I mainly grind in America,I love the Thompson submachine gun, one of the iconic weapons of WW2, and always have two Assault Squads in my deck.
However, to be honest, for close combat and assault roles, a rifleman squad with all members equipped with M2 carbines is more useful.
I have 30+ M2 carbines in my arsenal that I exchanged with Silver Order Tickets during the Legacy era, but I haven’t used them until now.
This is because if I wanted to experience the “WW2 atmosphere,” I wanted my unit to use the Thompson and M1 Garand rather than the M2 Carbine, which was hardly used in WW2.
However, after merging, I assembled a 3-rifleman squad, all equipped with M2s, and when I tried using it, it was as strong as a demon.
Even the Assault Squad, which I love, kills more enemies if you remove the Assault Soldier from the team and replace him with a Rifleman with an M2. US Rifleman is fully upwardly compatible with Assault. I think the balance of this game is a little strange.
I would like the performance of the Thompson submachine gun to be improved a little more.
It’s hard to continue using love alone.
The best buff they could get is rework of sights.
BTW, when a rifleman squad wearing winter gear and carrying an M2 carbine ran up a hill amidst shelling,
I’m supposed to be fighting in the Ardennes, but somehow I feel like an American soldier in the Korean War.
It seems like you can easily recreate the Korean War just by combining existing assets.

That’s an issue with assault rifle (yes, the M2 effectively is one) balance in this game. They’re more controllable, do more damage, and are more accurate than an SMG. They’re just better.
Thompsons in general kinda suck, though. They could all (excepting the 50 and 100 round drums) be BR3 and I don’t think anyone would mind. They might cry and b*tch but in the end there isn’t a huge balance destruction with the thompsons being lower.
That’s cuz korea is basically just WW2.5 for the US.
That’s what I initially thought they will be.
Is just hilarious to compare Thompsons with this OP beast.
If Dev wanted to strengthen the Japanese military, he would have no choice but to introduce prototypes and mock-up weapons that are no longer mass-produced. This is a privilege granted only to the Japanese military.
There are a lot of prototype and mock-up guns in the United States too. Perhaps once they start introducing them, this game will turn into a full-fledged fantasy FPS… like a Call of Duty.
This is a bullpup rifle similar to the Steyr AUG planned during WW2.
Yees - let’s…
Jap gun has much better rof and horizontal recoil, faster MV… hits less hard esp at 100m (and who tf cares how a SMG hits past that?)
Or were you comparing it with the lower BR mag tommy guns??
I don’t care if it’s prototype, but the stats are definitely BR5 to say at least.
There’s no way this can be somewhat comparable to other BR4 smgs.
Are you blind??!!
If the Japanese army’s late war equipment was implemented with complete reality, Tier 5 would be this.
Do I at least get a micro transaction system with this so I can have rad new skins for it and charms?
Or should I not give the devs ideas lol.
he is also wearing USMC belt suspenders and strangely enough M1944 camo mosquito helmet net
At least you can just skip playing vs japanese by going for BR 5.
Yeah, but just to face even harder enemy xD
You are likely to face the germans anyway, so at least get the best equipement possible to face them.
You can just desert BR 5 game against germany with BR 4 USA, but is it worth it ? I don’t know how difficult it is to get a game against japanese rather than germans (I never tried BR 4 USA)
I haven’t bothered to play BR4 US as well.
Sir, that’s why they are BR4 guns lmao