Durability and Resistance of Sandbag Walls and Barbwire

Please hear out the whole suggestions before passing judgement.

This is something that can effect BOTH Defense and Offense in a positive way.

Currently Sandbag walls and barbwire are only ever used INSIDE of buildings or specifically to protect a rally point.

  • One of the prevailing reasons for this is that they are destroyed by FRAGMENTATION damage from aircraft bombs, artillery, tank shells, etc.


Make both sandbag walls and barbwire immune to fragmentation damage.

This way it requires direct hits from explosives to break them.

  • Sandbag walls will now provide adequate protection against bombardments, giving soldiers a much higher chance to hunker down and survive.

    • This includes for attackers. Making foxholes with sandbag walls around them would provide MUCH safer spots to hunker down while waiting for bombardments to pass (also provides cover against grenade spam). Basically requiring a DIRECT HIT for it to hurt them.
  • Additionally, it would make barbwire a lot more useful for outdoor use, allowing it to be used to help slow down enemies coming through open areas rather than just spammed in doorways and such.

  • PLEASE NOTE: TNT would still be extremely effective against fortifications, as its a direct blast for its damage, and not so much fragmentation.

    • Additionally, White Phosphorus grenades would become much more useful to clear out entrenched troops without needing to break down the cover first, as long as the grenade lands close enough to a hole.

As I said, DIRECT HITS from large explosives will still break them, so it doesn’t make them invincible, just a lot more durable and useful than what they are now.



The value and effort put into making sandbags and barbed wire do not correspond to increasing the difficulty in destroying them.

Sandbags already shield you from explosions from the other side, but are sacrificed to protect you from the blast.

There’s no sensible reason to make fortifications that merely need 3 seconds each to put up and only 6 score worth when destroyed to literally require someone to either walk up to it and plant TNT or soak a direct hit from whatever.

The reward/effort ratio is too high.

If you want a more durable barricade, put down a tank trap. That’ll be indestructible to anything that doesn’t deform the terrain or outright dismantle it. Mind you, unless it’s an engineer, anyone else that has to dismantle those need 12 seconds to do so, with sandbags requiring 6.


I’d rather see the construction hammer become OP than a fully automatic weapon.
The purpose of fortifications is to cause trouble to attackers, isn’t it?
Fortifications deserve more attention, and sometimes must be achieved in unrealistic ways.


After they successfully attract the attention of every player, we can discuss how to nerf them to the appropriate level.

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Yes, Yes, and YES. Thank you for pointing it out!

  1. Tank traps are for just that, TANKS.

  2. Tank traps to not work for the intended methods. Barbwire is meant to be a hazard and slow down infantry, and sandbag walls are supposed to block damage but also block line-of-sight and reduce the threat, as well as stopping enemies from waltzing right in from that location.

If you need to cut a rope, does it have to be a pair of scissors, or will a knife do?

The game literally already has the tools you’re looking for. You just refuse to see them as useful for anything other than what you think is the correct way to use them.

Why on earth would you purposely block line of sight in an objective? If the cap extends outside a building you walled off, then attackers can simply wait on the other side of a blocked window and send 1 guy with an automatic weapon to clear out the occupants inside piecemeal.

Tank traps give excellent cover to shoot from, are effectively indestructible indoors and if shot directly with a tank cannon, will not only soak the hit, but likely make the HE shell ineffective. Anyone trying to kill someone using tank traps as cover needs more careful aim, as the irregular shape gives you convenient murder holes to shoot from.

There’s also no stopping you from plugging the holes with sandbags. Those can be destroyed, but if the tank trap is still up, the majority of shots won’t come through.

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You and I must be playing entirely different games. Tank traps are terrible to use for this.
Any remotely intelligent tanker knows to shoot below them, and in the past has actually been the reason I do so WELL in a tank.
(The shot skipped from the poor angle, then detonated by hitting the leg of the tank trap.)

Even outside of using a tank, you can usually clip infantry’s sides or feet with ease if they are trying to use it for cover.

  • To funnel enemies
  • To stop very lethal points of attack from things like tanks, flamethrowers, MGs, etc.
  • To create safe areas between areas that you shoot from
  • To create a relatively safe location to grab ammo and reload
  • To create a blind corner for attackers to run face first into a MG nest
  • To limit the effectiveness of enemy grenades
  • Need I go on?


Instantly disqualifies 99.99% of tankers

Reduced damage when hitting limbs instead of the torso. Recoil on automatic guns would naturally force the muzzle to climb and shoot at the parts covered by the tank trap, unless specifically adjusted for.

Put them next to windows, not in the open.

If capture zones like the 1st objective of Ver Sur Mer or any of the beach objectives on Normandy proved anything, it’s that plugging line of sight lets defenders accumulate to contest the cap while reducing the risk of getting shot.

But I’m sure going blind and preventing the people actually on the objective from seeing, or even firing back from windows is not going to be detrimental in the slightest.


and cut down on operable space within the objective, no thanks. Thats like filling the objective with barbwire than complaining you have nowhere to stand.

That’s not how analogies work. Who’s even complaining?

It doesn’t even occupy much space in an objective, let alone in the context of most objectives, there’s literally so much open space to work with.

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That depends on the objective. There are objectives that are small, and rightfully should be, that building the tank traps within windows cuts off a lot of important space.

I feel like you post this same thing every week and spam the same thoughts in other threads. Maybe it’s my imagination.

I hate the idea.

This is not factually correct.

So you feel they should be as strong as tanks? No thanks, I’m fine with how they are now.

I think it would be OK/good to increase durability of sandbags but I’m thinking in a few percentages or 10’s of percentages.

Barbed wire is just fine the way it is. It doesn’t need to be stronger, it doesn’t need more rules on placement and it doesn’t need to be indestructible to soldiers who are not engineers.

See you again tomorrow, I guess.

How often do you see barbwire placed outside of the objective?
How often do you see sandbag walls outside of the objective for anything other than sealing bots in a room or directly protecting a rally point?

I didn’t say that.

  • Tanks can generally survive a direct hit from an HE shell. The sandbags and barbwire would not.
  • Tanks can survive being run into by other vehicles whether it be a tank or a truck, sandbags and barbwire would not.

That’s not part of this suggestion.

No, actually I don’t. I post about it here and there, usually with updated thoughts about it gleaned from previous discussions, and updated to reflect issues that are currently highlighted by the community that I feel this would help to fix, among the other issues.

In no way am I spamming it.

Besides, I’m not the only one that believes it to be an issue. By bringing the subject up now and then, it allows fresh eyes to view it, and hopefully resonate with those that experience the same thing I am.

Barbed wire, not that uncommonly. I also place it here and there outdoors. You said “Inside of buildings” not “inside of objective” but either way, you’re wrong. Not very common might be accurate.

Sandbags outside objective other than for rallies or bot exploits? Common.

Semantics. Buff sandbags by a small amount. Leave wire alone.

But one you’ve been spamming recently and you tend to like to tie things together, latching onto others threads with links to your own in hopes of “pushing something through.”

You see what you see, I see what I see.

If someone posted to buff sandbag strength by some percentage to explosives (depending on the percentage), I’d like it. A cool down between cap points on invasion - probably like it.

But the rest of the repeated posts… uh. well. Not so much.

Really bad vehicle tryhard detected

What a strange unfounded out-of-nowhere accusation.

The vast majority of my kills are with automatic weapons.

I agree that fragments shouldn’t destroy fortifications. Simply because it makes sense.

Explosives in game already have damage split to “blast” and “fragments” so disabling damage from fragments shouldn’t be that hard.

And the only thing that really changes is that you need to aim a bit more (so you hit a structure with blast instead of fragments).


EXACTLY. Thank you.
At least someone is understanding!


I wholeheartedly agree, sandbags really are too susceptible to being destroyed by fragmentation damage alone let it be from artillery strikes, player plane bombing runs, or the most effective construction deletion method: strategic radio bombing runs

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