【buff Allies please】 allies suffers and there's only bot teammated

Allies suffers and there’s only bot teammated

1.【M61 APCBC】
Already 3yrs passed, where’s 75mm M61 APCBC? Using M72 :poop: AP= :clown_face: Each shot of M72 :poop: AP I heard :clown_face: honk once. I’m sure M61 APCBC is balance, It similar to (BR3)t-34/76 F-34’s pen, add it plz

Unfunny fact: Panzer>M26 :clown_face:
1.Upgrade M26 to M26E1 (with 90mm T41 APCBC)
2. add T26E1 or T28

3.【 M20 Bazooka】
Please add the M20 Bazooka(Prototype) , 30mm heat rocket’s heat is :poop:

4.【move M1 garand+ nade to BR3】
other faction’s rifle+AT nade all in BR3,but Allies’s in BR4, because it shot from M1 garand? move it to BR3 please

5.57mm AT gun is :poop: (Japan’s 47mm AT gun is :poop: too),replace 57mm AT gun :poop: with 76mm M5 AT Gun please, (and replace Japan’s 47mm AT gun :poop: with 75mm type90)
M5 AT Gun


Only agree with

And then…

You got The Best planes with 10
Liberty rockets+ 500lb democracy (the Best one)

A experimental weapon called T20 ( what kind of cursed garand is this?)

decent submachine guns (which in some way are better than the japanese ones and Even some germans) and by far i hate the 50 and 100 drum mag ones…

As the soviet AA your AA gun hits harder like a 105 sherm Shell.

Ah well… Don’t forget about Machine guns which the BAR and Browning 1919 are by far the Best in the whole game (and this without considering the stinger)

Man… Your faction as the rest have a disaventage.

GE: Machine guns ( stills waiting the 100rounds one .-.) and the fact that our planes are made just for one thing (bombing or dogfigths)

URRS: SF rifles, high tier tanks,

Japan: by far have disaventages in tanks, bombs loadouts, and submachine guns

But yes… They players specially in low tier sucks


i agree with:
-APCBC for 75mm
-M20 bazooka

T26E1 is on the way

i disagree with m1garand+GL at BR3
the rest i don’t mind one way or the other

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lmao what? HO-i Chi-ha Ho-Ri is a bad tanks mabe?

lmao man git gud tompsons are crap. no one use them on clan wars

k-4 and IAR is a joke for you ?

US need fine AT weaponary and Japs too

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The armor :smiling_face_with_tear: (exceptly hori) ,besides that amazing tanks : )

Agree but if You look into US You got a plane that can do the same by each tier

Well probably the only exception is the paratroopers 100 round mag which is very annoying but the rest of thompons i totally agree

The emojis make it extra convincing


while I agree the US has good stuff, the type 96 and KE7 are much better than the BAR, and ten Tokyo Arsenal SMG is much better than the Thompson.

  • Super Pershing ( announced aaaaages ago)

  • High BR AT guns hinted at (my guess is 17 pounder)

  • I dont have a problem with Garand Grenade launcher being at BR 3. It is waaay better than other faction options, BUT you can only use it in one mode at a time so :man_shrugging:

  • M20 prototype…I hate prototypes in tech tree…but they are already there :man_shrugging:

  • t28 oof…that would be a horrid experience, so slow getting caught on everthing (also I dont think anything ingame can penetrate it from the front?

  • SMGs: Soviet event squad stole it


Dude, I’m an allied main and you’re making me cringe

For one, it’s the T26E1-1
For two, it’s actually not the T26E1-1 as the Super Pershing actually used the turret of the T26E1-1 prototype, and the marking was still on the turret. In reality it’s the T26E4

And there are infinitely better ways to work all of this really. Anyways, join the line. We’ve been asking for parity like having our basic ABCBC shell just as the Germans and Russians do since the beginning, and the M20 has been asked for a while as well.

A full auto conversion that takes BAR mags

You mean that thing that only the preemie paratrooper squad and Russia’s brand dang new event squad get?

Ya darn right

American, and apparently Soviet too as of late, teammates really do just suck

Please no. I’d much rather have a 3”, thanks

Problem with it being at IV is that the “AT” part of the M1 w/AT nade launcher is completely wrong. It can bully Puma’s and sometimes III’s at best. Anything heavier and it’s just…no

What else is new? Winchester, M3, M4, free 100 round Thompson with the good design…

17 pounder is already in the editor and it is functional. Moreover they need it to counter the tiger 2 H.

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That is post war variant.

Tbh the 75mm type90 is bad too since it has similar penetration as the 57mm at gun.

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Are you serious?
I admit tomp 100 drum got their “premium buff”, but 50 drum is a joke even in US TT, if you compare to other faction is just a trash.

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The issue with the tommy is less that it’s bad and more than the m2 carbine does its job but better.

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a event??? man i cannot have a single br 5 game without finding any paratropper spam specially the thompon squad

(at least i can make them suffer by chassing them meanwhile they are in the parachute) : )

well… nothing to say now i think that us have the worst smg´s…

yeaaah and give germans Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus. Same two prototypes energy xd.
Its is not warthunder lets keep at least some historical accuracy in campaigns.

That’s…the current Soviet event. Yes