Buildings that Scale with BR

I like the idea. AT Guns and AA that grow and scale with higher BR’s to be more capable against more capable vehicles and players. However, these better buildables should not be given to the regular Engie Squad (other than the AA). The AT Squad should right out the gate get a better AT Gun, and then that can scale higher with BR. Much like MG Squads, it gives you a reason to take that extra Engie and build that one over the basic Engie Squad one. For example the Engie LMG nest vs the MG HMG nest

Other buildables would benefit from a bit of a facelift as well. Not much use building a sandbag wall if a tank can roll around the corner and delete it with one shot. Seeing barbedwire upgrade from a small deployment to a proper wall would be cool, but may be a bit OP outside of a bigger size giving new constraints. AI pathing around buildables is also a MUST if we got teammates who will only ever build on the second story with 50 sandbags (seriously, stop that)

Uh, other than that if anyone else got any ideas I’m all ears


Especially note the second post that I linked.

The Engineers should switch the AT field gun for an Autocannon that can angle down to deal with troops and light armor, and the current AA switched out for larger, much more effective AA.

Additionally, the ring of sandbags that helps to better shape a trenched location would help these as well.

The AT field guns should be completely moved over to the AT squads, and increase in size according to BR.

Along with the first post I linked, if the tank rolls up and direct hits the sandbag wall, understandable that it breaks, however, the fragmentation from one of its shells should NOT break it.


Fortifying windows with boards like what we have in some maps already and we can use it to stop people from jumping through windows or shoot through the slits or not make it look like it’s so obvious that someone standing in the window.

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I honestly don’t think that boards are the solution. I think the better option is to make sandbag walls have an OPTION for dynamic adaptability.

This means that if you turn it on, the sandbag wall will automatically become tall enough to fully seal off the window.
In addition, give an option for either a standard sandbag wall or windowed sandbag wall. This way you could make a way to SHOOT through it, but not PASS through it.


That’s true but you only have so many sandbags you can work with and sometimes you might want to go upstairs and start boarding up the windows so you can actually shoot through them without giving away your position

Sounds like a lot of submenu searching just to put down a sandbag in a game where you don’t even get enough time to put down regular sandbags

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That’s true as well they really need to give us a prepping phase so we can actually get our stuff together


I disagree. I think it could be done quite easily and efficiently.

  • Hover over the sandbag wall option and it displays one submenu of normal or windowed.
  • Add a button for adaptive or non-adaptive to be toggled on or off.

Its that easy.

And I know all of these things have been mentioned before, I’m just trying to tie them all together in one thing to get as many of them out to people as possible. I do think Engies should be a jack of all master of none though rather than a “specialized” class that’s “unique”

What button?


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A button that makes sandbag walls do this

But which one?

The relative fragility of sandbags correlate to how easy it is to set them up in the first place.

3 seconds without perks. Performed by any engineer.

Simply either remake the sandbag walls, or use a tank trap which serves as more permanent cover.

Hard to remake them when moments later you’re overran by the enemy team and killed. And of course you were the last one alive on point so now the enemy is capturing and none of your teammates are anywhere near point, so by the time you spawn back, point’s gone and now you need to get on the next one NOW and start mowing down the enemy or else it’s gone too


That’s one helluva scenario you cooked up.

Ever considered not relying on fortifications to fend off the enemy team? Maybe spend more time fighting to push them back to the edge of your grey zone? Maybe aggressively sweeping their rallies?

Fortifications buy time.

What you do with that time is what decides whether or not you keep the objective. Even if you spent it well and the point does get taken, it would literally just be a matter of the quality of your team compared to the enemy’s.

No amount of fortifying will do you any good when you’re already outclassed by the enemy team.

But fortifying a point against a relatively even-skilled enemy team would considerably slow them down.

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Sorry, I’m not typically a front pusher unless they’re getting absolutely hammered and I want at least a few kills to my name before the match ends. I prefer to stick near point so when they get close I end them there instead of 5-20 seconds after they spawn

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mrw a multiplayer game puts you in a target-rich environment and you want to huddle up in sand castles to the detriment of the team.

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Detriment to the team? Are you have stupid? I’m ON OBJECTIVE and killing people FROM OBJECTIVE who happen to be NEAR OBJECTIVE. In an OBJECTIVE BASED GAME

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You would be correct if it weren’t for the fact that you only need the attacking team to outnumber you on the capture zone to irreversibly count down the cap timer. You’re also neither immortal nor omniscient enough to see or predict everything.

Creating a buffer zone in front of the point to prevent them from establishing rallies which would increase the rate they flood the objective is literally as basic as it gets.

You get to cut down the enemy in a place they might perceive as relatively safe, prevent them from making a beachhead and get the opportunity to also fortify that said location. There’s nothing forcing you from abandoning the said position if the cap point is in danger, and a nearby rally next to the cap point would also allow you to die and respawn in a position that can immediately defend the objective.