Bug with Fw 190 D-12

I put ‘‘bug’’ in the title but I don’t even know what it is.
when I play with fw I notice that he doesn’t fly in a fixed way to bomb he kind of pulls to the right side. is this normal for fw or some bug?
you need to offset to the left to compensate. seems to be influenced by the wind.

Has anyone else seen this problem?

I would take the work to record a video but today is Friday.

(Im using this version of the plane)


Do you mean it feels like you are sliding?

Thats your instructor being an ass. Give the rudder a boot to snap him out of it or barrel roll to equalize.


but only one person can fit on the plane
hmm… so that mean the problem is me :joy:

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but the feeling is what you said. Feel like that you are sliding

Yeah, Fw always behaved like this in enlisted. But it was worse back then.


All Fw190 does this, they probably always did anyway. Learning to fly a Fw is much harder than a P-38 but pays off especially with D12 variant which is by far one of the best planes of the game.
Okay bomb load
30mm cannon great at deleting infantry
30mm and 20mm cannons excellent at destroying any plane you see.

Like Adamnpee said, every FW planes are bugged and don’t fly correctly since the release and unfortunately the devs are ignoring the problem.


This is a common problem for all fw 190s, the developers simply gave up on this problem, like many others. I wouldn’t be surprised if this bug isn’t fixed even a year after the release of this major update.

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Strong winds man. Strong winds.


Yes, I know what you’re talking about. That “bug” also happened with the “Stuka” and some others (I don’t remember right now).
And, the truth is that I do not know what it is due to. From time to time it happens to me, not very often like a few months ago but it happens to me.

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As an aircraft enthusiast myself, I can say: They don’t ignore it ofc. Some issues are more complex than you think :wink:

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they were notified mounths ago about it…

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Is there an option to disable the instructor in the game? I have to check if it is there and if it works because it’s annoying.

With half of the planes before I start to maneuver properly, I perform the ritual up, down, left, right, rudder right, rudder left and two mouse circles once to the left and once to the right. So that the plane does not slip.

But I’ve noticed that British planes, I-153s and FW190s tend to pull their noses up when trying to dive.

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