Bulletproof Vests for ALL Factions

Expanding on the guy’s suggestion from the post here:

I request that all factions have their own bulletproof vest, although they were not widely used and most of them were experimental or terribly ineffective, it would seem like an option to me to have the same treatment that the Soviets have, which although it will not save you from dying Since it only reduces 10% if I remember correctly, this could be a chance to save someone

armor-body-japanese-iron-jacket (2)



I want these to be implemented not as a cosmetic, but as a backpack item.

When worn, reduces all damage from explosives and shell fragments by 25%. Should be enough to only get downed from AP mines, as well as become more resilient to artillery, CAS and tanks.

No damage reduction to small arms, though.


Either as a backpack item or perhaps as a utility type item. I know some of you get frustrated when I link posts, but that literally fits right in with this one.

It would fit right in!!

The reason why I say this over the backpack slot, is that the backpack generally deals with consumables. So unless you are saying make this a consumable, I don’t know if that is quite the right spot for it. In comparison, having it as a utility slot could make it to where you can equip and unequip it, as while it is equipped it may hinder your movement speed a little bit.

I want it in the backpack slot for balancing reasons.

The backpack slot is generally where you extrude the most potential out of your soldiers. Whether it be more ammunition, additional heals or the ability to spam grenades. To pick one type is to exclude all others.


I want flak vests. Let me lay on a grenade and survive. Lol


Unlikely. Even with a 75% damage reduction.


It was a joke, but having extra survivability against fragmentation would be nice regardless

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Then yeah, I can get behind that. there definitely needs to be SOMETHING to get some diversification in backpack usage. Very rarely do I see anyone use anything other than grenades. Only ever ammo for MGs.

It would definitely help.

The only other major thing though is how much would it reduce damage?

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I don’t really like bulletproof vests.

My soldiers wear them for a 10% damage reduction, but these vest not nice to watch at all. Since only the Soviets currently has bulletproof vests, I hope to make -10% damage a natural talent for Soviet soldiers, so that I can make my soldiers wear better looking clothes instead of big and ugly bulletproof vests.

You can choose not to wear bulletproof vests, but everyone is allowed to have one