Buff the Thompson submachine gun

A weird gun, but could work.
I did some research on it, but somehow it gets confused with thompson light rifle a lot which is already in game (30cal thompson).

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So, itā€™s a different design. This one was developed by George Hyde, and draws inspiration from a few different weapons. Unlike the .30 cal thompson the M1944 was based off of the M1A1 Thompson but intended to be a full-fledge automatic rifle chambering the .30 Carbine cartridge.

It also had a quick change barrel based off if the MG-42, a bolt based off of the MP-34, a relocated stock and recoil spring for better control, a 30 round detachable magazines, and redesigned sights.

My bad bro. I got confused about them.

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Factually it is quite random. And obviously hardly stands chanse against USSR or sausage smgs and rifles

It seems like they are discussing a weapon that could be the US factionā€™s new assault rifleā€¦
So, I was just remembering this gun I used in Battlefield 1.
Judging from imfdb, this gun does not seem to have appeared in this game yet. It looks like it could be used as an assault rifle by the US faction, what do you think?

Well, I donā€™t think it would be a good idea to give them a BR5 assault rifle that the US hasnā€™t adopted yetā€¦

I feel like it would make more sense to make the M2 carbine an assault-only weapon, as Valkay suggests, and give engineers and riflemen new fully automatic rifles like the FG42 or AVT10 equivalent.
After WW2, the United States brought a large number of M2 carbines to Korea, and they were used as assault rifles. So,It also makes sense to have the M2 carbine as a counter to the StG44 and AS44.

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Arenā€™t the stats for them realistic? Or are they arbitrary for the sake of ā€œbalanceā€

Just hope the sight is not dogshite

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One way to buff the Thompsons is making them more readily available to players. You do that by lowering its BR and decluttering the techtree by removing useless unlocks that are more fitting on a UK tree (like the Sten, Owen and the Lanchester).

In BF 1 it was depicted as the M1907 SF Sweeper and portrayed to have fully auto capacity. The same as BF V, to the best of my knowledge the Winchestor M1907 was never fully automatic it just received that reputation due to circumstances.

The French used them during WW1 and they were one of the first weapons that sported a rate of fire much hire than what could be achieved by the more common bolt action rifles. Thus, they were believed to be of automatic capacity.

Later they were mostly distributed to correctional facilities like prisons where they received the reputation of being chambered in a caliber much to small to pose a threat in warfare, alike many of the other weapons of the time.

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Not that Iā€™m saying it couldnā€™t be categorized as an assault weapon solely because it isnā€™t automatic, but the game would more or less approach it as a rifle.

Recoil and visual recoil needs to be reduced. These things fucking suck as is even with recoil perks


Sights need rework, recoil and accuracy need to be buffed since you canā€™t hit anything at over 10m. I play them mostly with hipfiring (like m2 carbine) since ironsights will make you miss shots most of the time. Japan and Soviets have smgs that have practically zero recoil and good sights so why Americans canā€™t be the same?

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Overpowered at BR2 why would it need a buff?

They are bad but at least ZK-383 has bipod so itā€™s somewhat usable while in prone position (if only bipods on objects would get a bugfix)

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I was asking what is actual BR of those weapons. Completely different context.

All right then my bad.

I think the Thompsonā€™s sights and recoil could be improved a bit.
I feel that it is difficult to use compared to German and Soviet SMGs.
Well, the US military has other options such as using the Lanchester SMG or the M2 carbine instead of the SMG, but the Thompson is a symbolic weapon of the US military, so I would like to make the Thompsonā€™s value a little higher.

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