your perseverance, it would have been so much easier to buy the pack BEFORE finishing the campaign…
T34 is truly great thought isn’t it? Love using it instead of the KV sometimes. It’s a beautiful machine I was overjoyed the devs to add it with Stalingrad, I sincerely bought the access pack JUST for this sexy metal beast! (And the KV) :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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T34 is super fun and one of my favourites.

Just to illustrate the Grind, the last weapon upgrade for the ppsh costs 38 bronze orders. I did eight like that and alot other weapons.

Now working on machine gunners II , engineers II and snipers II and all the stuff that was behind paywall.

I feel people get very anxious to “finish” a campaign. It’s like thats the finish line of an illusionary race they are on.
The end of campaign to is where the fun beggins cause you don’t have to worry about getting this or that.
Bless you.

Exactly. In fact it’s why I like the new business model of Stalingrad: I do not have as much free time to play as I’d want. I cannot grind much. This allowed me to enjoy late campaign toys :slight_smile: I work all the time usually, this phone and forum being one of my very few respite. 30$ was really not a lot for me to allow me to enjoy things. I understand it doesn’t appeal to everyone which is why I wouldn’t make old campaigns use the same model, but this one here in Stalingrad is perfect for me.

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Ну не могли флотские ВАЛЕНКИ надеть,может можно на сапоги переиграть?

No premium squads in stalingrad innit?



Whats he say?

i have a limited budget on gaming, lets say 40$ a month, this means that spending 30$ on stalingrad burn 75% of my budget.

and apart for that i cant justify the purchase of something that works in only 1 campaign, and that i will get bored with very fast.

its overhaul not a good purchase for what you could do with 30$ (rember always with limited budget)

here a short list

going out with firends
buy skirim fallout nv and project zomboid
order 5 kebab menu
purchase 1 month of dog food

but i guess if you have a lot of fun money it doesnt really matter.

More feedback, although rocket tanks are all good in their different ways, I think there could be used as artillery as a secondary barrage option, or keep the direct fire trajectory, but I think more arc, so we lob shells over, the Moscow tank has more drop.

Binoculars as Tank commander, maybe a lower profile in tank.

Tried planes again last night, hard to experience new plane damage from cockpit as rarely get bit shot off as yet! Bullet holes please.

Love the new engineer mg placements GJ devs :+1:

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Yeah I know, it’s why I say I understand it. Not trying to judge others about their own money or anything, I never do that (it’s a dick move). It works well for me simply because I work too much…

Project zomboïd is great btw :slight_smile:

the new MGs look good but now we cant aim down.
that makes them more useless on second floors and attics.