【buff Allies please】 allies suffers and there's only bot teammated

yeaaah and give germans Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus. Same two prototypes energy xd.
Its is not warthunder lets keep at least some historical accuracy in campaigns.

That’s…the current Soviet event. Yes

well the sov event will make the things harder but if DF didin´t buffed the thomy for sovs all will keep as the same ( federov and as 44 spam)

Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if it had busted stats

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I hope that this is not going to be like that…

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The only thing I regret as ally is that this thing is behind paywall

Best ally plane of the war is behind a pay wall hope they add Tempest Mk II or make this one free … whoever made this choice have committed crime against humanity.

And the best buff for the allies will be to give them also new premium soldier :

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There is reasonable stuff in here, but overall it’s just a rant and OP asked for too many things at once which made the topic controversial.

All In going to add that I find it odd that he didn’t even mention adding an AR to US, just bunch of proto trash to easily counter Axis tanks. Sounds like skill issue to me.


Just give the US panzerfausts, the US and Soviets both used captured ones so it’s only fair :grin:

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Frankly I do believe Allies are the weakest faction. BR III is alright but below that Allied weapons SUCK and above that they arent exactly great either. (eg the M1941 Johnson isnt a ‘bad’ gun but there isnt really anything justifying its presence at BR IV rather than III)

I dont concern myself with tanks or planes because not everyone uses them and ultimately this is an FPS game. Who cares if youve got the ‘best’ planes when only like 1 guy in your team is using that and probably not very effectively. What matters is standard infantry weapons.

The Germans and Japanese have whole teams of just SMGs. Ive played battles where I genuinely couldnt find any enemy rifles or see enemy riflemen because everyone just spammed SMGs with the occasional LMG so we got smashed.

How to fix this? I dont know. I do believe more variety in weapons should be addressed. The other tech trees get various different types and styles whereas Allies choice is top mounted mag for lower BR, BAR for higher BR, thats it.

Likewise over half of the tech tree is literally just Thompsons. Now I really like my M1928A1 Thompson, but the Thompsons are all the same gun where other trees get better guns over time.

But yeah I am sick of people reading valid posts like this and their response is “But, Yanks got rockets! Stop complaining!” like I said, who cares? The vast majority of people never get to use those rockets.

It would be like arguing that Germany doesnt deserve a different APC because it has a premium rocket firing halftrack. The latter is irrelevant.

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Might be a hot take but I think the BAR sucks compared to what the Axis gets. It’s bad as an LMG, being beaten by the Type 96 and MG34 and such, and also bad as an automatic rifle and beaten by the KE7 in that regard.

No I 100% agree and get hated on for that.

Note there is a difference between the M1918 BAR the BARA1 and BARA2.

Im currently using the BARA2 and its great, I really like it.

But the M1918 BAR (the first one) SUCKS and there is ZERO reason it belongs at BR III. At BR II it would be more appropriate and also give players an option other than Bren guns (plus an American weapon if they want country-appropriate squads)

Even the BARA2 though which you may be referring to, it is a lot less good of a weapon compared to the MG34, KE7 and such like. Its only got 20 rounds and of course is an automatic rifle, not a proper LMG.
The MG34 was one of the best LMGs of WWII. And rank IV is MG42 probably THE best LMG of WWII.

Whereas Allies have to wait all the way until BR V before getting even a proper LMG in the M1919.

Personally I dont understand why we cant get the M1919 earlier. For one thing Im sure theres an earlier model M1919 they could have for lower ranks.

That, or maybe a deployable Vickers gun? (not to be confused with Vickers-Berthier). The WW1 vintage Vickers is technically a HMG however it is not a HMG in terms of projectile (compared to the .50 cal Browning or DsHK etc.). The Vickers was used by British, Commonwealth and other armies a LOT.

Id suggest have the Vickers and youve just got to stop moving to shoot it. So youd run along, mount the gun, ratatatatata.

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Yes see this would be good.

But its not what I was referring to.

I mean the WW1 era Vickers gun with the round barrel (similar to M1917 and Maxim gun).

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I was meaning that event squad in game already with a vickers

I would just go with Lewis at BR 3 myself. Soviets already have it at BR 3 on a premium squad…should be tech tree for commonwealth



Ah yes I forgot about the Lewis. Yep should absolutely be Allied tech tree. I dont understand why its not happening. It would still be available to Soviets and DF still makes money, it makes sense as a Lend Lease being premium for Soviets.
The same as like a captured Churchill tank in German tech tree in War Thunder is premium, whereas Churchill tank is regular tech tree for UK.
BR III would be alright, move the M1918 BAR to rank II so wed have at least one British and one American option for each BR.

The only other complaint is apparently the Soviet Lewis uses a different calibre to .303 like the British. Personally I dont know why they cant just use the same model and change the stats. Apparently the .303 version would be smaller but I highly doubt anyone would know the difference.

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1.Tomp sucks for it’s horizontal recoil+sight :clown_face: ,

2.I suggest 5. because 17pound has no APHE, 76mm M5 has, and the need of (AT) 75mm HE for USA/Japan

3.I suggest 2. because 90mmE1 's APCBC pen similar to long88, seems balance

T74 itself is welcome, but the problem is the rocket.
T80E2 only have 200mm pen upper (280mm pen)
280mm pen is not BR4 (looks like BR5)
and the most important problem is developed 1948 (used korea war and after)
So we never get that until Add Korea War Campaign
but luckily we have another option
M9A1 with T59 Rocket (210mm ~ 250mm pen)

When the shooting speed of MG is lower than 800, the official will consider giving Germany a machine gun with 100 rounds of ammunition.

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probaly a ww1 machine gun

but hey at least if the fire rate is slow we can be shooting for more time so yep is a" W" if DF adds a machine like this one ( with 100 or more bullets obviously) : )

60mm T59 Rocket seem’s more balanced option than 280mm’s , but I not sure the 60mm heat works fine. If u play PT-76 :clown_face: in WT before…you’ll see how it is.