Buff the AB41 and the Semovente

The AB41 has a few problems,8 round cannon,20 round MG,both overheat too fast and reload often and slowly at that,leaving you vulnerable quite frequently.my solution is to reduce the time to overheat on both the cannon and MG significantly and give the MG a faster reload,you are putting in a box magazine,not an entire belt or pan magazine.

The semovente has one real problem to be adressed,and that is the lack of an HE shell.there is even an HE shell in WT (quite ironic since HE is useless 9/10 there),and not in enlisted,the game with infantry.

Doing this would be a relatively minor thing in terms of balance,but would be a nice QoL thing for using Italian tanks instead of german ones.


I made a post about the Italian Coax MGs slow reload time. A community Helper fowarded it but its unknown if this will be fixed.


The devs don’t care. I’ve suggested buffing Italian reload times multiple times now, they don’t care.


I mean… the AP deals semi decent damage against infantry - and considering it is a BR1 vehicle… i for once dare to say that it isn’t all that useless, at least not as bad as most other SPGs…

At least the AP has HE filler, if u direct hit the shell with an infantry it will explode and deals many damage

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i have mixed feelings on giving semo HE. i would enjoy it more, but it would be moved to BR2 i think, leaving a gap.
concerning overheat, it shouldn’t happen this often for autocannon tanks like the AB41, fully agree.
good to see the MG reload might be diminished.