BR3 being upped to BR5

Gonna be honest, pretty sick of being paired with BR5 players when there’s absolutely no way to counter T20s, T20E1s, HVAR rockets, m2 carbines, and an m2 stingers at BR3. The American bias is crazy.


Use all BR2 weapons and your assured of only facing BR3 weapons.


Except Japan.


japan fate. its just unplayable on br higher than 2.


as opposed to all other br3 players up br’ed to b5 which are fun

I have only ever played 11 games with the Japanese, and these were all level 1 games so I really don’t know how bad the leveling is with them. In 11 games about 6 months ago at level 1 I was 45% w/l. This was the basic Jap level 1 beginner squads.

If you queue as BR2 or higher as Japan, you will auto queue for BR2-5 matches, so you did everything right.

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That’s not true - if you are BR2 you can only ever face BR3 max if things are working as they should - if you see BR4 or 5 it is a bug and you should report it.

Yeah I now think it was a bug, because I tried it again several times and it didnt happen anymore.

some of My hyphothesis about that wierd change idk why is hapenning with all nations, specialy with axis and Japan

1-Gaijined: the most normal one just be stronger we have to resist against the snail

2-Tecnicall problems: as You probably know or not the new Match making is experimental errors often happen sadly

3-bug abuse: lately My games are fullied with chinese users all we’re very suspicious i think that they are cheating or something to get with low br mates and br5 enemies

2-3 months ago people were complaining about type hei AR and how americans have nothing to counter that. so research BR5 and you have counter (which is even stronger than t20 in most scenarios)

you have engineer that can build AA and japan has best fighters ingame. either works for countering HVAR rockets

same could be said for BR1 players that face BR3 equipment. if you are not ready for BR5 MM then play BR2 in peace.

The fact that Americans and Japanese still have BR 3-5 brackets instead of BR 3-4 is absolutely ridiculous.

Choose a Japanese BR3 line up and instantly get sent to fake land of T20s and Ho Ris.

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nah not really. I play all factions and the thing is, Japanese are the most asymetrical of all. They have both the weakest and the strongest of all. Swords, but shitty tanks. On BR III a genius SMG, but bad semi-auto’s. On BR-V best LMG and select fire rifle in the game, but no anti-tank and no semi-auto sniper and bad SMG (at least for the pacific maps) etc.

So its overal just very lobsided. But if you play to their strengths I actually thing Japs are stronger than any other faction.

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Iirc the Type 100 is bugged and the M1919 is still better.
But yeah, Type Hei is better I think.

Huh? really?I personaly have not noticed.

So lets refrase it to ‘best LMG when not bugging out’

Dispersion and recoil is worse.

Well just use it as a semi-auto and you will kill all instantly at all distances. Spray and prey up close. Its the recipe for succes.

Why should I use a MG like a semi-auto if I can also straight use a semi-auto?

because a semi-auto does not instantly destroy distant targets like the Type 100.

also because a semi-auto does not preform anywere near the Type 100 on shorter distance.

The MG also misses way more and the second bullet of the Type 100 is bugged so also hits far worse than average MG anyways.