Buff the Thompson submachine gun

I am still wondering if Japan have enough weapons to fill up br 5 at all. Or they are going to give a lmg and a assault rifle which could be type hei lmg and that’s it. Every thing else in br 5 will be vehicles.

Wouldn’t be so different from current US BR5. Basically all they have is m1919a6, m2 carbine, m1c garand (complete joke) and 2 Thompsons (which are both obsolete to Japanese BR4 smgs, with exception of dmg per bullet)

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They might give Tokyo arsenal 1927 a br of 5 in the future. But surely Japan is the only nation which will run out of both tech tree and gold order weapons sooner than any other nations.

I am not so sure of it. Since they already did recycle the same weapon and made 2 GO variants and 1 tech tree variant.

Plus I bet there’s lot of weird nearly unknown Japanese blueprint prototypes.

It’s always just the matter of will.

I will lose my will power if I ended up seeing things which never left the drawing board. And indeed enlisted is becoming a fantasy game.

Thompsons perform well for BR4, but the problem is that there is no reason to use BR4 because of all the BR5 players.
But downtiering so many SMG? Not a good idea.
M1A1 was already downtiered anyway.
If we always downtiered something to make it meta, eventually every gear would be either BR1 or BR5 with nothing in between.

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Still no match with stg44 or mp431.

USA can only rely on BARs (or Johnson LMGs) for some real firepower.

Yes, because StG44 and Mp43/1 are BR5 assault rifles. 50 drum thompson can effectively fight against Király39M though.
US faction will get AR for assaulters eventually.


I can’t wait for this one to arrive.

All kidding aside, what are the remaining weapons that aren’t yet in the game that could be used by the U.S. military during WW2 and still be suitable for assault rifles?
I have the impression that most of the weapons have been used up. I feel like we have no choice but to move forward to the Cold War and introduce the M14 and M16.
We might see a BR6 M16-wielding nine-man heliborn squad of riflemen facing off against BR5’s StG44 German Assault+Tigers in Normandy.

I wasn’t talking about American weapons.
Though it would be possible to move M2 carbine to AR section and add M20E2 rifle and let players who own a bunch of M2C choose which to get so no one losses.
But I was actually thinking about Rieder automatic rifle.

A converted Lee-Enfield with 30 rounds mag.
This is the closest thing western allies have to an AR after M2 carbine.


This was the first time I knew such a gun existed. It looks a bit like the Charlton automatic rifle.
It’s cool, but Enlisted is becoming more and more of a fictional war!

I don’t think it has enough dpm aswell. Dozens of white markers just like with m2 like wtf

Fictional would be creating the conflict, the weapons, the vehicles, but all of them did exist in WW2, at least in prototype form so its more like alternative scenario war.

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It depends. Thompson has good dmg per bullet. So in theory it should be good enough.

Good in CQC, 600+ rpm with high 8.2 damage.
Even M1A1 Thompson has less recoil than Király. But AlLiEs SuFfEr I guess.


The allies suffer because they don’t work together enough and if they did things would be different

That’s the only useable one really
M1 has dumbass recoil making it semi auto only outside of cqc
The bolt carrier sight ones are just kinda shit
50 round drum has terrible horizontal swirl
Premo 100 round one is good
BSA Tommy is good

All have varying degrees of poopy sights other than like the BSA

Agree with that, sights are bad on thompsons, design itself flawed but the way its in the game is absolutely bummer.
Király has slightly faster reload and bigger mag. BUMM BR5. Like come on, can people not ask for downtiering a weapon for 10 seconds?

Sometimes its justified, we all agree that Japanese semi-auto rifles are overtiered, but I don’t think that anyone who asks for BR2 Mp38, downtier all thonpsons or BR4 ppsh41 considered or thought about the possible consequences.

Downtier gun A that I like so it becomes meta, doesn’t matter that gun B and C becomes completely obsolete.

A better approach is to buff and nerf over- and underperforming guns so everything has a place in the game and isn’t just a XP drain/placeholder.


Full stop the only Thompsons that should be above BR III are the drum ones
But putting like a half dozen similar SMGs in one BR would be dumb as shit so as is is fine
They need fixing rather than downtiering since that would just bloat BRIII to fuck

Current meta BR2 smg for Germany isn’t even german. MP38 should be BR2.